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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -7W3N7Y sIx-

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posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

POTUS was just asked how he gets down to zero, as he had said, when it's currently at 1 million with Coronavirus?

He replied "At the appropriate time it will be down to zero!"

The answer implies he's in full control and can flick a switch to make it disappear?

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 03:02 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

POTUS was just asked how he gets down to zero, as he had said, when it's currently at 1 million with Coronavirus?

He replied "At the appropriate time it will be down to zero!"

The answer implies he's in full control and can flick a switch to make it disappear?

Well if he does indeed "have it all", then perhaps he also realizes the numbers may be padded. It's funny that this year pneumonia and fly deaths are down but now corona is here. Funny that. People blaming the president for the virus are completely out of their minds. I wonder how these rabid dogs are gunna fare when the truth is finally revealed.

They wont be able to walk down the streets. Anyone interested in some hunting parties?

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: queenofswords

originally posted by: OsirianObsidian
POTUS about to give a speech, not a press conference.

This should be interesting.

Oh, it would be SOOOO perfect if he dropped the hammer after Hillary has given her speech endorsing Biden....

I turned on the TV expecting to see prep for this speech and what was on?! Hillary and Biden. I listened to about 30 seconds of her praising him and how she and Obama's administration blah blah blah blah blah....I was getting nauseous just listening to her grating voice, so 30 seconds (if that) was all I could take.

I'll look for Trump's speech elsewhere.

You did 30? Bravo, my limit is 10, mostly because that's Biden's coherent sentence limit at this point.

HRC Kiss of death. There is a saying in sports, "when management comes out publicly and says your job is safe, you know you're already out."

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Yes, perhaps something like that. Agree with what MP mentioned... I think he knows the numbers are skewed by the dirty governors, CDC & others.

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

POTUS was just asked how he gets down to zero, as he had said, when it's currently at 1 million with Coronavirus?

He replied "At the appropriate time it will be down to zero!"

The answer implies he's in full control and can flick a switch to make it disappear?

That is a brash NY city slicker talking there Sufi!

I like him, think he is the best POTUS I ever could have imagined but even that isn't going to hide a New York City mental attitude for long. These people we say "puff up and talk real big"... LOL....The thing is they have to deliver or the get embarrassed and booed everywhere they go in NY. When they make a statement like that one, and it doesn't come true, they catch all kinds of hell. It makes them a different breed of human.

edit on 28-4-2020 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 03:13 PM
Flynn’s Former Lawyers Covington And Burling Turn Over Another Trove Of Docs, Again

This new batch of voluminous documentation turned over by his former defense team – which includes emails, texts, voice messages, notebooks, handwritten notes and legal documents – amounted to approximately 6,800 additional documents bringing the total amount of documents to roughly 669,800, along with attachments.

“The Flynn defense is stunned that Covington and Burling has only now found thousands of additional documents amounting to more than 17,000 pages that should have been produced to the defense almost a year ago,” she stated.

Powell obtained the new information from the DOJ after an extensive review by attorneys appointed by U.S. Attorney General William Barr to review Flynn’s case. Barr’s team included United States attorney in St. Louis, Jeff Jensen, who is handling the Flynn matter, along with prosecutors from the office of the deputy attorney general, Jeffrey A. Rosen. The documented evidence Powell said will exonerate Flynn was delivered to Powell but is under court seal.

(post by Justoneman removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 03:20 PM

Oh well, I wonder what else is happening...

Another Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska with close links to Putin and complex relations with America has spoken out in support of Steve Bannon over his claims that the Chinese Communist Party was culpable in the spread of COVID-19.

'Millions of victims of the virus around the world want to get an answer to the question of how was this possible and where this virus came from,' said the 52-year-old metals mogul.

'And they have the right to demand an investigation. What is happening in the world now is biological Chernobyl.

'Even Fox reporters are wondering how could it happen that with so many victims in Wuhan, the number of cases in Beijing is negligible compared to New York or Milan.'

He said more people were coming round to the views of Bannon 'and they will agree that the UN, under its auspices, initiate a thorough investigation of this Wuhan Chernobyl'.

His inflammatory language goes beyond what the Kremlin has said but the outburst is intriguing.

Nope, nothing else is going on.
edit on 28-4-2020 by OsirianObsidian because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

It seems like the federal judge believes Flynn's former lawyers are still withholding documents... even after the most recent batch was produced this morning.

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 05:10 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

It seems like the federal judge believes Flynn's former lawyers are still withholding documents... even after the most recent batch was produced this morning.

Well when 17,000+ docs turn up “later” that’s not confidence building in their subpoena compliance capabilities.

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

What I can think of, off the top of my head:

Notre Dame Cathedral last year. April 15.

Nova Scotia (New Scotland): Mass shooting and burning of homes, April 18/19 (this year, 2020).

Oak Island/Templars.

Mass shooter/arsonist.

13 hour rampage.

7 house fires.

13 people dead.

Satanic "Fire sacrifice" Ritual?

9 shot dead.

22 people killed in total (multiple of 11 - always a number found *somewhere* in 'mega-disasters').

Is there a numerologist, along with an occultist and/or an astrotheologist/archeoastronomer in the house here who can crunch these numbers and explain?

edit on 28-4-2020 by CanadianMason because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

Still, that law firm can go golfing for 6 days and come back to say.. we searched thoroughly your honor.

Sounds like a pretty naive judge to me.

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 05:25 PM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

It seems like the federal judge believes Flynn's former lawyers are still withholding documents... even after the most recent batch was produced this morning.

Well when 17,000+ docs turn up “later” that’s not confidence building in their subpoena compliance capabilities.

Those are HIS documents. It is immoral and unethical to withhold. The only reason such a high profile clients gets this treatment is if they are hiding something - consider that. The only reason to release now is they are screwed.

I suspect Sidney has built a case against them, and the government, post-exoneration already.

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Nobel or Noble???



Nobel from the peed

As of December 31, 2018, the company had 1,929 million barrels of oil equivalent (1.180×1010 GJ) of proved reserves, of which 52% was in the United States, 43% was in Israel, and 5% was in Equatorial Guinea. Of the company's total proved reserves as of December 31, 2018, 62% was natural gas, 14% was natural gas liquids, and 24% was petroleum.[1] In the United States, the company's primary holdings are in the Wattenberg Gas Field / Denver Basin in Colorado, the Delaware Basin, and the Eagle Ford Group.[1]

DJT tweet: Ecuator or Equator the other day.

Your screencap is from this Redacted FISA transcript [PDF], Pg. 27 - NOBLE ENERGY.

An eighth production is enclosed herein, Bates numbered SENATE-FISA2020-000631 to SENATE-FISA2020-000722. This submission contains a Confidential Human Source transcript. The attached production is unclassified in its current format.

CT = Crossfire Typhoon
CHS = Confidential Human Source
FNKO = First Name Known Omar
UM = Unknown Male
UF = Unknown female

NO clue who is talking with who. The whole transcript is all chit-chat gossip. Here's a taste...

Also, George Papadopoulos worked for Noble Energy. HRC, Kerry, Biden are all connected to the Noble prize.

Noble Energy made a huge natural gas discovery in Levantine basin on the Syria coastline.

Leviathan Pipeline and Noble Energy. Billions of Dollars worth of gas.

Guess who is behind Noble Energy?

FTI/Teneo which is a Clinton Foundation Spin-off.

Guess who's invested?

Soros & John Kerry.

George Papadopoulos researched the Leviathan for Noble Energy while at the Hudson Institute... Noble Energy/FTI/Teneo (Kerry/Soros/Clinton/Ed Cox*)

Halper paid for Leviathan research from Papa.

Downer tied to same pipelines through Woodside Oil & Hakluyt.

Ed Cox sent Carter Page to Trump.

Notice Total SA (Q1359), Noble Energy, and Genie Oil all connected through FTI.

* Edward Cox was the Noble Energy director for 35 years.
Ed Cox is married to President Nixon's daughter, Tricia.

Ed Cox once worked for a law firm called Donovan, Leisure, Newton & Irvine.

It was founded in 1929 by General William "Wild Bill" Donovan, often called the Father of the CIA.

Down the rabbit hole... unroll thread.

British Private Eyes - Connections map. (not for phones!)

edit on 28-4-2020 by EndtheMadnessNow because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 05:47 PM
What have we learned during the Forced Self Reflection know as Q-uarnantine?

1. The Federal Government's power is NOT as strong and deep as folks thought. While A. Jones adherents feared Military/PosseComitatus/FEMA camps, the truth is Tyrannical Mayors and Dictator Governors using local Police/Fines/Jail are the force to be concerned with.

2. Folks see Liberty and Toilet Paper as a commodity, one they'll fight for and the other they won't.

3. The Constitution is a piece of paper. Unless EVERYONE sees it as a guiding force it is nothing.

4. Folks quickly through away all experience (flu/sickness/health) within minutes and instead followed Scary Spit rules they had never followed before for other flu events.

5. Medical stats are lies or worse and even when actual stats defy the eneMedia version of them, folks ignore them because the Medical Control system is huge.

6. Teeeveee is still too damn powerful.

7. Many businesses, including governments, live on the financial edge at all times. Given this is the case, it would seem a lot of the country was on a hamster wheel and didn't even realize it. How was this effecting their emotional lives?

8. The press are horrible, the medical establishment is horrible, the regional governments are horrible in times of crises.

9. China infiltrated everything including the White House Pressers.

10. DJT not only survived, but hasn't needed to DECLAS, send in troops or start a war. The latter is key, as every previous crises has been justification for war.

It will be very interesting to see how folks alter their creation systems when this ends.

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 05:48 PM
Covid-19 facts of the day:

Over 80% of total US deaths come from 10 (20%) of the states.

The US is at 177 CV deaths per 1m population.

- 7 states are ABOVE that rate.
- 43 states are BELOW.
- 35 states are below HALF that rate.

Open this mutha up.

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 05:52 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

You did 30?


I was "done in 30".

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 05:53 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Nobel or Noble???



Nobel from the peed

As of December 31, 2018, the company had 1,929 million barrels of oil equivalent (1.180×1010 GJ) of proved reserves, of which 52% was in the United States, 43% was in Israel, and 5% was in Equatorial Guinea. Of the company's total proved reserves as of December 31, 2018, 62% was natural gas, 14% was natural gas liquids, and 24% was petroleum.[1] In the United States, the company's primary holdings are in the Wattenberg Gas Field / Denver Basin in Colorado, the Delaware Basin, and the Eagle Ford Group.[1]

DJT tweet: Ecuator or Equator the other day.

Your screencap is from this Redacted FISA transcript [PDF], Pg. 27 - NOBLE ENERGY.

An eighth production is enclosed herein, Bates numbered SENATE-FISA2020-000631 to SENATE-FISA2020-000722. This submission contains a Confidential Human Source transcript. The attached production is unclassified in its current format.

CT = Crossfire Typhoon
CHS = Confidential Human Source
FNKO = First Name Known Omar
UM = Unknown Male
UF = Unknown female

NO clue who is talking with who. The whole transcript is all chit-chat gossip. Here's a taste...

Also, George Papadopoulos worked for Noble Energy. HRC, Kerry, Biden are all connected to the Noble prize.

Noble Energy made a huge natural gas discovery in Levantine basin on the Syria coastline.

Part of ISIS' deal was to break the deal between Russia & Syria on the gas pipeline to replace it with one from the ME - through Syria too.

It kind of begs the question on PapaD, what else might he have been doing? Sure is a lot of attention for a nobody.
edit on Tue Apr 28 2020 by DontTreadOnMe because: trimmed quote Trim Those Quotes

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 05:57 PM
There is a new drop...

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: CanadianMason

Nice! Since we're on page 47 and you posted this on the 119th (911) day leaving 247 days in the year, I'd say it's not coincidence. 🤔😆

On this Day...
The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd moves to #1 on the US billboard chart in 1973.
1996 – Port Arthur massacre, Tasmania... on same day as Pres Clinton gives a 4½ hour videotaped testimony on Whitewater controversy.
Canada National Day of Mourning

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