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UFO / Cryptid Research.

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posted on Oct, 24 2020 @ 07:31 PM
Albert Rosales on lots of chronological, global humanoid reports - UFOs and Bigfoot.

edit on 25-10-2020 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2020 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: karl 12
Albert Rosales on lots of chronological, global humanoid reports - UFOs and Bigfoot.


I'm speculating that the so-called "Greys" are possibly a warm blooded Dinosauroid ET species from another star system. And maybe they also don't have the capability of existing in a so-called interdimensional realm --- because such a realm does not exist --- imho.
edit on 25-10-2020 by Erno86 because: typo

posted on Nov, 27 2020 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: 111DPKING111

There is no doubt whatsoever that Sasquatch/Bigfoot exists.

Read Scott Carpenter's book, "...Sasquatch DNA Study". Scientists collected DNA samples from many, many individual sasquatches. University officials witnessed some of the DNA being collected (usually using arm-hair traps, with something the sasquatches would reach through a hole to get).

The genomes of three Sasquatch individuals were sequenced and analyzed. The results showed that Sasquatches' mitochondrial DNA is human and that Sasquatches were the result of a human female producing offspring with an unknown species of male, between 10,000 and 15,000 years ago.

I assume that "unknown species of male" means that it had DNA that did not match any known animal on Earth.

posted on Nov, 27 2020 @ 04:03 PM

originally posted by: karl 12

• Highly strange goings on in New York State:

For many, the Abair Incident was simply a string a Bigfoot sightings spread over one week in 1976. However, investigators of the paranormal know that something far more bizarre was taking place.

In addition to hairy creatures, an outbreak of UFO reports erupted around Whitehall at the same time, leading many to wonder if perhaps the area was a window to something far more sinister.

Full version of Seth Brredlove's 'cult status' documentary featuring some pretty fascinating Bigfoot eyewitness testimony from town residents (including police officers) - burnt rubber smell and glowing red eyes also reported.

Also accounts of police officers being ordered never to discuss their experiences by superiors, missing police log books and UFO activity around the same time and area.

In 2016, Small Town Monsters released "Beast of Whitehall"; a modestly budgeted documentary about a renowned 1976 series of of Bigfoot sightings near the town of Whitehall, NY.

The film would gain a cult status and would help push director, Seth Breedlove, to further explore the genre of paranormal documentaries.

Relevant article (excerpts) :

The 1976 Whitehall, NY Bigfoot Sightings in Conjunction with UFO Activity

Private Notes By Richard Bonenfant, Ph.D.

At the time I was interested in a flurry of UFO activity taking place in upstate New York and on my free time would investigate some of the UFO sightings that came to my attention in my immediate vicinity. On August 25, 1976 I received a telephone call from Ray Fowler, a well known UFO investigation and author living near Boston. Ray informed me that the FAA had received reports of UFO activity near Whitehall, NY some two hours or so north of where I lived in Delmar. He asked if I would follow-up on these sighting reports. When I agreed to do so, he directed me to initiate the investigation by contacting a NY State trooper in Whitehall by the name of Donovan.

I contacted Trooper Donovan as requested. He verified the sighting of large object accompanied by two smaller red ones at Scott Lake near Whitehall by some 15 witnesses. In passing he then added that strange reports were also coming in of a “big hairy animal” around Whitehall. For further information, I was referred to a Whitehall police patrolman by the name of Brian Gosselin.

Unfortunately, I was unable to reach Patrolman Gosselin that day but left my name and telephone number for further contact. On the following day I received a call from a Whitehall Police Department desk sergeant who told me (off-the-record) that they had in fact received several reports from reliable witnesses of a large, 8 foot tall, hairy ape creature in the countryside surrounding Whitehall. He further informed me that photos and even a plaster cast of the creature’s footprints had been made. I was further told to see witness Darin Lamphere about the affair and referred to the Washington County Sherriff’s Department. When I asked if I could examine their log book for further additional references to the unusual creature, the sergeant told me that I would need clearance from Chief Williams to order do so. Unfortunately, I was never able to reach the man.

That same day, August 26, 1976, I spoke to Deputy Walter Kruger of the Washington County Sheriff’s Department. Deputy Kruger was only able to tell me about the UFOs sighting they had received and who to contact about these sighting but nothing was forthcoming about the hairy creature sightings in Whitehall.

On Friday, August 27, 1988, I received two collect calls from Officer Brian Gosselin. The officer confirmed the local UFO sightings but then also volunteered that he himself had encountered the strange hairy animal everyone was talking about from a distance of only 20 feet. The creature was described as being unusually tall, stood on two legs, and must have weighed about 350 pounds. Furthermore, it had large red eyes, long arms and was covered with dark brown hair.

Officer Gosselin said he came upon the creature one night while on patrol. He first detected the creature when illuminated by his headlights as it crossed the road ahead of his patrol car. When he came upon it, the creature “screamed like a woman,” flung its arm over its eyes, and ran into a nearby field. When he turned his spotlight in the area where it had departed, he saw large, reflective, nocturnal eyes off in the distance. The officer also mentioned that the creature moved as if heavy weights were attached to arms and legs. A state police patrol car happen to arrived at the scene moments later and the troopers within also spotted the creature before it departed into the deeper woods.

When questioned about a possible association of the creature with UFO sightings in the area, Officer Gosselin reported that he felt the sightings were independent of one another and went on to say that there have been several historical reports of such a creature around the area; sightings that many silent witnesses refuse to make known.

On Saturday, September 4, 1976 I went to Whitehall accompanied by my father-in-law to investigate UFO sighting in the region. While there visited Officer Gosselin at home where he filled sighting questionnaire both about UFOs and his bigfoot sighting. It was then that I learned the he had observed the bigfoot creature from his patrol car on two occasion on the night of Wednesday, August 24th. It was observed at the almost the same locating of a similar sighting the previous evening by another witness named Marty Paddock.

During the interview I learned that the creatures hair appeared to be longer about the head. Officer Gosselin also added that the creatures movements were “slow and deliberate.” He then led us to the sites where he had encountered the hairy creature. The second site was about a mile further away than the first one. While there I told by Officer Gosselin that a local man in the area had even taken a shot at the creature. This time the Officer admitted that UFOs sightings had occurred in the same general location as these bigfoot sightings..
I offer this summary because of occasional reports of bigfoot-like creatures reported in concert with, or in proximity to, UFO sightings. It is not my intention to advance the hypothesis that these two phenomena are related. Rather I feel that I would be remiss by not reporting the sighting because of personal discomfort in doing so. I hope my account and the accompanying sketch will prove useful to other researches investigating this particularly aspect of the UFO phenomenon.


edit on 27-11-2020 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 11:09 AM
Stan Gordon discusses different cases where Sasquatch encounters have involved 'electromagnetic interference effects'.

Bigfoot Ambulance Incident - Sasquatch Unearthed: The Ridge new from STM UFOs too

posted on Aug, 6 2022 @ 12:47 AM

originally posted by: Macenroe82
a reply to: karl 12

Over the years I have read multiple accounts in which old hairy was spotted during or shortly before/after a UFO sighting.

Being in the position I am with MUFON Canada, I have only had one case submitted to me in the past 2 years, that the witness claims to have seen Bigfoot.
That report came from an Indian reservation.

What part of Canada was the UFO/BIGFOOT witnessed in?

From what I've heard UFO Orbs are much more common sighting with Bigfoot compared to actual UFO Crafts/spaceships/saucers.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 05:28 PM

originally posted by: ETFaces

Read Scott Carpenter's book..

Think Scott Carpenter is an excellent researcher mate who does not shy away from (or actively delete) some of the extremely strange aspects reported in relation to the Bigman.. so hats off to him.

Haven't read his book yet but ordered
this one last week.

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 03:02 PM

originally posted by: karl 12

Likewise Paul Sinclair's investigations into a small localised area of North Yorkshire contain certain parallels (including ancient earthworks) and lots of modern day 'upright canine humanoid' reports, not to mention historical accounts of 'wolfmen' going back 100's of years - the area is also rather notorious for UFO light forms, MIB encounters, underground noises and animal mute activity.

Excerpts involving witness testimony from the new documentary 'Wolflands' by Paul (and Les).

Paul Sinclair is recognised within the field of unexplained phenomena for his honest no nonsense approach to the subject. He prefers to follow the research wherever that may lead, even if it means putting himself in locations and situations most people would not want to be in.

Paul is currently working on a new documentary called Wolflands.

edit on 28-5-2023 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

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