a reply to:
Or did they run a demo pandemic to make sure that they couldn’t cope? To see where they might make some final surgically precise changes to the NHS,
Care, Transport and Education to exacerbate infection and mortality.
For me it always comes down to this... are these leaders and their advisors really as dumb as the picture their mistakes paint? These individuals have
for the most part been highly educated by the best institutions and then had to prove themselves navigating the shark infested waters of business and
politics to get to these positions of power.
So if humble little me, with my half baked state education can see the problems, the mistakes a mile off as, and sometimes before they happen via
Logie Baired’s propaganda portal in the corner of my fox hole...then surely these political movers and shakers can see them too, plus more
Are the masses being skilfully bounced like ping pong balls between trust and outrage; from “
Leave it to the experts!” to “
Who put
these morons in charge?” There’s probably little truth in either of these polarised viewpoints. It’s funny that their ‘incompetence’
usually makes life ever harder for the masses, ever easier for the few... and rarely makes the poor richer, or the rich poorer.
In the movie The Usual Suspects, the mystery villain Keyser Soze takes a leaf out of the political playbook when he tells the cop exactly who he is
while simultaneously passing the buck, “
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.”
Boris Johnson is the archetypal Verbal Kint of politics. When the clown prince finally exits stage and strolls off into the sunset will his hunched
Churchill impression fall away as his back straightens and chin rises? Might his shuffle become long confident strides? Will his unkempt signature
mess of hair arrange itself into a slick, perfect coma with a flick of his suddenly nimble wrist?
Only then might the common voice finally wonder out loud if the leadership really believed, as they originally stated, a lockdown would make mortality
higher - that a lockdown would put a greater strain on the NHS?
Was the best reason
not to lockdown really that people would get too bored? In that case should people be advised to have a few pints before a
long drive because it might otherwise be too tedious and we’ll crash out of sheer boredom? Ok, i’m sure there’s far better glib comparisons to
be made than that effort, but maybe it’s the outrageous lunacy of the government’s rationale that’s the point.
When Boris finally pulled his U-turn and locked down, stating that he’d just been waiting for the right time to do it, shouldn’t Journalists have
insisted that he show the modelling that justified this counterintuitive policy?
Was it too convenient that BBC anchor-in-chief and Tory cheerleader Laura Kuenssberg was always given the first question? That the country’s prime
news portal, under threat from the government of losing its licence fee - it’s only source of cash revenue, happens to have had a flag waving Tory
as their number one, virtually only political anchor since the Tories came to power?
She’d always ask that hard question and except the first answer no matter how ludicrous, making it difficult for the other journalists to ask it
again if they weren’t satisfied. With the trusted BBC having already accepted the answer it makes follow ups sound as if they’re desperate and
peripheral. It’s damned clever! And don’t forget, question a government on a war footing too vigorously and you’ll be accused of risking public
confidence and moral - that’s virtually treason.
Was it too timely that by the time the journalists grew some balls, or brains and asked the right questions Boris was in ICU and unavailable to
answer, depriving us of those on-camera quotes that could later be used as evidence against him when the dust settles? Being in ICU is the perfect
plausible deniability.
So, don’t ask Boris, ask the fall guys if the Tories really thought ventilator production didn’t need to be ramped up after running a demo that
failed in 2016. Or how they managed to buy testing kits form China that don’t work? How much worse will it get before we can make a comparison to
nazis telling Nuremberg that they were told by scientists that gas chambers made Jewish people healthier.
Is the next phase in
Operation: Convince the world the devil doesn’t exist how they end lockdown. What’s the odds that this is done in a
way the ‘accidentally’ produces a second wave that hits bang in the middle of winter? And could it all culminate with a vaccine that
‘accidentally’ gives the masses a couple of years to live. Going by the governments mishandling of the pandemic thus far, if the miracle vaccine
finally appears it might be prudent to catch the virus instead.
Just like the cop in the final moments of The Usual Suspects, by the time that common voice realises that it’s been duped and runs outside in search
of Verbal, Keyser, Johnson, whoever, there’ll be nothing to see but empty streets. Empty streets.
edit on 11-4-2020 by McGinty because: (no reason given)