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Let’s play TPTB - Corona-times- If I was king of the world...

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posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 01:05 PM
I have a good friend who always says “Don’t complain to me about what governments (big biz, big pharma, activists...) are doing unless you have a better solution. At least somebody is trying to do something.”

Well something sure is getting done... but why?

This is a site choc full of idea people... let’s put us to use.

Let’s start with WHY (then we can look at if it’s justified or what would have been better solution incentives perspectives.

what could possibly be all the reasons for the global shelter in place? Please keep the list points short and explain in other reply posts.

- $ - we should always first follow the money - this could all be for TPTB $ - god I hope not - how sad and boring

- test - social experiment to see if it is possible to lock down 8b humans and what surprises that holds. Find hot spots...

- there is or inevitably will be a virus - let’s practice and prepare.

- a manmade virus was Accidentally brought out too soon

- a Bio War was started and TPTB made nice and changed their minds (and lockdown is how the genie gets back in the bottle). Let’s hope mommy and daddy get counseling and we don’t have to do this a lot.

- humans are not in control of this - but can control the response and this is protecting us some how

- bad humans are in control or have lost control of something and other humans or non humans are protecting us in this drastic way.

- temperature readings, finger prints gloved and hiding facial features are all very important to this lockdown. What else could they be important for?

- divide and conquer - you can’t self distance and easily protest, strike, rally, bond, console, care

- scapegoats and hero’s - create a culture where those on the front lines will be sacra mount and to protest lockdown will be as to spit on their service.

- to question is to deny... is it a good idea to push a rushed vaccine for covid? WHAT? Are you an anti ALL vaccines person (uh no). Create divide

- Deepen the “It is easier to fool someone than to tell them they’ve been fooled.” pit scientists and engineers against the masses... if anyone Inside questions the group think then you are as bad as the rest of the uneducated.

- the world needs a forced stop to catch its breath TPTB decides (oh and those laid off will be fine eventually)

- the world needs a wake up call that we are not in charge?

- the world needs time to gather their # together before a real disaster

- the world needs a global disaster simulation - everyone on the same page for a shared reality - ven diagram marker lens in 20/20 flower of life. After all we all create our own reality... remember

- let’s take it too the limits or too far and draw out the light workers ( or is that inside all of us?)

- from the ice bucket challenge and blue gold / black white dress videos we learned that what goes viral needs to be a personal visceral experience shared within a community experience. This is the big mama global viral personal and shared experience. This generations 9/11, Kennedy Assassination but more personal to all.

- the earth’s ice cores and soils need a layer of markedly low pollution as a time stamp for 2020

- Lets find and track all the free thinkers and non compilers experiment

- the 1% was getting larger - we can’t have a 2%. Let’s knock that in the bud and remind the masses whose prepped and who’s screwed and have everyone Refind their place

- homelessness and drugs out of control - civil liberties in the way. Prison expensive... there must be another way to make cities pretty again. Oh hey... virus ridden camps but we need a reason that is Indisputable

- what humanity needs is more loans - that zero % looks good now but...

- look how well we did with air port security, what we all need is a new sheeple norm... let’s try social distancing

- what kids need is more screen time

- what suicidal, depressed, anxious people need is a massive stressful lonely solution to a global ambiguous problem

- what abusers need is lockdowns with families

- what society needs is a local to global reality check - just how much crap we buy comes from far away? Give laid off people months to start new businesses locally for vital supplies (and give them loans)

- what societies around the world need is a way to get rid of the burdensome boomers, seniors and sick people weighing upon government funds. Let’s make social pressure that they bravely save respirators for younger healthier victims. And make sure they die alone and spouses grieve alone in case anyone wasn’t exactly brave. Let’s count all deaths daily as corona to make this a thing for old and young people to focus on more.

- let’s give everyone a reason to grow peace gardens starting this spring for veggies and organize their homes.

- let’s make everyone realize that donating food to food banks is easy until the stores have bare shelves and you start to hoard food for yourselves. TPTB aren’t the only ones who prioritize themselves over others - that handy little stretchy phrase of ... must secure your oxygen mask first before you can help others

- people talk as well as text. Hard to track talk. Let’s shut down all community talking ... hubs. bars, hair salons, gyms, play grounds... but of course we TPTB can chat so let’s leave golf courses open.

- small business - what a pain - they eat into Corp earnings all the time. How can we really bash in all their knee caps in one fell swoop. But To keep the things we need as TPTB let’s have a vague ESSENTIAL BUSINESS clause.

- If you have live in help you are fine. If you don’t, move them in. If you can’t afford that, learn to clean, you don’t deserve them. Your cleaners can go work for amazon. But you should pay them anyway until then. they can get some of the 3 trillion - not enough but something so they will do it and get counted.

- if you are a woman now is the time, more likely than not, to swing back into the 1950s. Get that second shift at night after your zoom meetings all day - where’s dinner? We don’t trust restaurant food take out every night - only when too cranky to corona care

- so who are the vain and old? Let’s stop hair coloring, Botox, all elective surgery - let’s see who is really underneath all this... in the meantime let’s crush all the local little beauticians everywhere making that affordable.

- let’s see if we can fatten up and depress humanity. Men - let’s make corona kill you off over women 70:30. Let’s make it harder to exercise. Harder to see your doctor. Women let’s make it harder to look good and younger unless you have TONS of money (TPTB are getting Botox during corona fo shure)

- let’s play with rolling lockdowns. It was fun with black outs during Enron

- let’s turn sheeple into preppers

- let’s focus everyone’s attention and prime them for an important message... ok any time now...

- let’s turn around all the progress on refusing single use plastics and make everyone afraid of reuse. No canvas bags or cotton gloves or scarves). Build up need for all this cheap oil we have now!

- let’s just give nature a few weeks to sequester more carbon than we emit and get back into balance for heavens sake before we extinguish the human race

Ok... your turn. Add more reasons thinking from the perspectives of TPTB (P is plural and has varied incentives)

edit on 4/11/2020 by trusername because: Typo

edit on 4/11/2020 by trusername because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: trusername

There is this thread i did. Seems a long time ago but the scenario is not ywt off the table...

before the SHTF

Sorry I'm too lazy to break it down.

Sincerely NC
edit on 11-4-2020 by NoConspiracy because: Grammar nazi was onto me...

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: NoConspiracy
a reply to: trusername

There is this thread i did. Seems a long time ago but the scenario is not ywt off the table...

before the SHTF

Sorry I'm too lazy to brake it down.

Sincerely NC

That would be break....

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 01:18 PM
- needed to sneak by some controversial laws like fracking off CA coast.

- make trump deny a virus to get the liberals on board first and hard and angry then make trump say it’s really bad to get the conservatives on board ... too easy? It will work truuust me

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 01:21 PM
What we're seeing is human responses to something nature did.

What we're seeing is our utter lack of preparedness to a natural occurance. ( When a tornado levels an Oklahoma town, what do we do? Build more trailer homes)

What we're seeing is a natural occurance that has never happened on this scale before. (The rate of infection)

What we're seeing are no natural responses to a natural occurance. (Wet markets are open again in China)

What we're seeing is people the world over, rich and poor, still thinking they are in control over what nature does.

We do not make the narrative. Nature does. It always has and it always will

Until people accept that fact, we will continue to hoard toilet paper at the first sign of a disaster.

And that, my friends, is all the proof one needs that people by and large are full of sh*t.

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: theatreboy

What are they called grammar na.... Something something...

Damn I always make the same error. Thanks for your attentive read.


posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: trusername

Okay, I'll play!

Something big is coming (asteroid, crust flip, aliens, deadly virus they dug up from under Antarctica, etc.) that will kill a huge portion of the population.

Here, fill out this Census poll so we can identify the bodies.

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: NoConspiracy

Just read it! Thanks so in reference to that... I’ll add your idea

- prep humanity for imminent major SHTF event (not corona - but using corona to have all in place and prevent major civil unrest and upheaval) in case of asteroid, solar flare etc?

- keep the masses as calm and controlled as possible during SHTF event so that they can revert to enslaved lives for TPTB as soon as possible

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: GeauxHomeYoureDrunk

That’s right the census timing too. Forgot about that!

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 01:50 PM
a reply to: trusername

- TPTB are infighting and this is what it looks like when they have major cracks in their system. They aren’t all bad and different decision makers have different priorities. This levels playing field and could solve a lot of problems at once (or cause them - time will tell).

- TPTB need people to power over otherwise what’s the point. But if things are too awful it spoils high lives too.
We don’t have an over population problem. We have an over concentration problem. Things might have been getting too awful in cities and Trump is a good president to do something crazy under so it’s a good time “fix” things.

- if people learn to work from home they can learn home doesn’t have to be in a big urine smelling garden less city

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 01:54 PM
We are currently in the pretribulation zone

Pre trib plagues are delivered by the evil people of the world. No seals have been broken yet.
Once the 7 seals begin to be broken, things will get real bad, real fast.

I believe we are looking at serious food shortages on the horizon. That and a worthless fiat money system. If you think things are bad now, just wait till the markets are barren and closed.

Plant vegetable gardens now!

Make sure you have enough fuel to get you out of the cities to a bug out spot, when things get worse, and people are roaming the streets for something to eat

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: Taupin Desciple

“We do not make the narrative. Nature does. It always has and it always will “

To your quote - I totally agree!! And if this is all Mother Nature - good on her. Don’t blame her a bit.

In case it isn’t ... we are playing the If you were king of the world game... name a scenario where you would justify this lockdown

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: visitedbythem
We are currently in the pretribulation zone

Pre trib plagues are delivered by the evil people of the world. No seals have been broken yet.
Once the 7 seals begin to be broken, things will get real bad, real fast.

I believe we are looking at serious food shortages on the horizon. That and a worthless fiat money system. If you think things are bad now, just wait till the markets are barren and closed.

Plant vegetable gardens now!

Make sure you have enough fuel to get you out of the cities to a bug out spot, when things get worse, and people are roaming the streets for something to eat

I agree it feels like that. Can you explain the 7 seals?

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 02:12 PM

originally posted by: trusername

originally posted by: visitedbythem
We are currently in the pretribulation zone

Pre trib plagues are delivered by the evil people of the world. No seals have been broken yet.
Once the 7 seals begin to be broken, things will get real bad, real fast.

I believe we are looking at serious food shortages on the horizon. That and a worthless fiat money system. If you think things are bad now, just wait till the markets are barren and closed.

Plant vegetable gardens now!

Make sure you have enough fuel to get you out of the cities to a bug out spot, when things get worse, and people are roaming the streets for something to eat

I agree it feels like that. Can you explain the 7 seals?

The seven seals are described in Revelation. The delivery of those is Angelic. Probably fallen beings. Those are alien beings. It feels like we are close to entering that 7 year period. The world will desend into chaos. Plagues, pestilence, and a new money system, where paper money is worthless. It appears that at that time, a new world monetary system will be put into place. You will need a marking on your forehead or hand in order to buy or sell anything. It sounds like a chip to me. You may choose to accept it or not, but there will be severe consequences if you choose not to.

Those who decide not to accept is will eventually be rounded up, and put into the FEMA camps "for their own safety"

Those who accept it will suffer serous health issues, that also are described in Revelation. It appears to me, that the material they make the chips from, has a very bad effect on the human body. People who take the chips, begin to develop growths, boils and sores all over their bodies

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: trusername

- create new reason to vaccinate humanity

- create more digital divide and have vs have nots in education by school shut downs and online learning

- create vaccine pressure to get back into schools

- create an immune vs not society divide

- create an online overdose where kids actually want to go outside and play (ne we seen so many in city streets it’s cool)

- lock down long enough so that humanity goes through The 7 stages
Lay offs anger

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: visitedbythem

Yuck! Let’s hope there’s a 3rd choice?

So in that scenario..

- this is round up time. Aliens have seen enough. They need all the avatars to freeze in place so they can assess who to keep and who to leave to the asteroid?

- humanity’s super power is adaptability (and memes) so this could be a fresh global test. Well at least not seen since whoever made Cappadocia.

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: trusername

This is exactly how the grand conspiracy works. Most people are not control freaks. Most people just live and let live. But the globalist elect are always looking for new ways to control you and yours. Can you justify murderers going door to door killing people by simply saying "if you're not stopping them then you have nothing to say"?

Do you have a plan to stop the globalist technocracy?

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 02:40 PM
Whether you admit it or not, the entire thing is a staged pandemic hoax. Can you imagine how many people have died of fear? How many people just got plain Jane sick and ended up dead from the fear cooked up by the mainstream media?

There is a lot going on in the psychological arena.

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 02:44 PM
And if I was king I'd make sure everybody noticed the alignment of Passover and the big announcement made by President Trump. Don't forget his advisors' roles in all this.

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 02:50 PM

originally posted by: trusername
a reply to: visitedbythem

Yuck! Let’s hope there’s a 3rd choice?

So in that scenario..

- this is round up time. Aliens have seen enough. They need all the avatars to freeze in place so they can assess who to keep and who to leave to the asteroid?

- humanity’s super power is adaptability (and memes) so this could be a fresh global test. Well at least not seen since whoever made Cappadocia.

You know something? You are likely correct about the asteroid. I think that is in the 7 seals too! It says something about something the size of a mountain, falling into the sea, killing 1/3 of all the sea life, and also into the fresh waters, making them toxic. Maybe they know its coming, and either they got the trajectory wrong, or they got it right, and decided not to tell us, to avoid panic

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