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28 Days Later, Have you Changed Your Mind About the Covid-19 Outbreak?

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posted on Apr, 27 2020 @ 10:36 AM

originally posted by: pexx421
Ok, so. For Americans being stupid round 1 we had idiots buying up tp. There was quickly no tp for others. People starting flushing other paper products, systems got backed up, and sewers in some areas had bad results.

For Americans being stupid round 2, (people won’t be wearing masks, they already don’t) after shelter in place is ended, we will have Americans using up all the healthcare. There will be none left for anyone else, with all the problems that go along with that.

Now, from a healthcare workers perspective. While you poor crying snowflakes are crying because “oh noes! You have to stay home!!”, we are working our asses off in the hospitals. We are already suffering burnout. Between us being exhausted, and getting sick, both reducing the caretakers you have available, soon there will be more and more covid patients, with less and less staff, that are working sub par due to exhaustion and confusion. Good luck with that folks.

From a heath care worker's prospective I am curious to know when you believe it will be time to start planning for reopening the county (which ever one you are in) and the world?

How long after reopening will masks and other preventive measures no longer be needed?

What are the metrics governments should be using to know they are being effective and efficient when dealing with this pandemic?

How do you factor in the economic impact to the above?

posted on Apr, 27 2020 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: DanDanDat

I'm not a healthcare worker but my SO is a primary care nurse that just left the ED after 25 years less than 12 months ago. Most of our friends are ED docs and nurses.

I don't know any that are "factoring in" the economic impact because they are overworked, stressed, and burnt out. All of them want large scale antibody studies/testing before opening back up, however.

posted on Apr, 27 2020 @ 02:43 PM

originally posted by: 0zzymand0s
a reply to: DanDanDat

I'm not a healthcare worker but my SO is a primary care nurse that just left the ED after 25 years less than 12 months ago. Most of our friends are ED docs and nurses.

I don't know any that are "factoring in" the economic impact because they are overworked, stressed, and burnt out. All of them want large scale antibody studies/testing before opening back up, however.

Thanks for the response;

But what I am hearing from your response is that heath care worker's are not equipped to be making the determination as to when it is best to dial back on the current social distancing measures.

They are overworked at this time and not able and/or capable of addressing other factors out side of immediate health care needs of their patients.

That's certainly understandable, and its commendable that these people continue to work under the conditions they have; we all owe them a debt of gratitude.

But the decision in how society should conduct itself should reside with people who are not currently working the front lines and are able to fact in more angles than just the medical needs of those who are sick.

In fact I think that has been one of the major mistakes being made by governments around the world. The over reliance on medical staff to carry the weight of more than just what they are skilled in doing. Our elected leaders; as a means to skirt their own responsibilities; have been to quick to turn to the input of medical staff on issues they are not skilled to address. It absolved our leaders because "thats what the experts told me" and puts more pressure on medical staff than they need right now.
edit on 27-4-2020 by DanDanDat because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-4-2020 by DanDanDat because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2020 @ 03:34 PM

originally posted by: Trueman
a reply to: anzha

I just wish we were 4-6 months ahead. Heading to the hills in the post-apocalypse scene. I can't take this "limbo" anymore.

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