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Visions of violent death - serene & beautiful rapture.. NO pain & NO fear - just wonder & grace.

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posted on Apr, 19 2020 @ 10:28 AM

I don't know if you've seen my comments around the forums. I'm not the most consistent poster, my thoughts tend to cover a wide array of subjects & I'm often to be found thinking about randomly different topics day by day. This is just how things have turned out for me, being disabled & unable to work, has left me with much time to discover interesting material & research mysterious subjects. Some of my favourite things are ancient megalithic cultures, the Hebrew & Mesopotamian legends of the gods & giants; spiritual matters according to a trend of 'mercy over judgement' - I dislike in the extreme the way that certain groups propagate the myth that if you haven't said a little five line prayer then you're damned for all eternity. Plainly rubbish, and the God I know abounds in grace & love, being the very nature & source of life itself.

So what about the thread title? Well, this afternoon I've been quite unwell, and having finally started to drift into sleep - but not quite there - I found myself in hypnogogia, seeing visions of wondrous light, the action & activity of God, perhaps angelic beings, on the Earth. I saw that we seem to be heading towards a time of violent conflagration, with perhaps the days of 'wars, and rumours of wars', maybe this pandemic & economic recession will turn into a collapse, with a shooting war following on from it at some stage..

I had a particular vision which woke me fully, not with a jolt, but rather with a rush of emotion. I had found myself walking in some area (didn't have time to really take in the surroundings, as it was being lit up with huge explosions). All of a sudden, an enormous blast whooshed across the landscape, vapourising everything of flesh & bone, buildings & trees, cars & animals - everything. Perhaps a battlefield nuke, as it seemed to destroy a 2km squared area, so not massive, more tactical than total destruction. It occurred as a great surprise, with that surprise amplified with excitement, because as soon as that blast had incinerated my body, my soul was drawn upwards by the powers of light, by the angels, or the Lord Himself.. The point is, that the event wasn't terrifying at all. It was exciting rather than terrifying, and the sense of elation in the moment of death/enrapture was incredible. There was no pain, no sadness, no regret, no nostalgia or fear - everything was in hand, all was at ease in the larger scheme of things. I had often wondered if I would feel saddened that I had left people behind, if I was first to die - but no, I had the reassurance that everything in good time, at the appointed time, that there is no separation in the hereafter, and a hundred years can be as a moment, or a moment as a hundred years.

Everything was 'prepared' for me, and for all those who died with me. We all were being drawn to those places, though I didn't see exactly what & where, I knew that it was going to be wonderful. God knows our innermost being, and He prepares a place for us which will suit us to heights we cannot even imagine.. His power was there in an immediate, immanent sense, the power flies alongside us, guiding & calming (the 'angel of the presence', in a sense, because God was everywhere in that moment - seems a silly to say, but it really is true) - "In my father's house, there are many mansions.." And it would seem that wherever we are personally, there would be ease of access to be with others as we all choose.

I can't provide a complex picture of what actually comes afterwards, but I want you to know that in the moment of death, and the destruction of your body, you are cared for, immediately comforted by the inward presence of God, guided & calmed by angels, reassured, unafraid & excited. He has it all in hand, and the mysteries I suppose can be unravelled throughout eternity in our travels beyond this world.

God bless & Godspeed.. If we face the darkness of this world, be assured that the Light overcomes this world, simply believe; do the best you can with your talent/s.. Whatever we face now or in the future, God has it covered. Free will cannot be tampered with, and almost all the evils you see in this world come about through an inappropriate use of free will - the fallen state of the soul which feels it must accumulate, dominate & control others. As these sorts interact with others like them, injustice grows. Each of us is fallen to some extent, but we are loved & understood. We just do our best with what has been given to us, to love & look after those around us. If we resist evil & seek the Light, then we will find Christ, and we will see Him everywhere, so that our every gesture & action is undertaken to bless, doing His will for those we come into contact with. If we seek to bless those we meet at every time we encounter them, then we are doing Heaven's work. Jesus is the Christ, who died & rose again, bringing new life to all who need it. Seek & find, and all will be well. [/evangelism]

edit on AprilSunday2014CDT10America/Chicago-050058 by FlyInTheOintment because: spelling

posted on Apr, 19 2020 @ 10:46 AM
Since when have the times not been violent and full of turmoil?

You're right about death being peaceful, though. No need for fear. But rather than a mere change of venue where you continue life only with complicated new rules and hierarchies, what you get is nothing. No thoughts or experiences, no sense of time passing, no memories of your former life and pain, no dreams. Just incomprehensible nothing lasting a forever you can't feel. Beyond description.

And it doesn't matter if you were tortured and burned to death or you died in surprise or you went peacefully in your sleep or if you were good or evil or brave or frightened, it all ends up the same. With nothing.

Dreams and visions can be entertaining.

posted on Apr, 19 2020 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: Blue Shift

Well it's nice that you've formed a clear opinion on a subject which is far more mysterious than simple visions. Also, I'm not sure about your certitude. See, I actually blieve that there are a number os states one can enter at the point of death - but I'm not so arrogant as to claim to know that NOTHING happens. How did you find out that information? From the tens of thousands of near death experiencers who came back & described 'nothing'...? I don't think that's what they say.

edit on AprilSunday2014CDT11America/Chicago-050003 by FlyInTheOintment because: spelling

posted on Apr, 19 2020 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: Blue Shift
No thoughts or experiences, no sense of time passing, no memories of your former life and pain, no dreams. Just incomprehensible nothing lasting a forever you can't feel.

Sounds like my local bus-stop.

posted on Apr, 19 2020 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Nothing is simple or how we expect it. There are always surprises. If I was to go to a bad place though I would rather not exist then go there. nothingness would seem pretty great compare to a hellish place.

posted on Apr, 19 2020 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: Blue Shift
You're right about death being peaceful, though. No need for fear.

Tell that to my friend who hung herself in the garden from a tree last night. Seriously. I JUST had the telephone call.

Most of you don't know what the hell you are talking about beyond airy fairy nonsense and religious bunk to delude your denial of fear for the inevitable and your incomprehention of what gets left behind for others to suffer and deal with.

I don't imagine we will even be able to say goodbye properly because of SOCIAL ****ING DISTANCING FOR A PANDEMIC that is an EXCUSE FOR POWER AND MONEY!
edit on 19/4/2020 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2020 @ 12:01 PM
In buddhism they tell that the red and white drops and wind energy leave the body in stages that can last up to three days. If we have unspent desires our essence will enter a fertilized ovum within 41 days which may not necessarily be human. The process of being reborn, not pleasent, I imagine.

If before dieing, we attain enlightenment (no ego desires for self), our spiritual being awakens, and we remember not only all our past life's, but all the past life's of all beings. We don't have to be reborn but some enlightened beings decide to be reborn in one of the six realms to help others awaken.

Personally I see rebirth as hell (Genesus we will surely die). I'd much rather die into nothingness. But it seems that our role, has greater purpose, than life itself.

As for your dream. The nuke represents destruction of everything you believe is important. Vaporising into nothing. Some religions believe that our reality is a powerful dream. That when we awaken we will realize that none of it was real.

The Buddha was once asked what happens after awakening. He remain silent and didn't respond. Some speculate that our minds could not understand. So silence was his answer.

Thanks for sharing

posted on May, 15 2020 @ 06:18 PM
a reply to: nerbot

Sorry for your loss.

There's no dignity in death. Ever. It's a desperate, grasping, thrashing, kinda thing. We sanitize it with the narratives we build for the deceased, and the funeral and eulogy are a big part of that...I can't imagine what it's like to go without that closure, sorry.

However, I should say... we're all just scared animals at the end, but that doesn't say anything about what comes after. There's no distinction between the profane and mundane, the grotesque and the's all part of the same thing. I like to believe there's something better waiting after this material existence.

posted on Jun, 19 2020 @ 10:49 PM
a reply to: Blue Shift

I hate to agree but I too would say regardless of if it’s peaceful or not the end is always just blackness.

posted on Jun, 19 2020 @ 10:52 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Short time lurker myself here. Recently I started questioning the meaning of death and what that moment must be like.

I think there is an episode of BoJack Horseman that touches on this subject of what that moment when we cross into death is like. Highly recommend viewing for anyone finding themselves wondering about this.

posted on Jun, 20 2020 @ 01:26 AM

originally posted by: nerbot

originally posted by: Blue Shift
You're right about death being peaceful, though. No need for fear.

Tell that to my friend who hung herself in the garden from a tree last night. Seriously. I JUST had the telephone call!

Sorry about your friend. But the only ones feeling any fear or pain now are those still living, such as yourself. Was she afraid and in pain beforehand? Sure. But aren't we all? If she was here, I'd tell her that.

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