posted on Mar, 13 2005 @ 06:13 AM
caliber: 30 mm
lengh: 3,2 m
first shot: 22.2.1994
projectile mass: 100 g
max. reached speed: ~ 2500 meters/second (9000 km/h; 5593 mph)
current: 1,8 mega Ampere
energy: 2,15 mega Joule
the german armed forces let this weapon develop, as higher speeds are needed to pierce reactive armour
does anybody have other pictures of electromagnetical rail accelerators?
(this one didnt go into service because of the energy problems, if you use it mobile on land, by now it would just be possible to put this weapon
onto ships, big planes or fortresses, and not on land vehicles)
[edit on 13-3-2005 by Wodan]