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Up To 70% of NYC Covid Deaths Might Be Unreported...

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posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 01:32 PM
New York NPR:

those numbers failed to include many instances when first responders encountered someone who had already died at home or in other non-hospital settings. That happened 280 times on Monday, according to data from the city's Fire Department.

On an average day, 25 people die at home in the city... That's a drastic difference...

While not all of those deaths are necessarily caused by COVID-19, it's a sharp increase over the average 25 home deaths per day the city was experiencing before the pandemic swept the five boroughs.

They've had ~1700 extra home deaths over a 2-week period compared to last year. Take in to account that 2-3 weeks ago, they had just entered lockdown. So the earlier numbers were likely much lower than the daily total now...

Over the last two weeks, the city's fire officials said more than 2,192 New York City residents died in their homes, compared to 453 during the same time period last year.

The Mayor said it could mean the numbers are as much as 70% higher than currently counted...

Mayor Bill de Blasio acknowledged on Tuesday that the vast majority of deaths taking place at home were likely also due to COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, meaning the death toll could be as much as 70% higher than currently reported figures.

Italian officials are reporting the same thing... That totals are likely four-times higher than what is documented in Italy.

Stay safe y'all. And wear your damn mask...
edit on 8-4-2020 by YouAreLiedTo because: Spelingz

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 01:35 PM
Yesterday Dr birx said all the states have been reporting that, per new CDC guidelines issued on April 2nd, anybody with coronavirus at the time of death, is to be recorded as a coronavirus death.

That should get the numbers up, and eliminate under-reporting.

By the way, as the article states, "up to 70%" can mean anywhere from 1% to 70%. that is a huge range.
edit on 4/8/2020 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 01:39 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
Yesterday Dr birx said all the states have been reporting that, per new CDC guidelines, anybody with coronavirus at the time of death, s to be recorded as a coronavirus death.

That should get the numbers up!

You can label any cause of death you'd like to. Numbers are numbers. There are 250 more people dying at home every day than on average.

Blame whatever you'd like to. Numbers are numbers, and they don't care about your conspiracy theories.

Unless you have a way to explain extra people dying?...

I'm curious.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 01:42 PM
I call BS
you can make mistakes, but 70% of the time?
looking for new ways to cook the books

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: YouAreLiedTo
Unless you have a way to explain extra people dying?...

I'm curious.

They're sacrificing themselves to make Trump look bad.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 01:45 PM

originally posted by: acackohfcc
I call BS
you can make mistakes, but 70% of the time?
looking for new ways to cook the books

So they are cooking the books by killing people? These extra deaths are happening, cause regardless.

You have to explain why more people are dying before you can claim they are cooking the books.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 01:49 PM

Up To 70% of NYC Covid Deaths Might Be Unreported...

Or , 700% were reported..
And watch NPR . They are not the group I donated to for so long.
Notice the pass tense ?

edit on 4/8/20 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 01:51 PM
Nothing to worry about. Most people here think this was a "nothing burger" and that it was a false alarm. This can't possibly be accurate information you're reporting!


a reply to: YouAreLiedTo

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 01:52 PM

originally posted by: YouAreLiedTo

originally posted by: carewemust
Yesterday Dr birx said all the states have been reporting that, per new CDC guidelines, anybody with coronavirus at the time of death, s to be recorded as a coronavirus death.

That should get the numbers up!

You can label any cause of death you'd like to. Numbers are numbers. There are 250 more people dying at home every day than on average.

Blame whatever you'd like to. Numbers are numbers, and they don't care about your conspiracy theories.

Unless you have a way to explain extra people dying?...

I'm curious.

Yeah I can easily explain it. People have been living longer, well beyond the statistical average life expectancy for their conditions. Eventually a bunch of them are gonna kick the bucket as they are all passed their expected time frames.

When you have thousands of people living 5-10 years beyond what they would have with "terminal" conditions, your daily counts of @ home deaths are going to raise with it. These are the same people covid-19 is "killing." People who were literally walking dead.

Also hospitals are only doing "non-elective" procedures and treatments. I don't know if you know this, but a brain tumor removal is considered "elective" surgery. There are people who can live with them for tens of years and never need them removed, and there are others that have the same prognosis and end up dead as a result.

So most people with other conditions that would have died in the hospital, who are NOT at the hospital now because of the stay at home orders are now dying at home. That's not COVID, and most of these people would have lived if the hospitals were up and running.

We're literally killing more people with the stay at home order than COVID would kill if we all ignored it.

This doesn't count the suicides that are going to occur because of financial ruin, or the other deaths that poverty causes. The whole world not working thing is going to kill more people than maybe any single one thing ever has, with the exception of war. It's extremely negligent.
edit on 8-4-2020 by SRPrime because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 01:52 PM

originally posted by: YouAreLiedTo

originally posted by: acackohfcc
I call BS
you can make mistakes, but 70% of the time?
looking for new ways to cook the books

So they are cooking the books by killing people? These extra deaths are happening, cause regardless.

You have to explain why more people are dying before you can claim they are cooking the books.

No, people are dying (actually in a city of over 6 million, a LOT die every day). The cause of death is being overcounted in the covid19 column

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 01:52 PM

originally posted by: YouAreLiedTo

originally posted by: carewemust
Yesterday Dr birx said all the states have been reporting that, per new CDC guidelines, anybody with coronavirus at the time of death, s to be recorded as a coronavirus death.

That should get the numbers up!

You can label any cause of death you'd like to. Numbers are numbers. There are 250 more people dying at home every day than on average.

Blame whatever you'd like to. Numbers are numbers, and they don't care about your conspiracy theories.

Unless you have a way to explain extra people dying?...

I'm curious.

We're all told to STAY AT HOME. Why is anyone surprised that there are more deaths at home? That doesn't mean EXTRA people are dying. It just means more people are home.

Also, why is anyone who tests positive for the virus and dies counted as a virus death? It's less than 2% fatal so there are a lot of people with the virus who aren't dead. If they die of a heart attack, why are they counted as a virus death?

Lots of ways to inflate the numbers here to justify more draconian measures.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 01:56 PM

originally posted by: YouAreLiedTo
New York NPR:

those numbers failed to include many instances when first responders encountered someone who had already died at home or in other non-hospital settings. That happened 280 times on Monday, according to data from the city's Fire Department.

On an average day, 25 people die at home in the city... That's a drastic difference...

While not all of those deaths are necessarily caused by COVID-19, it's a sharp increase over the average 25 home deaths per day the city was experiencing before the pandemic swept the five boroughs.

They've had ~1700 extra home deaths over a 2-week period compared to last year. Take in to account that 2-3 weeks ago, they had just entered lockdown. So the earlier numbers were likely much lower than the daily total now...

Over the last two weeks, the city's fire officials said more than 2,192 New York City residents died in their homes, compared to 453 during the same time period last year.

The Mayor said it could mean the numbers are as much as 70% higher than currently counted...

Mayor Bill de Blasio acknowledged on Tuesday that the vast majority of deaths taking place at home were likely also due to COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, meaning the death toll could be as much as 70% higher than currently reported figures.

Italian officials are reporting the same thing... That totals are likely four-times higher than what is documented in Italy.

Stay safe y'all. And wear your damn mask...

Interesting data. Could it be that many people who would have been at the hospital are not going to the hospital due to the lockdown and thus dying at home instead of at a hospital?

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: schuyler

originally posted by: YouAreLiedTo

originally posted by: carewemust
Yesterday Dr birx said all the states have been reporting that, per new CDC guidelines, anybody with coronavirus at the time of death, s to be recorded as a coronavirus death.

That should get the numbers up!

You can label any cause of death you'd like to. Numbers are numbers. There are 250 more people dying at home every day than on average.

Blame whatever you'd like to. Numbers are numbers, and they don't care about your conspiracy theories.

Unless you have a way to explain extra people dying?...

I'm curious.

We're all told to STAY AT HOME. Why is anyone surprised that there are more deaths at home? That doesn't mean EXTRA people are dying. It just means more people are home.

Also, why is anyone who tests positive for the virus and dies counted as a virus death? It's less than 2% fatal so there are a lot of people with the virus who aren't dead. If they die of a heart attack, why are they counted as a virus death?

Lots of ways to inflate the numbers here to justify more draconian measures.

I'm not trying to argue mortality rates, I'm just arguing straight death totals.

155,200 people died in New York State in the last yearly statistics. The entire state.

155,200/365=425 deaths per day in The Entire State.

New York CITY had 400 CV deaths yesterday alone. Plus the 275 home deaths. Plus the regular hospital patients.

And that's with everyone locked inside. Every major accidental cause of death across the board is actually down right now.

But raw numbers are still up by factors.

Explain the raw numbers to me... Not the cause they are attaching to them.
edit on 8-4-2020 by YouAreLiedTo because: Spelingz

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 02:04 PM

originally posted by: YouAreLiedTo

originally posted by: schuyler

originally posted by: YouAreLiedTo

originally posted by: carewemust
Yesterday Dr birx said all the states have been reporting that, per new CDC guidelines, anybody with coronavirus at the time of death, s to be recorded as a coronavirus death.

That should get the numbers up!

You can label any cause of death you'd like to. Numbers are numbers. There are 250 more people dying at home every day than on average.

Blame whatever you'd like to. Numbers are numbers, and they don't care about your conspiracy theories.

Unless you have a way to explain extra people dying?...

I'm curious.

We're all told to STAY AT HOME. Why is anyone surprised that there are more deaths at home? That doesn't mean EXTRA people are dying. It just means more people are home.

Also, why is anyone who tests positive for the virus and dies counted as a virus death? It's less than 2% fatal so there are a lot of people with the virus who aren't dead. If they die of a heart attack, why are they counted as a virus death?

Lots of ways to inflate the numbers here to justify more draconian measures.

I'm not trying to argue mortality rates, I'm just arguing straight death totals.

155,200 people died in New York State in the last yearly statistics. The entire state.

155,200/365=425 deaths per day in The Entire State.

New York CITY had 400 CV deaths yesterday alone. Plus the 275 home deaths. Plus the regular hospital patients.

And that's with everyone locked inside. Every major accidental cause of death across the board is actually down right now.

But raw numbers are still up by factors.

Explain the raw numbers to me... Not the cause they are attaching to them.

Dude that's not how numbers work. 155,200/365 does equate to 425 per day, but there will be multiple days where little to no one die, and days where there are 2,000 deaths. You can't compare an abstract number on a single day to the yearly average, you have to consider the lows with the highs, that's what an average is.

So you can't take today's numbers and compare them to today of last year, you can only compare the year against the year and see if more people really died.

To say 800 people died today, when last year on average only 425 people died a day, doesn't mean twice the amount of people died. It just means 800 people died today, at the end of the year we can count the entire body count and break down the daily average again, and it might still be 400-500 people.

Also with the influx of age creep, the amount of deaths yearly is going to rise, and peoples life expectancy is raising due to medical advancements. There are so many 90 year old people on the planet that take twenty minutes to walk to their mailbox, anyone of them could be dead before they make it back into the house.

edit on 8-4-2020 by SRPrime because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: YouAreLiedTo

What about numbers of people dying out in public compared to last year?

I bet those numbers are way down.

I wonder if it's up to 70% lower?

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 03:10 PM
How do we know, half or more, aren't drug overdoses?

You're stuck at home, your alone, and an addict?

Whereas they may have used with friends before, or someone that could have called 911.

Honestly, it could have been anything.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: SRPrime

You better stop being logical; it seems to be frowned upon on this site as of late..

Interesting statistic here though, 70,000 Unintentional drug overdose deaths in the US 2017 and that’s not including suicide by overdose.....
Why don’t we drug test everyone, shutdown labs that make opioids, or stop prescribing them and why on earth isn’t this talked about? Oh; because as unfortunate as it is, death happens all the time and is natural. Now let’s get the economy back up!

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