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Weird sensations at night for the last few (4-5) weeks

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posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 10:46 PM
MODS: I wasn't sure where to post this, so apologies if neccesary.

Alright. Since about a month or so, I've been getting these weird sensations at night. It doesn't happen every night, but lots of them. It starts with being unable to sleep, mostly due to/in combination with feeling extremely hot. Like it's a very hot summer night. Except, my body doesn't feel hot and I have zero sweat. My body temperature is perfectly normal aswell. But, from the inside it feels like I'm cooking, as if I'm put into a microwave oven or something.

I've recently also started to notice a low humming sound during the night. It's hard to describe, the best I can compare it with is like a PC fan except much lower pitch. It kicks up in intensity aswell, like a PC fan kicking into overdrive and then back to normal again. Then back into overdrive, then normal... It's extremely weird as I can not identify where the hell it's coming from. Certainly not from my house atleast. Nor is there anything in my neighborhood which would produce such a sound. I imagine something like a giant fan in the sky. That's as best as I can describe it.

The absolute weirdest part of it all is that all of it stops at roughly 5:00-5:30! The sound is gone. The hot sensation is gone, and I can fall asleep peacefully. If I was paranoid I'd think spooks are microwaving me...

Talking about my city, there are about 200 COVID-19 patients both in and out of the hospital, but it's not that if the symptoms we are given are real. Besides, I'm living with someone who has a risk tag due to underlying health issues and she would've already be in huge problems if it was COVID-19. But, ofcourse, COVID-19 doesn't attack you only during the night...

So, what does? Has anyone the slightest idea wth I'm dealing with here?

I think it should also be noted that I've started seeing shadows appear in my house since about 2 months ago. At first very frequently, these days not at all anymore. I'm not the only one who has noticed them, so I know it's not me going crazy. Just throwing that out there in case it could be something paranormal.

Any help/tips/info would be much appreciated!

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 10:52 PM
Are you drinking more than usual?

I'm not making a joke or anything.

Are you off from work from this situation(covid).

Change in sleeping times(time to bed, duration of sleep) or spending a much larger amount of time at home(something from being overly isolated)?

I actually had a somewhat similar issue a month back when I fell out of my work schedule. My bedtime was later and I was restless until about 3 or 4 in the morning(even if i fell alseep, i'd wake constantly). It seemed I only ever "calmed down" and hit rem at around 5 in the morning.

It was pretty weird for a few weeks, I also had a lot of nested dreams(I believe I made a thread) that would keep me very restless until very late in my sleep cycle.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 10:56 PM
It was odd feelings.

I was restless because I'd be thrust awake, and have weird feelings. Contradictory feelings.

Feeling alone, but like something(one) was there. Felling "safe" but in danger. It went on for a few weeks, been pretty much gone now though. But it was weird. I've had that happen before, once in a few years. But for a few weeks it was the norm.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:00 PM
I was having some strange things going on too.

Almost by chance, I moved my phone as far away from me as I could physically get it. Seems a bit silly, and I am not convinced of things like the "5G threat" (beyond my normal concerns with these things).

Anyway, big change in about 30m to an hour after setting my phone in a different room entirely. Since then, I have taken to turning off any wireless stuff altogether at night.

Admittedly, my setup makes this easy.. But it has made a major, major difference. A lot of sleep stuff (too much to go into
) cleared up, at least mostly. Including some things that have been ongoing for 6-8 months.

Still have plenty of sleep troubles, but I dont expect that to change
edit on 6-4-2020 by Serdgiam because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:02 PM
Around the time this started, did you start eating different or start taking any new vitamins or supplements? Niacin can give you a hot feeling like that, so can hot foods or foods containing lots of nitrogen chemistry. Also, sometimes you can get that hot feeling from certain meds or even stuff like oranges, which are benzoic acid foods. Cinnamon might be able to do that too. The humming could be coming from something in your house or in the neighborhood running. If your bedroom was near high power transformer on a pole, sometimes those hum and that hum can be heard quite a way away if it is really quiet.

A fridge and a freezer running simulataniously can combine and make a hum, so can streetlights or yard lights. did your neighbor get a fishtank if you are in an apartment, they hum too.

The hot feeling can come from your own body creating nitrogen chemistry if you are in contact with disease, but usually that usually only lasts about twenty minutes max unless you stay in the area, sewer gas can trigger that too.

Could be just about anything, the symptoms could also not be related to the same cause.

Drink half a glass of milk before going to sleep, that can neutralize the nitrogen compounds that could possibly be keeping you up.
edit on 6-4-2020 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:03 PM
yes....same here

I posted about it a week ago

it starts at night and stops by 430 am when I hear it I detect it stopping for 1 second plainly....
its all the house probably the new meter resonating the 120 volt wiring

a reply to: Asgaard

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:05 PM
also, the noise is close to a flourescent ballast about half as loud....
i tracked the sound the first night about a week ago for an hour....checked the new meter....flashin in its windows...had everything off...
edit on 6-4-2020 by GBP/JPY because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:05 PM

originally posted by: GBP/JPY
yes....same here

I posted about it a week ago

it starts at night and stops by 430 am when I hear it I detect it stopping for 1 second plainly....
its all the house probably the new meter resonating the 120 volt wiring

a reply to: Asgaard

I wonder if there is some sort of transformer in the new meters? Never thought about the meter.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Another interesting, and very simple thing, I notice with the changing of seasons is my need to adjust(mentally) to water intake.

In the winter I drink much less, but once the weather warms up and I become more active if I'm still drinking water in lower quantities I get what feels like swinging body temps(hot sensations) and other effects.

In the summer, for my body, I drink about 6 pints of water a day even if I'm doing nothing. Compared to maybe 1 a day in the winter. It's weird how it takes a conscious effort to "shift" back into that mode for me.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:15 PM
I'm an expert..anyway a NASA micro trained in the AirForce...why the new meter...5G in it.....we got the latest meter., why the need for another 4 years after the first analog meter was replaced...been out 3 years now.....Ive seen the circuitry.....chips, lots of chips and modules for functions......quite an instrument....way to much component count...we pay for the power it uses....sending....

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: GBP/JPY
yes....same here

I posted about it a week ago

it starts at night and stops by 430 am when I hear it I detect it stopping for 1 second plainly....
its all the house probably the new meter resonating the 120 volt wiring

a reply to: Asgaard

I wonder if there is some sort of transformer in the new meters? Never thought about the meter.

edit on 6-4-2020 by GBP/JPY because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-4-2020 by GBP/JPY because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:18 PM

originally posted by: ZapBrannigan3030
a reply to: rickymouse

Another interesting, and very simple thing, I notice with the changing of seasons is my need to adjust(mentally) to water intake.

In the winter I drink much less, but once the weather warms up and I become more active if I'm still drinking water in lower quantities I get what feels like swinging body temps(hot sensations) and other effects.

In the summer, for my body, I drink about 6 pints of water a day even if I'm doing nothing. Compared to maybe 1 a day in the winter. It's weird how it takes a conscious effort to "shift" back into that mode for me.

Every spring, in about april or may, I get cravings for lettuce. I can go the whole winter without it but in the spring I like to eat it. In the summer, I eat some, but not like in the springtime.

I also tend to start drinking more water in the spring than I do in the winter, in the winter I like coffee. But this winter I have been drinking more water for some strange reason, that is unusual for me.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:21 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: ZapBrannigan3030
a reply to: rickymouse

Another interesting, and very simple thing, I notice with the changing of seasons is my need to adjust(mentally) to water intake.

In the winter I drink much less, but once the weather warms up and I become more active if I'm still drinking water in lower quantities I get what feels like swinging body temps(hot sensations) and other effects.

In the summer, for my body, I drink about 6 pints of water a day even if I'm doing nothing. Compared to maybe 1 a day in the winter. It's weird how it takes a conscious effort to "shift" back into that mode for me.

Every spring, in about april or may, I get cravings for lettuce. I can go the whole winter without it but in the spring I like to eat it. In the summer, I eat some, but not like in the springtime.

I also tend to start drinking more water in the spring than I do in the winter, in the winter I like coffee. But this winter I have been drinking more water for some strange reason, that is unusual for me.

It's the body adjusting. In the spring....I crave margaritas.....

But anyway I notice that for me 70 is HOT coming out of winter, but in a month or so it's cold, water intake goes through the roof(peak summer, I drink a gallon and a half a day, in winter, that would make me puke). I think there is some "latency" to these changes and that can account for a lot of physical(minor) issues like feelings of temperature imbalance and mental sharpness.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:21 PM

originally posted by: GBP/JPY
I'm an expert....why the new meter...5G in it.....we got the latest meter., why the need for another 4 years after the first analog meter was replaced...been out 3 years now.....Ive seen the circuitry.....chips, lots of chips and modules for functions......quite an instrument....way to much component count...we pay for the power it uses....sending....

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: GBP/JPY
yes....same here

I posted about it a week ago

it starts at night and stops by 430 am when I hear it I detect it stopping for 1 second plainly....
its all the house probably the new meter resonating the 120 volt wiring

a reply to: Asgaard

I wonder if there is some sort of transformer in the new meters? Never thought about the meter.

Maybe the 5g signal is hitting a heat duct and causing it to build up some sort of charge like the power lines do near my mothers old house. The tic tester picks it up. Now, the voltage would be low, but the signal could be being transformed into a frequency of some sort, with a resonance in it. but why would it stop and start at a certain time?

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:24 PM
it's the whole house rather equally resonating. I was radar in the Air Force and digital electronics was new....the meter was quiet out on the wall.....I'll play detective more....if one killed the service entrance switch and the noise stopped............

edit on 6-4-2020 by GBP/JPY because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-4-2020 by GBP/JPY because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:26 PM

originally posted by: GBP/JPY
it's the whole house rather equally resonating.

Probably built on an indian burial ground.

I wonder if the OP has a lot of TV's displaying static on at night.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:28 PM
a reply to: Asgaard
I had something similar when i was a kid. The sound was like bees getting closer and closer. I later realized the sound was silence/delusion brought on by dehydration becaused id sleep with so many blankets (i loved the weight) id overheat.
Its amazing how loud silence can be if you focus on it.
Not sure if yours is the same of course but hope it helps.

edit on 6-4-2020 by byteshertz because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:29 PM
Welcome to the war, brother.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:29 PM

originally posted by: GBP/JPY
I'm an expert..anyway a NASA micro trained in the AirForce...why the new meter...5G in it.....we got the latest meter., why the need for another 4 years after the first analog meter was replaced...been out 3 years now.....Ive seen the circuitry.....chips, lots of chips and modules for functions......quite an instrument....way to much component count...we pay for the power it uses....sending....

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: GBP/JPY
yes....same here

I posted about it a week ago

it starts at night and stops by 430 am when I hear it I detect it stopping for 1 second plainly....
its all the house probably the new meter resonating the 120 volt wiring

a reply to: Asgaard

I wonder if there is some sort of transformer in the new meters? Never thought about the meter.

Yeah, seems like way to much effort just to send you a bill huh?

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:30 PM
a reply to: ZapBrannigan3030When the earth rocks over the equator in march and september, energy flows different through the planet and the earth currents change to some degree. We are effected by that kind of stuff to some point, but we do not necessarily know we are. We start adjusting our diet to balance the frequency.

I have read research articles about that, but the articles are vague, they just note certain possible reasons. It would take a lot of research to even comprehend how that works.
Eat what is in season. Oranges and grapefruit come in the winter and we are used to eating them in the winter. Our ancestors started to eat leafy greens in the spring, usually dandelion leaves when they are young and tender till the leaf lettuce came up. We evolved a certain way, those who live where veggies grew year round often need more veggies, northern europeans usually only ate them in the summer and learned to preserve some to eat year round, they also dug root cellers, but usually root veggies and sometimes beans went into those.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:30 PM
hey....the caddo were here by my backyard....there's mounds all up and down Lake Lavon

how'd you know

reading the post up above...I've figured the frequency.....higher than the normal balast humming yep DYNAMO HUM....

a reply to: ZapBrannigan3030

edit on 6-4-2020 by GBP/JPY because: (no reason given)

it's prolly real because......

it's an actual sound since I hear it a little better , no noticably better when shifting about my pillow when my ears get a help from the pillow it amplifies
edit on 6-4-2020 by GBP/JPY because: (no reason given)

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