posted on Apr, 24 2020 @ 04:07 PM
a reply to:
If something fall's into a black hole it will be destroyed, if it is too close to the black hole tidal forced will rip it apart and due to the
intense gravity near a black hole different parts of the object may also experience the flow of time differently the closer to the black hole that
they are, however other than being much stronger in it's gravitational attraction than other body's a black hole can actually be orbited, there may
even be world's as well as stars orbiting some of them.
If they are far enough away from the black hole to avoid extreme tidal and time differential forces then a stable orbit could even be found and as
long as you do not go too close you can fly right past a black hole no problem.
Two thing's can happen to an object in orbit of any object, it can gain momentum over time through several forces including interaction with other
sources of gravity, this may mean that one day it will reach what is called escape velocity having slowly spiraled away from the black hole - OR -
more usually an object's orbit will slowly over time decay and it will slowly at first spiral in toward the black hole, once it get's close enough for
those tidal forces to tear it apart and for time to flow differently then it will no survive much longer, by that time it is too late for it to escape
- but if it is moving fast enough it could even orbit stably surprisingly close to the gravity well of the black hole.
As for that forbes myth, sorry they are only partially right, thing's are torn apart as they come close to the event horizon and undergo something
scientists named Spaghetification as they are drawn toward the gravity well itself, other than that they will fall into the black hole - if it is a
Hawking brown hole however there is a feint possibility that this theoretical body which would be more like a slightly denser neutron star - than a
neutron star - and less like a true black hole would also have this tidal affect on object's but no where near as powerful as a true black hole -
which many remain convinced DO exist despite hawking trying to dismiss them.
TRUE black holes provide one possible explanation for the universe itself existing - along with white holes but if there were no true black holes
than there likely were never either any white hole's if Hawking was correct, so what the hell was the big bang then if not a white hole event -
probably caused by a TRUE black hole collapsing but that is another story.