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Coronavirus - Where are the Psychologists?

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posted on Apr, 21 2020 @ 12:46 AM
Where are the psychologists on Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force?

One of the biggest problems is the cure maybe worse than the disease.

At every press conference we here about how great the president is doing in combating the CCP Coronavirus. I personally believe the president has done the best anyone could expect looking at it purely from a virologist perspective.

The experts around Trump and most media outlets were claiming this virus wasn’t going to be much in the US up until late February and early March. Even with the low expectations originally coming from most experts Trump took actions that were widely criticized.

But Trump failed by not bringing in industry expert psychologists who could weigh the potential risks of shutting down the country.

I think it should have been in the debate from the beginning. What is happening to the people who lost their jobs? What is the likelihood that all this stress will result in Suicide, Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Heart complications from stress, anxiety and depression that will completely alter the lives of those who lose everything?

Where are the psychological models that predict the answers to these questions? Why was the psychological impact never considered?

How many lives will be lost to shutting down the country? Was there a balance that could have been struck that would have minimized the risk of death from psychological trauma while still working to combat deaths from the CCP Coronavirus?

If Trump really cares about the US people isn’t it time, or past the time, to bring in the worlds best psychologists to help mitigate the deaths that will be attributed to this pandemic for those whose lives were destroyed in the process?

I am not an expert so I have no idea what the answer to my questions are. But I do know that we desperately need these questions answered now. If lives really matter the psychological issues need to be addressed before the cure really is worse than the disease.

edit on 21-4-2020 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2020 @ 12:49 AM
a reply to: Isurrender73

They're all here on ATS dontcha know

Idiots most of them anyway no loss

posted on Apr, 21 2020 @ 01:03 AM
What choices do we have......

Worst economic downturn in 150 years? Nation on it's knees?

Open it all up and at worst see a 10(ridiculously high, absolutely ridiculous, but lets go with it) death rate?? In one year while gaining herd immunity.

Or drag it out(while suffocating the economy for the next decade) at a tune of 2 or 3 percent a year for the next decade???

I think the safe bet is to remove trump from office, somehow that seems like it will "magically" turn this whole thing around.
edit on 21-4-2020 by ZapBrannigan3030 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2020 @ 01:06 AM
a reply to: Isurrender73

SHHHH, this topic is forbidden by the mainstream media and Democrats - so keep it to ourselves - this is verboten: A rise in substance abuse: Alcoholism and Domestic Abuse During the Coronavirus Pandemic-abuse-coronavirus Suicide, drug abuse and domestic violence are on the rise due to coronavirus quarantine measures North Texas Hospital Reports Spike In Severe Child Abuse Cases; Believe Linked To Stress From Coronavirus Pandemic help hotline calls soar in Southern California over coronavirus anxieties More People Died From Suicide Than Coronavirus In Tennessee This Week

If you mention these around a Democrat or Orange Man hater, they'll tell you that you are out to kill people with coronavirus and that no one must know of this dirty little secret.


I'm trying to get the stats now, but it is possible more people have died from the isolation than from COVID 19. But keep this quiet, or they'll say about you what they say about me, that I want everyone dead of COVID 19 from even mentioning the horrific unintended consequences of the lockdowns.


This is a totally forbidden topic and anyone who brings it up is called a death monger. Especially those who want to see the lockdown last as long as possible like the Democratic Party Govenors and Nancy Pelosi. I heard an "expert" on mainstream news say that we need to stay under lockdown until there is not even one case left in the entire US. That seems to be the deep desire of the left. If you don't agree, you are a death monger!

edit on 4/21/20 by The2Billies because: addition

posted on Apr, 21 2020 @ 01:06 AM
Hmmm. Well....I'm definitely not an expert on anything. In fact, I never finished high school. I predicted this virus was going to be a disaster in the US before we even had many confirmed cases.

How is it that some barely educated fool saw this coming sooner than the experts? I dunno. Maybe it's the old adage about even a broken clock being right twice a day.

I don't think Trump is doing well at all. But more than that. Our government is not doing a good job at all. These people are up there bickering amongst themselves while this thing is tearing us apart.

posted on Apr, 21 2020 @ 01:55 AM
a reply to: BrianFlanders

These people are up there bickering amongst themselves while this thing is tearing us apart.

So, business as usual then.
edit on 2142020 by Wide-Eyes because: To add quote

posted on Apr, 21 2020 @ 02:16 AM
a reply to: The2Billies

Thank you for the links. It does seem like an issue that not only should be looked into but needs to be looked into.

posted on Apr, 21 2020 @ 02:23 AM
a reply to: Isurrender73

I also looked for this aspect in the live pandemic simulation hosted in New York on 18th October, 2019 (sponsored by Gates, the CIA, the WEC etc..) and couldn't find anything - also seemed they had very liitle concern about shortages of healthcare professionals, civil unrest or public safety. 

posted on Apr, 21 2020 @ 02:24 AM
shortly before quarantine started mine bailed (legit excuse her dad did die so i cant get mad) but it would have been nice to at least have a therapist/psychologist to work with in all these shenanigans

posted on Apr, 21 2020 @ 02:39 AM
a reply to: Isurrender73

i rather think that many people are less stressed out at the moment than before the crisis. i, for example, enjoy the peace and quiet. sure, many people are afraid for their existence, but it's no different with a global economic crisis or when a big company has to file for bankruptcy. violence within the family happens every second, even without the virus. life is risky and it always ends deadly, there's nothing you can do about it, but you can try to contain a deadly virus as best you can. in this respect, america has failed. almost 800,000 infected people say it all. i think trump needs a psychologist.

posted on Apr, 21 2020 @ 03:01 AM
a reply to: Isurrender73

The experts around Trump and most media outlets were claiming this virus wasn’t going to be much in the US up until late February and early March. 

I'm still astounded at the level of mental gymnastics required by people at that point still believing the virus that was clearly spreading far and wide would somehow not affect the U.S badly, or as badly as other Countries.

I realise many are hypnotized by the idiot box I just didn't realize how many, it's kinda scary.
edit on 21-4-2020 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2020 @ 03:17 AM
a reply to: Isurrender73

Who cares where they are. They lost all credibility with me a long time ago.
edit on 21-4-2020 by drussell41 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2020 @ 06:16 AM

originally posted by: ZapBrannigan3030
Worst economic downturn in 150 years? Nation on its knees?

And what has 'always' followed such an event?

posted on Apr, 21 2020 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: Isurrender73

And you find that odd? I as well...but see. There are some obvious reasons why we aren't hearing from that side.

And in the real answer

posted on Apr, 21 2020 @ 10:28 AM
Folks...we all know real or not, there's a greater perhaps nefarious undercurrent. Even in good times...

That's the plan

posted on Apr, 21 2020 @ 10:41 AM
Return to "normal"....don't make me laugh!!

The new "normal" will be Anarchy and the psychologist will be out of a job then as now.

posted on Apr, 21 2020 @ 06:04 PM
a reply to: Isurrender73

My aunty is one, despite my advice to leave sydney, she ignored it and at her age she is putting herself at risk.

Sometimes friends are the best form of therapy, my former radio partner calls me when he's lonely and depressed, a simple chat can and keeping up with friends or family via skype or facebook can relieve the depression and stress.

Or you could give yourself a self lobotomy like I just did-now I think Keeping up with the Kardashians is the greatest show ever created.

Okay i must reverse that lobotomy, the point is the best way to deal with this mentally is to lift others spirits, like their bottle of Jack Daniels.

Humor helps.

posted on Apr, 21 2020 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: Isurrender73

we desperately need these questions answered now. If lives really matter the psychological issues need to be addressed before the cure really is worse than the disease.

There are plenty of resources on how to handle the stress and anxiety and deal with this.

If all you read or watch is hysterical, anti-social, hate-filled refuse-nik stuff, try stepping out your [dis]comfort zone for a change.

posted on Apr, 21 2020 @ 10:02 PM
a reply to: Isurrender73

Just to clarify I am still working. I don’t suffer from any kind of depression outside of whatever is normal.

But many people are not as lucky as I am. I am worried about those who are prone to harm themselves through drugs, alcohol and suicide. And I don’t believe any of our leaders have taken these things into account when making decisions for the people.

Like some of the posters I am not too happy with clinical psychiatry for the most part. I believe my mothers life was destroyed by them and their drugs.

But that doesn’t change the fact that it is possible to model behavior based on what is happening and come to conclusions. And let us know if the cure is worse than the disease.
edit on 21-4-2020 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

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