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Could this be another CoVID-19 Killer?

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posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 11:07 PM
There is a new technology that may be used to kill the Chinese virus, but it has not yet been assembled.

It involves a company called FarUV . They make an ultraviolet light that emits, at a wave length, of 222nm. This wave length does not harm human tissue but will cause Thiamine dimmers in the CoVID-19 and kill it. And it will kill it in around 20 seconds. Another company called Boston Scientific makes a product for Airway Endoscopy

FarUV has the ability to make a UV LED bulb that is small enough, and strong enough, to be attached directly to a Boston Scientific airway endoscopy scope. The scope would introduce the LED directly into the lungs. The UV light at 222nm, would kill, almost instantly, the Chinese virus in the lungs. Attaching it to a cardiac catheter and inserting it in to the blood stream, would have the same result.

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 11:13 PM

originally posted by: Violater1

There is a new technology that may be used to kill the Chinese virus, but it has not yet been assembled.

It involves a company called FarUV . They make an ultraviolet light that emits, at a wave length, of 222nm. This wave length does not harm human tissue but will cause Thiamine dimmers in the CoVID-19 and kill it. And it will kill it in around 20 seconds. Another company called Boston Scientific makes a product for Airway Endoscopy

FarUV has the ability to make a UV LED bulb that is small enough, and strong enough, to be attached directly to a Boston Scientific airway endoscopy scope. The scope would introduce the LED directly into the lungs. The UV light at 222nm, would kill, almost instantly, the Chinese virus in the lungs. Attaching it to a cardiac catheter and inserting it in to the blood stream, would have the same result.

Far UV does kill most germs (virus, bacteria, mold etc) on serfaces. It can be used for sanitizing skin.

However by the time the virus is in the lungs or where ever else it may infect it has then taken over the cells of the host.

I don't think this would work in the body.

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 11:13 PM
Sounds great. But the virus is not located only in lungs but in kidneys, liver etc. Maybe it could provide instant help to those who are in critical condition (can't breathe) but to the rest of infected I don't know... Still, good news.

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 11:19 PM
paired with a blood transfusion, seems like it could be promising.

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 11:21 PM
Lots of unproven solutions are emerging. I witnessed this first hand during the BP oil spill. Everybody and their mother was trying to get access to leadership to give their sales pitch.

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 11:22 PM

originally posted by: FyreByrd

originally posted by: Violater1

There is a new technology that may be used to kill the Chinese virus, but it has not yet been assembled.

It involves a company called FarUV . They make an ultraviolet light that emits, at a wave length, of 222nm. This wave length does not harm human tissue but will cause Thiamine dimmers in the CoVID-19 and kill it. And it will kill it in around 20 seconds. Another company called Boston Scientific makes a product for Airway Endoscopy

FarUV has the ability to make a UV LED bulb that is small enough, and strong enough, to be attached directly to a Boston Scientific airway endoscopy scope. The scope would introduce the LED directly into the lungs. The UV light at 222nm, would kill, almost instantly, the Chinese virus in the lungs. Attaching it to a cardiac catheter and inserting it in to the blood stream, would have the same result.

Far UV does kill most germs (virus, bacteria, mold etc) on serfaces. It can be used for sanitizing skin.

However by the time the virus is in the lungs or where ever else it may infect it has then taken over the cells of the host.

I don't think this would work in the body.

I can say that you are wrong, but I'll let you back up you erroneous comment with links.
We're waiting.......
edit on V252020Fridaypm30America/ChicagoFri, 10 Apr 2020 23:25:05 -05001 by Violater1 because: gfhghf

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 11:25 PM
I think it was the UVC light that kills this virus on surfaces. That is well known and has been tested. It is a special frequency of black light.

Amazon was all sold out of them, everywhere I looked for the bulbs showed sold out, they even have hand held wands they make....sold out. I would get excited, in stock, put it in the cart, no stock. Some are expensive, some are like six bucks....all out of stock. I did that on one day though, maybe someone now has them in stock. I figured the hospitals and clinics were buying them up.

Yeah it works, but you do need to get the right bulb. But I doubt if it would be feasible to use it in the lungs or inside the body anywhere. An Xray with that frequency might work though. X-rays kill some viruses and other microbes. I do not know if they could do that though.
edit on 10-4-2020 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 11:26 PM
When my dad was going through chemotherapy a few years back, I asked a doctor what was the best UV light I could get for sterilization. He said a UVC3 light basically zaps any virus. It will give you sunburn in minutes on exposed skin and will screw your eyes up if you look directly into it. You need proper ventilation as well, but we used it throughout his year and half of chemo. Move it in a room set the timer and leave. Zaps microbes in water too, it supposedly penetrates the outside and scrambles the internal DNA. Now we still use it in rooms and leave mail, groceries, car keys, etc. under it for 10-15 minutes, it also can be used to resterilize used masks again 10- 15 minutes both sides.
edit on 10-4-2020 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 11:26 PM

originally posted by: Stupidsecrets
Lots of unproven solutions are emerging. I witnessed this first hand during the BP oil spill. Everybody and their mother was trying to get access to leadership to give their sales pitch.

Would be nice if science and government got together to cure all diseases with this much haste.

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 11:38 PM
I had SARS in China back in 03.. The hospital didn't shove any kind of UV light inside of me, however, the staff had some kinds of UV lights pointed at me for the first 3 days.

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 11:50 PM
edit on 10-4-2020 by BlackOops because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 12:00 AM
a reply to: Violater1

So odd you posted this as I was literally just researching the resonance frequencies that can supposedly "clean" the human body of viruses.

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 12:04 AM
a reply to: Violater1 - In Vitro (or a testtube)

Can't find a dang thing about the potential for use in lungs or blood. Only for disinfecting.


posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 12:52 AM

originally posted by: FyreByrd
a reply to: Violater1 - In Vitro (or a testtube)

Can't find a dang thing about the potential for use in lungs or blood. Only for disinfecting.


Yep once it's in you it's up to your immune system...for better or worse. Lots of different alleged treatments but nothing concrete yet. Blood plasma from persons with antibodies has some promise, but it is so early. Thought I read where China was sending blood to Italy a while back. aly-send-31-tonnes-of-medical-supplies-health-experts/

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 11:44 AM

originally posted by: Case74282
a reply to: Violater1

So odd you posted this as I was literally just researching the resonance frequencies that can supposedly "clean" the human body of viruses.

Osmotic shock, mechanical agitation, oscillating vibrations, shaking, resonance, rebounding...Jumping on a trampoline...Contrast showering...Low PH diet...The simple things they have been touting for decades. Activate the lymphatic system, increase white blood cells, and triggers the release of interferon.
Big pharam won't let us off that easy with a low Ph diet and 2 minutes of

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 12:20 PM
I worked on a UV project a few years ago and saw the actual experimental results.

UV very effectively kills pathogens, and it kills them quickly. Under proper conditions, it is likely the most effective anti-bacterial/anti-viral resource we have. I am constantly on the lookout for UV LEDs (wavelength is critical; what most places call "UV" is near-UV and this requires far-UV which are fairly new tech and still expensive to manufacture) to use in some personal experimentation and development. So far they are just too pricy for me to deal with.

However, to say that UV does not harm humans is incorrect. Far-UV, like the 222nm mentioned, damages DNA (which is why it 'kills' virii; it also damages RNA). The concern over melanoma from sunlight exposure is because even after atmospheric filtering, some UV still gets through.

Normally, this is not an issue. The project I worked on was not designed to ever interface directly with people; the material to be decontaminated was exposed inside the apparatus. But we're talking about using far-UV energy directly on internal cells... not sure how safe that would be for the patient. I certainly wouldn't want to play guinea pig for that.

Also, UV has one difficulty in operation: the UV radiation must directly impact the pathogen. Any opacity renders it useless. It will penetrate most materials better than visible light, but that can range depending on the material from much better to only slightly better. Considering that cells are the main opacity in the body, that brings us back to excessive exposure as the radiation must penetrate through any cells in the way.

I have some serious concerns over this application.


posted on Apr, 24 2020 @ 01:15 PM
Just reported on FOX news that Cedar Sinai Hospital is using UV light, transluminated into the lungs via a Endotracheal tube, to kill the virus.
ATS, you heard it here FIRST!

edit on V192020Fridaypm30America/ChicagoFri, 24 Apr 2020 13:19:55 -05001 by Violater1 because: YES, VIA EPIPHANY, IT IS MY IDEA.

posted on Apr, 24 2020 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Fox news reporters Dana Perino with John Robert's reporting on the "injecting disinfection" comment by President Trump also stated that Cedar Sinai Hospital is using UV light, transluminated into the lungs via a Endotracheal tube, to kill the virus.
It seems like my idea that I sent to the website, went somewhere.
As above, you read about it here first.

posted on Apr, 24 2020 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

Will never happen unless it benefits pharma.

For a system that is supposedly so hyped on saving us all, my neighbor's grandson is still fighting to pay for his ridiculously overpriced insulin. I guess diabetics don't matter.

posted on Apr, 24 2020 @ 01:41 PM
The more things change................
One of the things used to fight the Spanish Flu was sunlight and fresh air. Many hospitals built after that had rooms called Solarium. These had glass ceilings and access to fresh air. Patients would be wheeled in there for so much time each day, to help combat infection.

If you watch the movie Dirty Harry, when Harry goes to see his partner in hospital, he sees him in the Solarium.

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