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In Two Weeks, Have You Changed your Mind about the covid-19 outbreak?

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posted on Apr, 12 2020 @ 10:21 PM
On March 29th, I asked what would it take for people to change their minds about the covid-19 and the associated pandemic. I had seen a large number of people dig in their heels - either that the virus was the end times or a total joke - and I was curious then.

Now, two weeks later, I am curious who has changed their mind.

The stats for cases reported[1] on March 28th were 124,256 cases and 2,222 deaths. Here, today, on April 12th, two weeks later, we see a total of 560,433 cases and 22,115 deaths. That gave us an average mortality rate of around 1,420/day. The cases reported does not mean the same as total cases out there. It requires a test to verify, iirc, for case to be official and in many places the testing has been less than ideal.

In contrast, the flu season has been a bad one through March 28th this year. From October 5th thru March 28th, there were an estimated 55 million cases[2]. This resulted in 63,000 deaths so far. Flu season normally continues through May, so the influenza virus isn't done doing its deed. The average mortality rate has been 360/day.

However, let's be a little more fair. The first covid-19 case officially reported in the US was on January 19th[3]. That gives us an American 'covid-19 season' lasting - so far - a total of 84 days. That means that - so far - the covid-19 has had an average daily mortality rate of 263.

We did not shelter at home for influenza. We have for covid-19. We had a crappy vaccine this year for the flu. We have nothing verified for covid-19.

Have any of you changed your mind? Is this worse than you thought? is this milder? Is this the end times? or is this a hoax? What made you change your mind?


posted on Apr, 12 2020 @ 10:25 PM
a reply to: anzha

I think most people are now concerned about the deaths being reported and how they are determined, if they are tested and to what effect this actually played in the death.

Personally, once things start getting fishy, I assume the whole boat is full rotten fish.

It's the sad reality, or whats the old saying "one bad apple spoils the bunch". So once you start wondering why they are so inclined to assign untested deaths to this, it starts to spoil the bunch.

posted on Apr, 12 2020 @ 10:26 PM
Same sentiments as before.

posted on Apr, 12 2020 @ 10:52 PM
Same as before. This virus is bad for people on certain meds and some health conditions, and for the old with a compromised immune system. It is very catchy, that I always believed, but although I agreed that we needed to do some social distancing and wear masks, I do think that they are over emphasizing the effect of what they have done to stop it. They needed time to get supplies up, and to figure out this disease, my attitude has not changed at all that we need to start getting things rolling at the end of the month.

What has changed in my thinking? Society is way more prone to fear than I would even dream of. If this was a major illness we were dealing with we would be screwed. I also see that these people's fears can make them violent. I do not have much faith in the CDC anymore, they will twist the evidence to back their actions to promote fear in the people. They blew up Zika and Ebols, all fear mongering. That led to people and our administration not taking this more serious. They cried wolf too often. This whole graphing stuff does not help cure the problem, it is a learning tool and that kind of evidence is used to deceive people more than to tell the truth. Put a graph behind a presentation and people are more apt to believe a lie.

Basically my attitude towards this has changed a little but not a lot. The deceivers are good in the health agencies. They also hire people who can make people believe lies to tell the news in this country, it is propaganda but unlike propaganda of old that tries to get our citizens together, it is meant to rip our country apart. A country divided cannot stand, that is a true philosophy.

posted on Apr, 12 2020 @ 11:01 PM
Same as before. It's bad in concentrated population zones and for older people with other conditions. It's not worth the panic for everywhere and everybody else.

+1 more 
posted on Apr, 12 2020 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: anzha

I've called BS since day one and the statistics support my view. The death counts are inflated and that's well documented at this point.

You raise an important question however, in asking if folks have changed their minds based on scrutiny or data that's emerged. Sadly I feel there hasn't been many who've changed their stance. And this is a testament to the political nature of this entire fiasco. Let's face it, the people who are freaking out the most and gobbling up everything from the MSM are the same people that ALWAYS do.....left leaning folks.

And why? In my humble opinion......fear is the motivator of the "tolerant" left. Fear drives everything in progressive politics. A fear of self determination. A fear of responsibility. A fear of being viewed as insensitive, racist, ignorant, etc.
If this is someone's inherit nature, something pushed as fear porn ( Covid in this case ) will be embraced with open arms as a platform to posture and virtue signal.

Add in the fact that its yet another device to slam Trump, and you have a situation that the deep state will drool over and milk until the last drop.

I garuntee if in December of this year you ask any lefty their opinion of whether Covid was overhyped or legitimate....their response will still be the same. And they'll still be shilling for their own enslavement out of fear disguised as altruism.

posted on Apr, 12 2020 @ 11:09 PM

originally posted by: AutomateThis1
Same sentiments as before.

Ditto..But now that I see what's coming, ANGER level is increasing.

posted on Apr, 12 2020 @ 11:10 PM
I think the biggest change for me is the slow realization that people like being wracked by fear. Its definitely not conscious, and many will "interestingly" tend to talk about how not afraid they are, but yeah...

In the same vein, the slow realization (Im slow, alright?
) that everything from corporations and government to media have got a much firmer grasp on peoples minds than I thought. I knew it was extensive, and even have been talking about it for years, just didnt quite see how far it had truly gone.

posted on Apr, 12 2020 @ 11:10 PM
a reply to: anzha

Still no PPE for healthcare workers

Definitely no PPE for supply chain workers

Still cannot get a test in most places unless you are hospitalized.

Definitely won't get Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin when you need it early. May be lucky to get it once you are vented and it is too late.

What else is there to say? It is like going to war armed with sticks.

edit on 12-4-2020 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2020 @ 11:14 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: AutomateThis1
Same sentiments as before.

Ditto..But now that I see what's coming, ANGER level is increasing.

I've been angry, but here recently I've been getting really frustrated.

posted on Apr, 13 2020 @ 12:15 AM
In Washington and Idaho they aren't testing anyone mid 60's and above who dies at home, or anyone with preexisting conditions who dies at home, and there are a lot more than usual.

Nursing home death rates have also increased, and they aren't being tested either.

The flu takes a lot of lives, but it's spread out over a larger period of time.

Unless they start testing people who pass away in the 55+ age group, there's really no way of knowing whether they had Covid, or if that was the contributing factor to their demise.

Seems to me those who have antigens should be given a certification card and exempted from the stay-at-home order.

posted on Apr, 13 2020 @ 01:06 AM
Hyped from the very start.
The numbers of cases here have dropped like a rock.
Kinda following my prediction that by July one would ask another "remember Covid-19 ?"
"No , what's that ?"

posted on Apr, 13 2020 @ 01:12 AM

originally posted by: Gothmog
Hyped from the very start.
The numbers of cases here have dropped like a rock.
Kinda following my prediction that by July one would ask another "remember Covid-19 ?"
"No , what's that ?"

That would be great....

Sadly, in my state(a rural flyover) the governor is somehow clinging to a model that on the high end equals the whole of the US for OUR STATE ALONE.

Thankfully he's catching some flake, but at this point, he should be going through whatever process that removes him from office.

He's the rep of the state(elected by a sliver of the land mass due to megacity one voting for a retard, while the rural areas want nothing to do with his party).

I for one, am a bit more forgiving than most, I don't think he should be hung, but run out of office is fine.

posted on Apr, 13 2020 @ 01:34 AM
a reply to: anzha

You posed some great questions.

Me. I said, “Wait until we 1,000 deaths a day”.

Guess what? New York is *not* following the death rates of other countries even as it surpasses all other countries!!

The numbers don’t work out. Right now NY should be at 1,500 - 2,750 deaths per day. But those numbers have not materialized.

Then I heard that those that die at home are not being counted...


Nobody wants to “encore the masses” so, me, I, myself, feel we are being lied to.

But that is me. And numbers don’t lie. But governments do.

Let’s see the adjusted numbers. If we ever can...

posted on Apr, 13 2020 @ 02:03 AM

originally posted by: nugget1
Seems to me those who have antigens should be given a certification card and exempted from the stay-at-home order.

A chip under the skin would be so much more convenient.

posted on Apr, 13 2020 @ 02:20 AM
Nope, still think it's a scam. Now that the media is starting to play the whole "Coronavirus Hates Black People" game even more so. Fauci is still a friggin' lunatic, Trump is still orange and wrong about everything (thought we weren't supposed to hate on people's skin color but whatever, only talkin' bout Trump right). The economy is still gonna crash, but now people will blame an illness instead of going after the people that actually manufactured the real crisis.

On the bright side it's been sorta nice having off work I guess. Been reading a lot more, been working out a lot more, and I'm getting paid a lot more to do nothing than I was an incredibly dangerous job. So yeah, life is good here in Zombieland, hope things don't go back to "normal" until at least July at this rate.

posted on Apr, 13 2020 @ 02:39 AM

originally posted by: starviego

originally posted by: nugget1
Seems to me those who have antigens should be given a certification card and exempted from the stay-at-home order.

A chip under the skin would be so much more convenient.

I always imagined they'd implement the chips anally, if for no reason other than to be symbolic.

I'm sure the lines would be around the block, those wishing for safety over freedom....and all that....

posted on Apr, 13 2020 @ 02:43 AM

originally posted by: ZapBrannigan3030

originally posted by: Gothmog
Hyped from the very start.
The numbers of cases here have dropped like a rock.
Kinda following my prediction that by July one would ask another "remember Covid-19 ?"
"No , what's that ?"

That would be great....

Sadly, in my state(a rural flyover) the governor is somehow clinging to a model that on the high end equals the whole of the US for OUR STATE ALONE.

Thankfully he's catching some flake, but at this point, he should be going through whatever process that removes him from office.

He's the rep of the state(elected by a sliver of the land mass due to megacity one voting for a retard, while the rural areas want nothing to do with his party).

I for one, am a bit more forgiving than most, I don't think he should be hung, but run out of office is fine.

Our governor held off as long as he could....

posted on Apr, 13 2020 @ 02:44 AM
a reply to: nugget1

The flu takes a lot of lives, but it's spread out over a larger period of time.

No , no it isn't
The normal flu has "seasons" during the year.
Information combats ignorance.

posted on Apr, 13 2020 @ 02:47 AM

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: ZapBrannigan3030

originally posted by: Gothmog
Hyped from the very start.
The numbers of cases here have dropped like a rock.
Kinda following my prediction that by July one would ask another "remember Covid-19 ?"
"No , what's that ?"

That would be great....

Sadly, in my state(a rural flyover) the governor is somehow clinging to a model that on the high end equals the whole of the US for OUR STATE ALONE.

Thankfully he's catching some flake, but at this point, he should be going through whatever process that removes him from office.

He's the rep of the state(elected by a sliver of the land mass due to megacity one voting for a retard, while the rural areas want nothing to do with his party).

I for one, am a bit more forgiving than most, I don't think he should be hung, but run out of office is fine.

Our governor held off as long as he could....

But folded in the end....sounds like you are the late stage when it comes to the overreaction.

I hope you hold him to a tight "leash" wrapped tightly around his neck....lest he wish to breath freely in the coming future.

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