I went to the tiny local grocery store today. Lined up outside. Took my mandatory cart, and proceeded to shop for groceries. I stopped to grab some
Easter tidbits, and the lady behind me said, "These people are idiots. Kids don't need Easter during a pandemic! Just keep moving."
Uugghhhh. I have zero to no feelings about strangers, so it didn't really bother me personally, but I said, I'll mind my groceries, you mind
She then said something to the person behind her about essentials and turned back to me to say that healthcare workers were "run off their feet"
caring for the "sick and dying" in this province, and I was here "spreading the virus" by picking out Easter candy.
I just picked out MORE easter candy (to stress eat π) and ignored her.
Then I was stuck in a one way line with her for 20 full minutes as she muttered about "idiots" and "locking everything down" and "14 days in jail for
anyone outside with non-essentials."
As of today in my province of about 940,000 people, there are around 240 confirmed cases of Covid 19, with 50 recovered and 0 dead, which includes
about FIVE hospitilisations. Five.
It may get worse, it probably will. But people here are acting like we've been overtaken like Italy.
And leave it to our Premier, who everyone was begging to resign just weeks before this over his handling of our healthcare system, to make him self a
meme by telling Nova Scotians to "Stay the Blazes Home!" Now everyone loves him.
I will just never understand qhy people love being told what to do by governments, and then take it above and beyond, asking for more and more and
more regulations.
Our government also released a graph based on google location data that showed no numbers, just a line they called a baseline, and a squiggly line
above or below representing how many more or less people had been out doing specific activities. ππ
The Karen set are dying over it, despite not understanding that A) the data collected could be flawed in so many ways, and B) the government is
f**king tracking you, Karen! Tracking and shaming you!
I think I should have put this in rants. π
Anyways. I get the seriousness of this virus, and I don't think it's a "hoax", I'm still just baffled at the populations response to the quarantine
measures set in place, which, so far, are working really well in Nova Scotia.
edit on 5-4-2020 by Atsbhct because: (no reason given)