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Around 150,000 people die each day worldwide, To date Coronavirus Death Toll 69,383

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posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 11:42 PM

originally posted by: research100
How many times does it need to be said....we have no immunity because it is new and it spreads faster.

As many times as you hear the retort that Herd Immunity is a perfectly effective and safer alternative to a lockdown that doesn't destroy the economy, cause unprecedented mass unemployment, poverty and mental illness on such a scale that the present 'cure' will pack hospitals faster than a rat up a drainpipe.

So... Herd Immunity and prosperity Vs Chicken Coops and societal suicide

Will the latter end the lockdown fast enough to save the chickens' livelihoods?

Or we will change horses again midway and return to the common sense immunity measure that was displayed by the USA and the UK in February before they lost their minds and spines?

Place yer bets, ladies and germs. Coz one of us is WRONG. And, as I said elsewhere, I bloody hope it's ME.

edit on 5-4-2020 by ConfusedBrit because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 11:56 PM
I kind of like this self quarantine. I wish I could stay home more though, we are averaging more trips to town to bring stuff to the daughters than we were before this started. My daughter has the flu now, I have not been going in for coffee till she gets over the flu. I don't feel like catching that bug. Had to bring chicken soup over twice last week, going around the family in different stages.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 12:00 AM
a reply to: ConfusedBrit

Also, there are ways to boost immunity to all viruses:

10 ways to boost your immune system against the novel coronavirus COVID-19

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 12:56 AM
a reply to: AlienView

The coronavirus deaths are in addition to regular deaths. Unless you think all life is pre-determined and they would have died anyway. That's the only explanation for your is all pre-written by God.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 01:14 AM
a reply to: Kromlech
Between 12,000 and 61,000 people die every year in the U.S. alone from the flu. Globally it is between 291,000 and 696,000. So far, Covid-19 has claimed 64,400 deaths globally. In 2017, 80,000 people died of the flu just in the U.S. Additionally, the flu is a seasonal virus and operates within a matter of months as well.

edit on 6-4-2020 by notquiteright because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-4-2020 by notquiteright because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-4-2020 by notquiteright because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 01:20 AM
a reply to: AlienView
Your OP reminded me of California's stats.
40 million people.
750 deaths a day..every day, from all causes since 2015.
Next, add 5 deaths @ day due to CoronaVirus-19 beginning in March 2020.

750 @ day for years = No Sweat.

Now...755 @ day = Holy Phuck! Shut down the state...Everyone Stay Home....Prepare for Personal Poverty Sheeple.

The Governor and his flunkies are still drawing full salary/benefits I bet.

edit on 4/6/2020 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 01:44 AM
I just crunched some New York State numbers.

Daily deaths from all causes - Before Covid-19 = 420
Daily deaths due to Covid-19 since death #1 on March 14th = 198

Covid-19 has made New York State's Daily Death Toll increase by a whopping 47%!

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 03:38 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Are you trying to tell me I'm right? - Not paranoid?

Now I'm really getting paranoid - It just can't be happening this way.

I always wanted to be a science fiction writer - But this story would never sell - Who would believe it?

I know how to make the story real - Blame it on aliens [no, not Chinese or Mexicans, the ones from outer space]

Their trying to get everyone to stay inside so they can conduct more 'abductions'

And even though he resisted the media and the Democrats, even Donald Trump was brainwashed into believing
a 'fake news' 'hoax' perpetrated by aliens!

Now does it all make sense ???

edit on 6-4-2020 by AlienView because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 04:42 AM
How about a more practical purpose/meaning to it all?

The economy was set to take a downturn anyway - Cyclcle, what goes up must go down.

Trump, as the Democrats have found out the hard way, is a sometimes political genius, he only appears myopic.

If he goes along with the Coronavirus agenda and appears to be playing along - When it all dies down around election time

- Trump will bill himself as the President who saved the United States, he'll go even further claimed he saved the World.

Meantime the apparent recession will end and the economy will come roaring back - booming more than ever.

The result is Trump is guaranteed reelection. !!!
edit on 6-4-2020 by AlienView because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-4-2020 by AlienView because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 06:36 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
I just crunched some New York State numbers.

Daily deaths from all causes - Before Covid-19 = 420
Daily deaths due to Covid-19 since death #1 on March 14th = 198

Covid-19 has made New York State's Daily Death Toll increase by a whopping 47%!

Are your numbers correct? Is your 198 number an average over a period of days? I am seeing 630 deaths on Sat 4/4 and 594 deaths on 4/5...both numbers would surpass the 420 number for all other causes.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 06:55 AM

edit on 6-4-2020 by and14263 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 08:45 AM

originally posted by: AutomateThis1

originally posted by: mysterioustranger

originally posted by: AutomateThis1
Are we still on that wait until next week wait until next week BS?

That's just lazy fearmongering. I've been waiting until next week for at least a few months now.

And this whole "Well, it got to be something, because both sides of the government..." is malarkey. There aren't two sides to the government. It's the same ballgame in a political arena; it's a scrimmage.

They just take turns. It's an illusion. Play out the drama for the masses. They do one thing, and undo it or add to it in the next. They get us all riled up and focused on each other instead of focusing on them.

You let us know 1 week from today if you feel the same way.'s your illusion.

I've made my myself clear since the beginning, and my thoughts haven't changed. I'm quite certain that a week from now my sentiments will be the same.

Unless of course, it affects your kids, wife/husband, parents, grandparents...THEN..

I hope not.. stay well...and we'll see how your week goes....good luck..
edit on 6-4-2020 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 08:50 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: AutomateThis1

I'm quite certain that a week from now my sentiments will be the same.

And you think that's a good thing?

One should always be open to new data. And there will be, a week from now.

Thanks a bunch, Phage...for your reply gettin tired....

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 08:53 AM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow

originally posted by: mysterioustranger

originally posted by: AutomateThis1
Are we still on that wait until next week wait until next week BS?

That's just lazy fearmongering. I've been waiting until next week for at least a few months now.

And this whole "Well, it got to be something, because both sides of the government..." is malarkey. There aren't two sides to the government. It's the same ballgame in a political arena; it's a scrimmage.

They just take turns. It's an illusion. Play out the drama for the masses. They do one thing, and undo it or add to it in the next. They get us all riled up and focused on each other instead of focusing on them.

You let us know 1 week from today if you feel the same way.'s your illusion.

How can your truth be any better than his truth or my truth, its no illusion . Its a point of view , and only a fool would take a look at what is going on around the world and just take it all at face value.

There is something more going on under the guise of this virus , ans its even more obvious that they are using this death count to keep us submissive and empathetic.

"There is something more going on under the guise of this virus , ans its even more obvious that they are using this death count to keep us submissive and empathetic."

I agree...but good or bad, right or wrong...there is truth.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:38 AM
A dear friend of mine was fine last Thursday morning, hospitalized by the end of the day, and last night was transferred to a city hospital with better technology because he is unresponsive, and living on a respirator. He is old, but doesn't have any health problems. He will probably not make it through the day, and I'd appreciate it if you all would stop minimizing the severity of this virus. No, he wouldn't have died of old age today. He was perfectly healthy 4 days ago. This man is well known and loved by our entire community, is dying alone, and will not be allowed a funeral.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 02:44 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman
A dear friend of mine was fine last Thursday morning, hospitalized by the end of the day, and last night was transferred to a city hospital with better technology because he is unresponsive, and living on a respirator. He is old, but doesn't have any health problems. He will probably not make it through the day, and I'd appreciate it if you all would stop minimizing the severity of this virus. No, he wouldn't have died of old age today. He was perfectly healthy 4 days ago. This man is well known and loved by our entire community, is dying alone, and will not be allowed a funeral.

I am sympathetic to his situation and others like him . But I must ask is it confirmed that he has Covid-19 ?

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
I am sympathetic to his situation and others like him . But I must ask is it confirmed that he has Covid-19 ?

Yes. He tested positive yesterday just a few hours before he became unresponsive.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: AutomateThis1

I'm quite certain that a week from now my sentiments will be the same.

And you think that's a good thing?

One should always be open to new data. And there will be, a week from now.

I guess we'll find out next week. And then next week. And then next week.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 03:42 PM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger

originally posted by: AutomateThis1

originally posted by: mysterioustranger

originally posted by: AutomateThis1
Are we still on that wait until next week wait until next week BS?

That's just lazy fearmongering. I've been waiting until next week for at least a few months now.

And this whole "Well, it got to be something, because both sides of the government..." is malarkey. There aren't two sides to the government. It's the same ballgame in a political arena; it's a scrimmage.

They just take turns. It's an illusion. Play out the drama for the masses. They do one thing, and undo it or add to it in the next. They get us all riled up and focused on each other instead of focusing on them.

You let us know 1 week from today if you feel the same way.'s your illusion.

I've made my myself clear since the beginning, and my thoughts haven't changed. I'm quite certain that a week from now my sentiments will be the same.

Unless of course, it affects your kids, wife/husband, parents, grandparents...THEN..

I hope not.. stay well...and we'll see how your week goes....good luck..

See, you and others can say that all you want, but that doesn't change what I've said.

Yeah, it sucks for people who have loved ones who are affected, but that's life.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 05:32 PM

originally posted by: BoscoMoney
a reply to: UKTruth

Um, the flu?

Um, the flu has a vaccine.
Brush up on your reading skills.

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