posted on Jul, 11 2003 @ 07:45 PM
Iv drowned and come back to life, didnt breath for close to 2 min. Mind went blank. All I remember were waves hitting my back, then i was swept in.
My dad resuscitated me, I was 11, on a beach in Virginia. My lungs hurt from all the fluid that went in. As well as my ears and throat. I was coughing
sand for 3 days. They had me on a drip in some small hospital near bush gardens.
anyway, death is nothing to fear. you feel that way because your young. when you ask an old person if he/she is scared of dying...most of them would
look at you all crazy. the body gets so tired that the mind cant wait to expire...i personally think.
my greatest fear would be having another spinal tap and being paralized.