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Corona Virus and some dots

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posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 07:38 AM
Some things i noticed in the last hour and some things i knew a bit longer match like chalk and cheese.

Read this about Merkel today:

„Auch wenn die Zahlen mal einen Tag besser werden, sie (die Pandemie) wird nicht verschwinden, bis wir wirklich einen Impfstoff haben, mit dem wir die Bevölkerung immunisieren können.“ Link

She says that the pandemic will not vanish till we can immunize people with a vaccine.

After i read this i had to think of Event201. With that "exercise" started what we have now worldwide. Then i found the following article from some days ago. Gates, one of the Event201 players, doesn´t want a lot of recovered people who have acquired natural immunity, because of his profits:

Did Bill Gates Just Reveal the Reason Behind the Lock-Downs?

"In a recent candid interview, Bill Gates outlined that, despite the comparatively small threat of Coronavirus, he and his colleagues “don’t want a lot of recovered people” who have acquired natural immunity. They instead are hoping we become reliant on vaccines and anti-viral medication.
Shockingly, Gates also suggests people be made to have a digital ID showing their vaccination status, and that people without this “digital immunity proof” would not be allowed to travel. Such an approach would mean very big money for vaccine producers."

The last part reminded me of The Known Traveller Digital Identity-Projekt”, KTDI. Created by another player of the Event201, the World Economic Forum. That bringss us to W3C and their Decentralized Identity Foundation. Their members often co-operate with intelligence services from all over the world. To create a global surveillance standard.

There is a lot more, there are field studies happenning in Heinsberg, one of the Corona hot spots in Germany (because of the carnival the now law and order politicians didnt want to forbid because of the money it brings every year from tourists and stuff, despite they knew enough about Corona, Covid and the dangers at that time) which question the numbers which are coming from the John Hopkins Institute(third player of Event201) and the Robert Koch Institute (Germany, state owned!) which spread all the horror numbers but ommit the the way bigger numbers of people which had the virus with no or only very mild symptoms and are immune now.

The problem is that 99% of the people act like a deer that is caught in the glaring headlights of a car. They don´t act rationally anymore but in fear and panic. Because they eat all that official bull#, spread by the MSM 24/7, and are grateful for being robbed of their rights. They applaude to the law and order measures and celebrate the polticians which proclaim them. Must be the same idiocy Hitler successful used. The tighter the chains, the happier the most of the people. The better the "Führer", the more obeying the people are. As a german i am ashamed, once again.

People would see the design of the plan and would connect the dots, but they are distracted by the MSMs 24/7 panic bombardement. And they have again nothing to hide anyway. If it "helps to stop the virus" they would even sell their own grandmas, now it´s "just" the freedom of everyone here. And some ask, according to the MSM, for even tighter chains. They don´t want to see that the turbo-, the robber baron capitalists crash the old system under their control right now. They want what almost every dystopia tells us. They want working slaves under full surveillance of some multinational acting corporations and their owners like Gates. Not countries or nations anymore, not people which think critically and question things. And live independent of these corporations, their owners and their rules. They crash the middle class right now, the medium sized businesses and companies are dying right now because of the curfew, not because of the virus. To be looted by the big money corporations in a few weeks.

The middle class will be soon poor as those the middle class often talked bad about because "they are only poor because they are too lazy". Then we will be told that we all have to work more for less money (if that is possible in Germany) to rescue society and to get a life back like before Event201. And if you don´t want to become even more slave than now, you will be socialy excluded because of "anti-social behaviour" and you maybe suddenly are a possible corona infected, or worse. Same will happen with the upcoming "rescue us from Corona" mass surveillance Apps. They will be "optional" and "anonymized". But i bet if you don´t use them, they will find a way to let you feel what they want and what not. Same for the Gates vaccine they will come up with. If you don´t get your Gates Corona shot you will be a risk for the whole mankind. I don´t want to think further about what would happen to such people then.

People should simply follow the strings (money) to identify the puppetmasters. Should listen to what these people propagate since decades. Should be aware of which "exercises" they do, when they do them and what happens after these "exercises". People should notice the circles which profit from the current situation? It´s not the hard working people which keep countries alive everyday. Those people have to risk their own lives now to keep the society alive and trying to save their businesses and companies, because neo"liberalists" rather burn peoples money to blow it into shareholders, banksters and millionaires/billionaires backs.

I just can say it again and again. It´s a revolution of the ultra-rich, the mega corporations, the greed capitalists. They are creating a new system, a new society right now, under our noses. They use that panic and virus hype (with doubtful numbers) to create what they dream of since a long time, 9/11 was just one step into this direction. They excuse their law and order and freedom stealing measures with that virus. That maybe at the end will have killed less people than every yearly flu season. As long as they declare every corona infected that died from whatever as a dead by corona person, as long as they don´t examine allegedly corona deads, as long millions of people have to have "Corona parties" every day at their jobs and only everything outside of the working time is dangerous and forbidden because of that virus, as long nobody questions this and nobody comes up with a logical explanation for this behaviour, i stay with my "conspiracy theory".

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

This is very plausible, but I have the feeling that this was too big of a piece to swallow, and they hopefully choke to death.
civil disobedience will be the nail in their coffins.

Or not!

ÜüNow it all depends on we the sheeple.


posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

Meanwhile voices are getting louder like Prof. Püschel forensic medicine Hamburg
not a single person has died from Corona
all of the 50 bodies he examined had severe diseases, cancer, diabetes, obesity, heavy smokers,... the corona infection was just the last drop and he assumes all these people would have died this year anyways.

Oh sorry forgot the conspiracy part:
The WHO has strongly adviced not to perform an autopsy.

Which just stinks fishy, add them to your list.

edit on 10-4-2020 by Peeple because: add

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

Mein freund, I hope you're wrong, but I unfortunately think you're right.

One thing I keep thinking is that "they" will implement their plan of control at all costs. If this doesn't work, they'll go bigger, badder, harder.

If there's a whiff of a resistance movement, it will be discredited with false flags, or a puppet will be plugged in as the "face" of the resistance who would then serve to discredit the movement or lead it the wrong direction.

I would even go so far as to say Trump was plugged in as POTUS, along with the dog & pony show impeachment against him to generate "authenticity" of a nationalist/populist movement - when in reality, its just been controlled opposition against the nationalist/populist tide in the US with thisplan on the docket all along.

I hope you're wrong - I hope I'm wrong. Time will tell, but all signs seem to be pointing that direction.

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

What I see as a problem for this CT is that the magic vaccine does not as yet exist and I agree with Ms Merkel in that this virus will not go away without an effective vaccine. Mr Gates is just one of thousands of labs worldwide working on developing one so his chances of being the winner are remote to say the least. Perhaps his contribution to the great quest is purely philanthropic in nature as he says.

As for the forced vaccinations for travellers, it already exists (here at least). Oz travellers are required to have a preset number of specific vaccinations determined by the destination. Nothing conspiracy about it at all, just a common sense measure to reduce the possibility of them returning with a malady that's absent in their homeland.

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: Peeple
I really forgot to include Püschel, it´s him who told us that nowhere in Germany any dead person with a corona infect is examined, he is the only one who did this yet. With the numbers you presented as result. And he and Streeck, the "Heinsberg virologist" who is doing field studies, as the only one as far as i know, were not present in the MSM. First i noticed both of them at the Talkshow Lanz (seems like Markus Lanz is a bit critical and questioning things in the corona affaire, as far as he is allowed) last week. The rest of the now well known (because of the MSMs panic bombardment) virologists like Drosten or people like Wieler from the Robert Koch Institute(state owned!!!) are doing only laboratory work. And Wieler seems to paint everything as black as vantablack. With doubtful numbers from doubtful tests (which react to the smallest bit of any corona virus, not only the one that causes Covid-19).

Didn´t know that with the WHO yet, thanks.

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: Peeple
But the virus still killed them. Since they were alive with those conditions before covid but are dead now because they caught it.

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

Thank you danke schön ! for your Wiews !

I will just add this :

Social distancing and lockdown is the absolutely worst way to deal with an airborne respiratory virus.

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 09:17 AM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: Peeple
But the virus still killed them. Since they were alive with those conditions before covid but are dead now because they caught it.

So Bill Gates should have a digital ID and daily virus testing for everyone?

15,000/331,000,000 = a .00004% death rate in the U.S.A...

Lay everyone off and shutdown the world!


posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: Sillyolme

But the point was every little further strain on their body would have killed them. The common cold, every infection,...

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 09:34 AM
a reply to: Pilgrum
How do we really know that there is no magic vaccine already? Why is no one of the players, allegedly infected politicians for example, dead but recover rather fast, as we are told?

And with herd immunity the pandemic would come to an end too, just without some people making lots of money with it. I bet when they come up with these anti-body tests we will have to learn that enough people already had the virus for herd-immunity. I think that is why they are now softening parts of the curfew as fast as possible.

On the other side, now news from South Korea say that nearly 100 once infected are infected again. Don´t know what to think of that, they tried this in the beginning too and suddenly we heard nothing anymore about again infected people for weeks/months. Now, when some nations want to come back to a bit normality, suddenly once infected are infected again.

I am wondering about Sweden and Belarus and the nations with not so hard restrictions, shouldn´t be hundreds of thousands there infected and dead by now? What´s with the millions of workers that still have to work under not corona secure circumstances like before Event201 everyday now? We were told that the horrible Covid-19 wave is coming, since weeks/months now, but the numbers of the infected are going back. The numbers of dead people declared as died by Covid-19 are going back. But we are told since months by the former named players that we are still at the beginning of the pandemic. We in Germany are told since weeks that we are only one week behind Italy and that with only one week delay the same would happen here, didn´t happen yet but numbers are decreasing. It´s a good damn long week.

I don´t know but it´s going pretty fast right now that restrictions will be softened here, even if Merkel says this but happening is that. Nothing new for us germans. She left her job as Bundeskanzler at least one year ago and gives nice speeches only if somebody reminds her that she still is Bundeskanzler and at least has still to act as one in front of the camera from time to time. After the easter holidays we will slowly come back to something they call near to normal. I am afraid we will never come back to a normal as we knew it till Event201. But i think too they wouldn´t risk it if they wouldn´t know more than they tell us. I bet now they tested enough people and learned that herd immunity is nearly reached and the excuses for curfew and all the restrictions don´t work anymore. People which lost everything because of the measures would, rightly, freak out when they notice that they lost everything because a neo"liberal" plan is followed or some politcians simply wanted to get elected again.

edit on 10 4 2020 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

event 201... ID2020.... pandemic immunization passport.... gates foundation building 7 vaccine production facilities...(the CV vaccine was quietly patented by gates long before the outbreaks)

COVID CV will build out infrastructure akin to SOYLENTgreen in re-cycling people

( CV = 10 horns with Crowns ...upon the 7 headed Dragon of Revelation (red dragoon at that, indicates China/Sino)


Kissinger & Gates are both pushing for immunizations/vaccine IDs... as the Key to restart economies and post Pandemic socio-economic civilizations - along with the Beast Empire to orchestrate the Post-Pandemic-Paradigm


keep in mind that 5G exacerbates the CV buried in our gut tissues of normal people

Wuhan could very well have had a outburst of powered-up 5G antenna towers and actually initiated the CV outbreaks in that 5G wired metropolis in the first place ---but a backstory-cover-up focused on a wet market as the source for the contamination to begin with
edit on th30158653061210562020 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: Peeple
But the virus still killed them. Since they were alive with those conditions before covid but are dead now because they caught it.

Most of them, as we slowly learn now, died with the corona infect but not because of Covid-19. In Italy for example, if you die because of a heart attack and you were infected with corona, you will be listed as dead because of Covid-19.

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 10:08 AM

originally posted by: Kenzo
a reply to: DerBeobachter

Thank you danke schön ! for your Wiews !

I will just add this :

Social distancing and lockdown is the absolutely worst way to deal with an airborne respiratory virus.

Wow......this man certainly seems to know what he is talking about.

Thanks for posting.

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

Yes, and we are destroying our economy with this quarantine madness

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: Sillyolme

DO you even understand what you say ? How many people have been added to the list that would have died anyway of something else ? The corona task force has admitted that the numbers are high because of them adding those type of deaths to the list . Just keep on spewing the propaganda .


posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 11:32 AM
Just because he hasn't found any doesn't mean not a single person has died from Coronavirus.

a reply to: Peeple

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 11:35 AM
That's because the complications from the virus are what kills. I.e. pneumonia. Nobody has ever died "of the flu" either.

a reply to: DerBeobachter

edit on 10-4-2020 by hombero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: hombero

And thanks to the WHO almost nobody makes autopsies so we'll never know.

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

So sieht´s aus.

More and more people are waking up to this.

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