I think Jennifer Lopez is the worst kind of monster for using real fur in her new fashion line. She deserves to have her head shaved with a dull razor
for promoting such inhumanity! Just an other example of American capitalism and why the world hates us.
Read about the horrors of the fur trade:
Click here: JLoDown.com >> J. Lo is Low Down: Animals are Skinned Alive for Their Fur
I feel like puking now.
I'm horrified. But I'm also wondering why I'm at all surprised at this. People do things like this every day to animals, worse things to humans.
It's disgusting.
If you watch that, be warned. it really is sickening.
Most of the world's fur is not "live harvested" despite what the video portrays. It is actually way too expensive. Most farms gas 'em first,
which is much less dangerous for the workers.
A lot of fur is still trapped, and cheaper than fur farms, anyway. I remember back in the early 80's when coyote brought $75 a pelt...