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originally posted by: LABTECH767
a reply to: WanderingMrM
But was there darnkess before creation?, something existed and that something was God and he was not alone for the Word of God was with him, what had he created before this.
Let there be light, and god saw that light that it was good and he divided the light from the darkness.
Before there was light was there darkness or did the very act of creating and then separating that light - was that light the light we see with our eye's or mind, was it literal light or reason? - from the darkness so was therefore darkness in reality created second to light for the light to shine within it, a place were there had been non before making darkness REAL purpose therefore to serve the light as shadows are cast and give light form.
What was before time?, what is AFTER if such a concept and indeed if the concept of before can apply to such a thought what then is there.
What if a second is an eternity and in that eternity only a second may pass.
What if there are entire universes passing in the blink of an eye - metaphorically speaking - an infinite number of them and an infinite variation upon them.
What if everything that is has been before, creation made again and again each time almost identical and sometimes actually identical - in an infinite universe this is actually an almost certainty to be the case, in an infinite universe an infinite number of earth's identical to this with people identical to us will exist divided only by time, location and even if it comes' to that creation cycle.
But this is just speculation and on this day of commemoration we must remember something bigger than ourselves.
About two thousand years ago a good man - more than a man yet just a man at the same time - lay down his life for the remaking of the world, he on a day just like today on a hill numbered with criminal's by vile accusations and slanders, the rock upon which he was crucified - the foundation of the world split at the moment of his death to accept his blood and some believe that blood then dripped down onto a ceremonial throne called the mercy seat on something called the ark of the covenant were it still exists to this very day on that seat's right hand side (the right hand side of someone sitting upon it not our right hand looking at it) to fulfill a prophecy that called this man the lamb of god slain from the foundation of the world, in this context does our musing really have validity or power or is it merely a distraction from a greater reality around us outside of ourselves.
originally posted by: lostinspace
a reply to: WanderingMrM
...but I thought dark matter came first. Dark matter was the lattice that held the physical universe together. The darkness has to come before the light. The socket for the light has to be created first but it happens to be so dark it looks invisible.
originally posted by: lostinspace
a reply to: WanderingMrM
That is very interesting. After reading your post I was thinking of a good reply. A strange thing happened moments after stepping out of my office where I was reading your post. You see I was watching the old Star Trek: Voyager series in the living room at the same time. It’s an episode where the hologram doctor has turned into an evil character after modifying his program. He incorporated the characters of Lord Byron, Socrates, Da Vinci. Madame Curie and T’Pol of Vulcan to his program to make him more interesting. That combination over powered the kind natured doctor. Here’s what he was telling Kes as I walked into the room:
“They are frightened of the truth. That darkness is more fundamental than light. Cruelty before kindness. Evil more primary than good. More deserving of existence.”
Sounds exactly like your darkness concept where it was devouring everything. I wonder if black holes are somehow related to this devouring primal nature.
Black holes lead to the void yes and it is a prison housing the oldest of the Gods and the Darkness itself or as to what the shadow government refer to as "The Mother"... The black liquid that these idiots consume is like a mana from the void which lets them hear her voice etc.
On topic of the Eden, it seems humanity might have been tasked with creating Eden here on Earth but we dropped the ball so badly that I am no longer sure we can pick it back up...
Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. For this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality. When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory.”
The creator is silent in a way that maybe that song "What if God was one of us" actually had some truth behind it and God decided to become human down here with some heavy amnesia or something.
originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
a reply to: WanderingMrM
On topic of the Eden, it seems humanity might have been tasked with creating Eden here on Earth but we dropped the ball so badly that I am no longer sure we can pick it back up...
Recently my wife passed away. And no matter how much I cry and ask her to return, she will not, at least not in the body she had. She has given me many signs though, that she lives. The method of her signs were unmistakable. Signs were very important to her, though, I did not know this before she passed.
Edin, heaven on Earth, no, the ball was not dropped.
1 Corinthians 15:51-54
Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. For this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality. When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory.”
What does the above translate to? Simply, how do you make a spirit which lives forever, die, and become, reborn? As above, so too below. It is the ultimate Life Simulator for those who still eat the forbidden fruit of the "Original Sin". Jesus was the model and public display as to how it actually works. And yes, Easter is the celebration of our rebirth.
Heaven on Earth, is the greatest secret, never told. It must be felt, in your heart.
One just never knows.......
The creator is silent in a way that maybe that song "What if God was one of us" actually had some truth behind it and God decided to become human down here with some heavy amnesia or something.
I pose a question to you. If you knew the outcome of every situation, and knew all the secrets of life and the universe, and the secrets of rebirth, then, what point would there be in living a life, in the flesh.
Yea, I believe God(Divine Creator), is a "Cold Reader", by choice............
June? Ill wait. Well, If I'm still here...........
We are in agreement with the concept...
NOW THAT... would be an interesting concept!
Keep an eye on things being done, things that will be done, ensuring the story plays out the way it is meant to and experience being human to see what needs changing once the foundation of the Earth are shaken.
Keep an eye on things being done, things that will be done, ensuring the story plays out the way it is meant to and experience being human to see what needs changing once the foundation of the Earth are shaken.
the formation of the world and what's more stranger is that no one and I mean no one is in Eden other than some old man that tends the garden and to the animals so to speak.
Does this no make sense, given reality is already so clearly organized in a dualistic (though singular) polarity?
What role does duality play within an monistic scheme?