posted on Apr, 13 2020 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to:
I was looking at the county by county results. Of the 72 counties, 59 had reported by an hour ago or so.
The WI Supreme Court Justice race interested me. Karofsky won and according to the media this means ....IDK...whatever.
She carried less than a third of the counties but did win in Milwaukee, Madison, Waukesha, and Racine. Those alone provided waaay more than was
needed. Sort of analogous to the Presidential election and the electoral college. Without the EC, three or four states would decide the election.
Here, three or four counties were the difference.
With regards to the election drama, I did not witness any. I went and voted, no problem. The governor and the legislature had plenty of time to
develop a solid solution. Instead they decided to play politics. Meanwhile, the folks running the polling stations were left to carry the burden. From
what I witnessed, they did a great job. Even had curbside voting!