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28 Days Later, Have you Changed Your Mind About the Covid-19 Outbreak?

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posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: anzha

I just wish we were 4-6 months ahead. Heading to the hills in the post-apocalypse scene. I can't take this "limbo" anymore.

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 02:12 PM
a reply to: anzha

Maybe the time to ask, "What changed your mind?" is when governments start saying, "You can go back to work now."

When celebrities start saying, "Get back out there and see people. Go watch our movies, go to concerts, come to our live shows."

When companies run ads, "We're open again! Come buy our stuff!"

When the MSM changes to the new doom porn scenario. "Iran will have nuclear weapons any day now. We must attack! We need to ban guns because ordinary people shouldn't have them. We need open borders. We should tear down old statues. Or whatever the cause du joir."

If the government announces, "We're going to open up everything on May 25" we should ask "What changes between May 24 and May 25?"

If this virus is as we are told, it's not going to disappear from the face of the Earth. At least not in our lifetimes. So everyone preaching self quarantine, stay at home, avoid people, etc. should never have any reason to change their minds, right? Restaurants, bars, and movie theaters should stay shuttered forever. Commercial jets should rust on the runway. Cruise ships should be mothballed. Sporting events should be a thing of the past, never to return. Colleges and universities can close their campuses.

If things start opening up, we should ask what changed?

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 02:31 PM
Here's a little snippet for you. An Ohio man who said the virus was bull#### and advocated freedom of movement and went about as if nothing would happen, has died of Covid19 on April 15.
A Mr John McDaniel tweeted on Facebook that the virus was a scam and he wasn't going to isolate himself. Read into that what you will.

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 03:01 PM
Here is an important covid-19 graphic to consider as states begin hammering Washington for money.

It's best not to financially reward certain States for their past mismanagement, and over reaction to the virus.
edit on 4/26/2020 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 03:47 PM
I still believe it's dangerous to some people.
I still believe it's highly contagious.
I still believe in some form of mitigation.

I now think mitigation worked and we should get back to work.

I now think this whole event was either intentional or ushered along.

We knew people/politicians would take advantage of the crisis. Now we know who the authoritarians are. The question is what do we do this November?

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: anzha

I didn’t take it very seriously at first.
Then a friend and co-worker got the virus, which he didn’t know and ended up spreading it at work.
I’ve been in isolation since April 4th because of exposure to infected people.
My friend who originally got the virus died on Thursday in the ICU here.
He previously beat cancer.
And died alone in the ICU.

My quarantine Period ends tomorrow at 11:30 am.
I get to go home and be with my family.
I’m worried about the other 21 infected friends I have.

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 04:17 PM
Well my first impression was that the virus was going to cause everyone to be bleeding out of the behind. Then it just a flu that could have some severe reaction to some people, and that it will eventually become novel, an common

All the while a vaccine gives the virus, and financially, the virus is making everyone bleed out of their behind.

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 06:04 PM
a reply to: anzha

With more tests all the time for the virus, and with serum data
pointing to a lot of people already DONE with the illness-- the
fatality rate of Covid19 AND the seasonal flu are .03% on national
average. I won't try to define "normal", it defined itself.
What to me doesn't seem normal is the spikes of nastiness in urban,
congested populations...

Fauci had bad data to work with initially, and he knew it.
So did everybody else that used a consequentionally flawed growth
model... to maximize the effect for some purpose OTHER than the
people's benefit.
Well. we're all financially and politically hosed based on what's pro-
ving more every day a big fat scary LIE.
Cruel and unusual punishment should be activated and preserved in
the case of the same level of crime(s). Just my feels at the last...
but sorry Ahab, that 200HP Toyota wood chipper is way too fast.

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 06:58 PM
I've only become more confused as to what I do and don't believe. Is this pandemic really caused by a virus or something else? Is the government using this pandemic as an excuse to do their dirty work? Why, according to people on Reddit, is there an odd amount of road work on the empty streets of some cities? Are the new characteristics attributed to covid-19, (like microclots, coronavirus toes, and strokes) symptoms of something much more nefarious or all made up to instill even more fear onto the people? Are the nurses shown in those dramatic pictures (like the male nurse standing in front of a car) and interviews even REAL nurses or just actors? Are hospitals overwhelmed or empty? Why is there so much censorship going around on Google, Reddit, and especially YouTube, whenever someone disagrees with the popular narrative? I don't even know what to believe anymore, there is just too many angles.
edit on 26-4-2020 by DarkestConspiracyMoon because: Spelling

edit on 26-4-2020 by DarkestConspiracyMoon because: Spelling

edit on 26-4-2020 by DarkestConspiracyMoon because: Spelling

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 08:15 PM
"Just two more weeks guy$!!"

Time to end income tax. The system is corrupt.
End "representatives" while your at it.

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 08:51 PM
I still believe it's very dangerous to some people.
I still believe it's highly contagious.

And i believe the biggest number of asymptomadic spreaders will be kids and the schools should remain locked down till a vaccine is out there

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 09:23 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
Here's a little snippet for you. An Ohio man who said the virus was bull#### and advocated freedom of movement and went about as if nothing would happen, has died of Covid19 on April 15.
A Mr John McDaniel tweeted on Facebook that the virus was a scam and he wasn't going to isolate himself. Read into that what you will.

That unfortunately has happened quite a few times now.

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 09:42 PM

originally posted by: DarkestConspiracyMoon
Why, according to people on Reddit, is there an odd amount of road work on the empty streets of some cities?

Because if the roads are empty, you can get a lot more work done. If there are people still traveling on them, you can only close a lane or two, because you have to leave the road open. If it's essential travel only, with a stay at home order, you can get away with closing roads down and doing all the work at once. That means less total time to get the work done.

The I-70 through Indiana is a great example. We went through 4 or 5 years ago, and they were starting major construction on it. They were talking about something like 10 or 15 years to get it all done, because they couldn't close the entire interstate. By the time one project was done, they were going to have to go back and start again repaving. By comparison, I-40 in Arizona had about a six mile section near Flagstaff ripped up, and totally rebuilt. They dug down several feet and graded the entire thing, and started from scratch. They contraflowed traffic onto the other side of 40 going through that area, and had the entire project done in something like 6 months, when they started on the other side and did the same thing. The entire project was done in less than a year.

posted on Apr, 26 2020 @ 10:13 PM
At the beginning, when we first thought the outbreak had begun; I was certainly worried about how it would effect my family. At that time it was probably correct to have shut the world down in the face of the unknown that had the potential to go sideways quickly. So unless new information comes to light suggesting our leaders knew more than they say they did than I believe by and large they made the best decisions they could have. Of course in this day and age everything becomes politicized and that isn't helpful; but that is what it is.

Two weeks ago I thought (and still do) that the worst did not come to pass; not even close; and that it was time to start planning for the recovery. Information in the last two weeks have only helped to confirm this.

I now believe had the world fully understood how deadly this really was there would not have bean mass shelter in place orders. Instead less draconian social distancing measures would have been taken for most places, akin to what is happening in Sweden.

Now that the worst is over, and we have information that shows that the virus is much less deadly than it first appeared, the politicization of the situation has gone into full gear. This means different things in different areas.

As for the shelter in place orders; two weeks ago I believed that dispit how any individual political leader felt on the mater their was a soon approaching popular rejection to it. This is coming to pass. Here in New York, the world epicenter of the pandemic, this passed weekend everyone was out and about and visiting.

posted on Apr, 27 2020 @ 05:14 AM

originally posted by: DarkestConspiracyMoon
.... Why, according to people on Reddit, is there an odd amount of road work on the empty streets of some cities? ...

As someone who works in highways, there is an easy answer to that one.
Normally if a utility wants to dig up a road, they have to get advanced permission, and some streets being traffic sensitive, they can only work at certain times, or they have to give enough advanced warning. for example, a street near a school, they can't close the road at school drop off, say, or they have to work overnight Friday night - Monday morning. or if it's a major artery into a city, they can't dig up the road during the rush hour commute.
With a lockdown in place, or social distancing, there are vastly fewer cars on the roads, schools are closed, people are not commuting, so it means the highway authority has more leniency to let utilities do works during times when they might otherwise not be allowed.
same applies to the highway authority themselves doing repairs, resurfacing, etc.

secondly some utilities are now more essential than before - for instance network providers like Virgin Media, or Communications providers like BT/OpenReach - they've been told that they need to keep services running, and they're pushing on upgrades to get people faster connections, and getting emergency repairs fixed quicker, so they have more work.

This is just companies taking advantage of a situation where it's a lot safer for their operatives to work on the highway.

[eta] sorry, already answered by Zaphod - good that we have similar answer

edit on 27-4-2020 by CrastneyJPR because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2020 @ 05:47 AM
a reply to: markymint

You do realise those are additional deaths to the norm right? The UK figures haven't halved!

As to the OP, no i haven't changed my mind about the rationale for lockdown. It was never about death rates, it was about reducing the rate of a highly infectious virus (for example the length of time the virus lives on various surfaces). The fact remains only a small percentage of those infected get the worst symptons that require hospital treatment - but if a nation is fully infected that small percentage could number into the millions which no healthcare system could cope with. Hence the lockdowns.

That said, i have to confess that serious lockdown fatigue is kicking in with me and i want to go back to work asap. I could have actually carried on working throughout as i was on the allowed list but our business owner took the decision to shut (although all still on full pay).

posted on Apr, 27 2020 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: crayzeed

By that token, I have friends who are terrified of getting it and have not.

posted on Apr, 27 2020 @ 08:07 AM
100,000 confirmed cases.
54,000 thousand confirmed deaths.
330,000,000 million people in the USA.

This is completely absurd. Even if you assume the numbers aren't inflated by hospitals/govt the measures enacted are absurd.

posted on Apr, 27 2020 @ 10:07 AM
Ok, so. For Americans being stupid round 1 we had idiots buying up tp. There was quickly no tp for others. People starting flushing other paper products, systems got backed up, and sewers in some areas had bad results.

For Americans being stupid round 2, (people won’t be wearing masks, they already don’t) after shelter in place is ended, we will have Americans using up all the healthcare. There will be none left for anyone else, with all the problems that go along with that.

Now, from a healthcare workers perspective. While you poor crying snowflakes are crying because “oh noes! You have to stay home!!”, we are working our asses off in the hospitals. We are already suffering burnout. Between us being exhausted, and getting sick, both reducing the caretakers you have available, soon there will be more and more covid patients, with less and less staff, that are working sub par due to exhaustion and confusion. Good luck with that folks.

edit on 27-4-2020 by pexx421 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2020 @ 10:18 AM

originally posted by: Specimen88
Well my first impression was that the virus was going to cause everyone to be bleeding out of the behind. Then it just a flu that could have some severe reaction to some people, and that it will eventually become novel, an common

All the while a vaccine gives the virus, and financially, the virus is making everyone bleed out of their behind.

It is novel. It cannot become novel. Novel means it’s new.

Also.. What vaccine?

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