Hi all...not sure I've posted in the correct forum, 🙄Mods: please accept my apology if it needs to be moved
A little background on why I came to the conclusion I did
I've been researching, analysing and studying human behaviour and anthropology all my aware life, so it's about 50 yrs of questioning who we are, what
we are, why we are here and why we live this life/reality that we do
I'm sure most if not all who read this will be aware that we are a pack animal, a very sociable community of an individual species
We are a mammal that desires the natural order from birth, like all mammals it's in our DNA, same in most part for all sentient beings born, these
natural desires such as nurturing, loving and caring are what tie us into the natural order of life on Earth, it's sometimes called "mutual aid" ,
without mutual aid the Eco system we know would not be the beautiful, green lush exotic paradise we know it to be, animals, sea life, insects, birds
and all plants rely on mutual aid not only to survive but to thrive and prosper and is far more successful as a whole collective, even predators,
birds of pray live and work under these core principles of mutual aid, if you get a breakdown in the natural order you get serious problems
Take a certain bird, just one of a million species out of the system and boom, you get a huge collapse in the eco system as we know it, certain
insects as pests are no longer controlled which will be catastrophic, certain seeds of trees, fruit plants etc fail to be spread which will be
catastrophic....you get the picture
Take the Bees out 😳..say no more
Before I give my reason I'd like to make a distinction, our (humans) small difference to the rest of the natural world, the thing that sets us apart
from the natural order of the eco system, the thing that made me question life in the 1st place, the little nag at the back of my brain that asks do I
belong here? I'm surely from another planet as I feel I don't fit in
I found we have a little bit of "junk DNA", a few strands that don't belong, not of this Earth, found nowhere else in life, so, not natural and pretty
useless, as studies have found hence the term "junk" DNA 🙄, I don't believe nature creates such things as junk, something without purpose,
something without reason doesn't fit into natures laws of order, it must serve a purpose, it must have reason, it wouldn't be there
Right, my take on this "virus" and it's use
I see an attack on our natural order, our social structure as we've known it is being changed like never seen in known history of human civilisations,
a breakdown of everything we've known throughout time that has got us to this current human existence of cooperation and mutual aid, our entire
existence is in the hands of a few predatory, hierarchal sociopaths who want to control the wealth and resources without a threat of dissidence, with
total control of any resistance that may arise
This thoughout history has been a reoccurring threat ... But never before has any group been in a position of total dominance of the human race,
never, until-now
The tactics used are a blatant attack on our natural DNA program, our cognitive thinking of social order is being changed in a way that serves no
purpose to the collective species other than to break the natural order, so the benefit could be only for individual aims and goals, we as a species
can't benefit from such a drastic change in our social understanding and existence, this will have huge consequence to our existence and social
I believe a "group" has now the tools, knowledge and ability to actually control and dominate the entire world through this social breakdown, many
draconian measures will be implemented, not through force but because people will demand them, digital ID, immunisations and government surveillance
are already in place in China and Russsia and will be rolled out to the entire globe in due course, all volunteerily, no ID app on your phone or RFID
chip in your skin then no travel, simple
My wife said she'd gladly have the app or chip if it ment she could travel again
If there's anything I've written here that's incoherent or you need me to elaborate or there's something you'd like to question or disagree with then
please feel free the ask or disagree away, I'm dyslexic also so I may seem to write differently
If you got this far ... Then thanks for reading!
edit on 22-4-2020 by zerozero00 because: Spelling🙄
edit on 22-4-2020 by zerozero00 because: (no reason
edit on 22-4-2020 by zerozero00 because: (no reason given)