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Kids are ending up in intensive care for COVID-related syndrome

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posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 08:54 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Except Ecuador

Ecuador is on the road to being THE single hardest-hit country in the world, being that they will likely have the highest death rate.

I think Ecuador, and especially the city of Guayaquil, can be said to be what everyone was afraid of. Bodies in cardboard coffins (they ran out of body bags, in that heat, and can't get a source for more), piled around the entrance to major hospitals, and in some cases blocking the streets. They've gone to just putting their dying in wheelchairs, so once they die a single orderly can move the body out of the building. The unidentified bodies are put in the cardboard coffins so that families can search through them and try to identify their dead....

That is the scenario the leaders of every country were trying to avoid. You couldn't predict Ecuador would have this; or that the US would not.
edit on 28-4-2020 by Graysen because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 09:24 AM
Where is the pearl-clutching for the record number of children flu deaths this season?

Even CNN was reporting back in February before covid19 hysteria and propaganda took over everything.

A record-breaking 105 US children have died from flu so far this season

edit on 28-4-2020 by Deny Arrogance because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 10:45 AM
Shocking, another NEW FACT to be afraid of, and to question would make one subhuman.
Do NOT question!!! Obey.

a reply to: neoholographic

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 10:52 AM
What did we do before COV-19 with all bodies? The number of bodies is only a blip compared to normal deaths, what’s causing such alarming inability to deal with the bodies now? Is it simply the density of the outbreak? No one would possibly use hyperbole to further stoke fear and cement validity in the minds of those most fearful, could they?

a reply to: Graysen

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: Rob808

Most hospitals in the US have a morgue that holds less than 15 bodies. Many big hospitals only hold 6 - 8.

They are used to having funeral homes pick up the bodies 24/7. Most of the smaller ones won't touch a body that died of something contagious.

there have been 2 days so far in April where Covid19 was probably the leading cause of death in the US, with 1700+ deaths per day, and so beating out the projections for heart disease and cancer, which both run around 1650 dpd.

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: Graysen
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Except Ecuador

Ecuador is on the road to being THE single hardest-hit country in the world, being that they will likely have the highest death rate.

I think Ecuador, and especially the city of Guayaquil, can be said to be what everyone was afraid of. Bodies in cardboard coffins (they ran out of body bags, in that heat, and can't get a source for more), piled around the entrance to major hospitals, and in some cases blocking the streets. They've gone to just putting their dying in wheelchairs, so once they die a single orderly can move the body out of the building. The unidentified bodies are put in the cardboard coffins so that families can search through them and try to identify their dead....

That is the scenario the leaders of every country were trying to avoid. You couldn't predict Ecuador would have this; or that the US would not.

Good god

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 06:27 PM

originally posted by: VeeTNA
a reply to: Jonjonj

So, we're back to the blood-type theme? I liked that one. I'm O+

According to that theory, the virus strips iron in the blood of ions, which apparently diminishes the blood's ability to transport oxygen, so unless O+ has no iron or iron ions, not too sure about that.

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: Graysen
except many of those folks did die from cardiac arrest or cancer and were counted as covid anyways if infected. They added a propaganda operation as a cause of death, so now everyone who dies now is dead from this Covert Op Viral Intel Deception.

You really believe Belgium is hiring 2,000 corona detectives to find infected people?? Naw man, that sounds like straight up man-hunting for specific targets, and they need to sell it as something more discreet.

I believe the Bank for International Settlements is in Belgium. Any black bag disappearance, any questionable accident even as long as they are infected can be blamed on COVID.

Just like any kind of bombing/explosion, assassination, targeted strike could be blamed on ISIS or the fight on ISIS from 2014-2018. Even if it were actually the special forces of competing nations fighting each other with proxy militias. Such is the age of deception in a time of global war.

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 12:03 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

I hear what you are saying, and I get it that you're not going to believe anything some fake-name inputs onto the internet.

I'm on conversational terms with one of the agents of the county coroner where I live. He knows I keep my own charts of this whole thing. Because the second the chart started to look scary, the state Health dept. took all the visuals off their website. They still report the numbers county by county for the state, they just don't plot a daily graph of the previous 24 hours' action.

I show him my graphs about every 10 days. He says the state is accurate with the report for our county. I don't know what they heck they do in New York; but here, all covid19 'cause of deaths' come from the hospital where they died or transported. The doctor who was on, calls it. I've written before about how doctors hate to put down COD on the cert because that is something they can lose their career over if it ever comes up questionable.

The doctors declaration of death and COD is time-stamped similar to a notarized process. It isn't possible to go back later and alter the cause of death like it apparently is in New York.

Deputy ME told me that my graphs were low. I asked why he said that. His answer was in this state, it still takes days to get a test result back, and when a patient dies before their covid results are matched up, the test results are dropped. The death cert is not amended. The test result goes in the patient file, but since its deceased it goes into the county archive and no one ever looks at it again.

He told me back at the beginning of March (before any serious talk of shutdown) that they got issued a test kit. They did a test on a 'no-next-of-kin' body in their morgue, who had died in a car wreck in very early January. Before the Rona was even sposed to be here in America's middle. And the dead body came back positive. And I was like So. And he was like, this stuff was here in the middle of America way back before New Years 2020. A lot of people have it. have had it. I asked if the body got written up as the state's first case. He said no. the state & CDC didn't demand an accounting of where that positive result was collected.

[Edit to add, it seems like the positive got recorded into the state's 'number of cases' log in early march, but the death never was. so that person was listed as one with a case of the covid so mild they "didn't need to be hospitalized." And never got recorded as a fatality with covid.]

Deputy CME said, and hospital personnel corroborated this, that positives on dead people get "lost." The don't call the next of kin, who brought the guy into the hospital, nothing.

If I was paid to track down the spread, I'd start with the families of deceased who were presumed covid. It sounds like no one in this state is even looking. I wonder how many of THEM show up at the hospital 21 days later...

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

It's really special when people pretending to care about the victims decide to hate on the victims for not victiming right.

I work in "essential retail" - we are busier than ever with 'bored' shoppers, many of whom don't practice distancing or hygiene suggestions, bring their entire families, and buy snacks.

Who are the "victims" again? I've lost track.

I show up for every shift and keep my cool as much as possible.

edit on 29-4-2020 by VeeTNA because: spelling matters

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: VeeTNA

The "victim" is the one that decide to perceive itself, or others as such. You can see anybody in regards to any situation as a victim, yet this person may or may not see himself as one. The concept of victim is only valid within the realm of opinion.

It is a 100% subjective compound, for it is an aggregation of emotions, experiences and subconscious/conscious choices in relation to certain situations. You can fully discard it (it doesn't exist), partially accept it (certain situations "generate" victims, or it exists in the mental realm) or fully accept it (everyone is a victim).

So, I'm asking you, in your anecdote, who is/are the victim(s)? My answer : Nobody except those that decide to see themselves as such, because their is no sufficient reasons for me to convince them of otherwise.

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: IgnorantGod

So, I'm asking you, in your anecdote, who is/are the victim(s)? My answer : Nobody except those that decide to see themselves as such, because their is no sufficient reasons for me to convince them of otherwise.

okay then.

I choose to not be a victim. I go to work as scheduled. I put up with the behavior of the general public and try to do so with a mannerly, civil style.

But we are "heroes" now - not just "essential" but amazing????
Are we??

I don't have to go to this job, it is supplemental income for me. But for many, it is their only means of support.
My team shows up, we bust our backs and ignore our own frazzled nerves. Not one of us earns $15/hour.

I'm not the bad guy here.

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: VeeTNA

I choose to not be a victim.

Then that's all that there is to it.

But we are "heroes" now - not just "essential" but amazing????
Are we??

Again, it depends on subjective opinions and choices. For the matter, I don't see any hero, I see people doing actions which correlate with concepts such as responsabilities, honor, needs, purposes and an infinity of possibilities in regards to intents and beliefs.

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 12:05 PM
Rash on the kids feet!
Its Cov19/eczema!

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 12:15 PM

A very high fever is also one of the main symptoms of Kawasaki disease.

Gotta love this right here. A very high fever is also one of the main symptoms of quite literally everything that gives you a high fever -- yet they chose Kawasaki disease to compare it to. Corona Virus gives you a very high fever; why are they trying to associate it with Kawasaki.

Doctors in England are warning about new symptoms related to the coronavirus pandemic, or potentially a new virus, that is sending children into intensive care.

Doctors in England are currently making stuff up. They attribute this article to Covid-19, but in the above quote, they say the new symptoms can be related to the coronavirus pandemic, or it could potentially be a totally new virus doing this too.

In other words, there is no truth at all in this article.
edit on 29-4-2020 by SRPrime because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2020 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: SRPrime

What? You said:

Doctors in England are currently making stuff up. They attribute this article to Covid-19, but in the above quote, they say the new symptoms can be related to the coronavirus pandemic, or it could potentially be a totally new virus doing this too.

In other words, there is no truth at all in this article.

In other words, they're just being more observant. What's wrong with that?

There's this pattern now where any news that points out any potential problems is met with blind, ignorant disbelief. It's irrational and annoying.

People have cause to be alarmed especially those who lost family memebers to this virus. Over 60,000 Americans are dead. Over 220,000 people have died throughout the world and over 3 million have been infected. You have people killing themselves because they're seeing so much death.

So thank God, the worst case projections haven't occurred but to act like everything is all rosy and any news that might point out anything negative is fearmongering and it's all nothing is just asinine.

Why can't people exhibit a little common sense these days?

Everything has to be black or white.

Either the sky is falling and it's over the top reaction to the virus or it's everything is fine, this is nothing and the slightest news that points to a potential problem is nothing.

Both sides are just ignorant.

edit on 29-4-2020 by neoholographic because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2020 @ 09:32 AM
how accurate are the tests......are any of the kids that tested negative was the result a false negative??? did not see mentioned in the article children have red rashes and little tiny raised spots on their tongues,,,,,,good post neoholografic.....we SHOULD have common sense and not go to either extreme

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: LSU2018
a reply to: neoholographic

Question... People are still out shopping, having parties, gathering in places with more than 10 people, handling money that went through hundreds of hands in the same few days, touching items at the store that haven't been disinfected, etc.. What makes you think the virus isn't spreading just like it would in normal America? I work with 8 people who were sent home with the virus, 3 had underlying health conditions, and all survived with minimal side effects.

Good for you!!

Other members here have had friends/family die

Not at anything close to equal rate, even the article says some children that have tested positive and even some who have tested negative it which means it's likely not even CoVid related, not to mention how many kids have this. Why is it automatically tied to CoVid.

I can't say, I would agree that #s are being fudged by both sides.

How are the numbers fudged on both sides? on the it's a faux pandemic side all you can go by is low number of deaths. The number of actual cases is likely in the millions here in the US. The fudging is by the lock it up for federal bucks crowd, where every respiratory case is now CoVid. Just like this bogus article that says in the first paragraph/ Children with CoVid and even those testing negative for CoVid have this COVID syndrome. How is it a CoVid syndrome when kids without Covid have it?

edit on 30-4-2020 by research100 because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-4-2020 by research100 because: spelling

posted on Apr, 30 2020 @ 09:47 AM

originally posted by: neoholographic
a reply to: SRPrime

What? You said:

Doctors in England are currently making stuff up. They attribute this article to Covid-19, but in the above quote, they say the new symptoms can be related to the coronavirus pandemic, or it could potentially be a totally new virus doing this too.

In other words, there is no truth at all in this article.

In other words, they're just being more observant. What's wrong with that?

There's this pattern now where any news that points out any potential problems is met with blind, ignorant disbelief. It's irrational and annoying.

People have cause to be alarmed especially those who lost family memebers to this virus. Over 60,000 Americans are dead. Over 220,000 people have died throughout the world and over 3 million have been infected. You have people killing themselves because they're seeing so much death.

So thank God, the worst case projections haven't occurred but to act like everything is all rosy and any news that might point out anything negative is fearmongering and it's all nothing is just asinine.

Why can't people exhibit a little common sense these days?

Everything has to be black or white.

Either the sky is falling and it's over the top reaction to the virus or it's everything is fine, this is nothing and the slightest news that points to a potential problem is nothing.

Both sides are just ignorant.

People are only alarmed because the government was completely unprepared for a problem we should have been addressing over the last decade. They are also alarmed because instead of making fragile citizens stay home while healthy public service workers keep the economy running our leaders just decided to shut the whole country down while they try and catch up. And they are most importantly alarmed because the media wants to report numbers without doing ALL of their homework first because we don't have the equipment to collect accurate numbers on infections and mortality rates. Not because it's such a dangerous and potentially apocalyptic bioweapon.

posted on Apr, 30 2020 @ 10:01 AM
link Up to 100 bodies were discovered packed into two unrefrigerated U-Haul trucks outside of Andrew T. Cleckley Funeral Home in Brooklyn new york......those who keep posting the flu kills more people....well THIS spread much faster so more people sick at the same time...... no matter how bad a flu year we never had THIS happen

a reply to: TzarChasm

posted on May, 13 2020 @ 01:50 PM

originally posted by: VeeTNA

Who are the "victims" again? I've lost track.

In the context of the quoted conversation, the "victims" are those who have developed complications and/or died from Coronavirus.

I show up for every shift and keep my cool as much as possible.

That's a pretty good policy for everyone for every day. But I imagine it's extra trying these days...

And my apologies for not replying sooner. I wasn't notified of your comment, and just happened upon it while catching up with the thread.

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