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UFO / Faerie Lore Connection?

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posted on Sep, 27 2020 @ 05:13 AM
a reply to: karl 12

Aye ye dinnae want tae mess wae the Dáoine Síth in Scotland, or Aos Sí as the Irish call them

they are definitely up tae nae gid

dont wear green too its their colour and if you wear it it will attract them to you when you go near a fairy ring or to a stone circle specially on halloween its the worst time to mess with them .

We have a hawthorn tree in our garden , and we leave little treats out for the animals that live around it
we have warned all the neighbours never to cut it down.

Its not daft to think that faeries living here would advance their technology too so maybe UFO's are their tech

edit on 27-9-2020 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2020 @ 11:07 AM

originally posted by: KilgoreTrout

I'm happy to forgo the 'wild ride' but utilising UFO in the broadest sense, 'shimmering lights', since very ancient times, have been used as an indicator of some ore bearing rocks.

I think prospectors have long been in the habit of discouraging tresspassers by creating spooky stories to account for the lights and the secret of this shimmering's association with metal bearing rocks was kept esoterically until the 16th century - which is pretty good secret keeping.

Some nice speculation there mate and am sure that kind of thing went on a lot, especially when potential fortunes could be made or lost - also some folkloric history about anomalous lights being witnessed over sites of buried treasure and Chris O Brien briefly covers it in this interview about UFOs over the San Luis Valley.

The part where Preston Dennett discusses UFOs being witnessed over mines is found at 38:30 on this vid and is some pretty intriguing stuff - quite a few very strange close range reports from around the globe.

originally posted by: chunder
a reply to: karl 12

Karl, thanks for posting that link, interesting reading. Any idea who the prof is ?

Edited to add ignore, the blog all but gives the identity, will have to research more of his thoughts.

Hola mate, think you'll enjoy reading through the Prof's blog (I know I did).

The book 'UFOs and Government' is also well worth a look as it solely uses the government's own internal documentation.


posted on Sep, 28 2020 @ 12:33 PM

originally posted by: sapien82

Aye ye dinnae want tae mess wae the Dáoine Síth in Scotland, or Aos Sí as the Irish call them

they are definitely up tae nae gid

dont wear green too its their colour and if you wear it it will attract them to you when you go near a fairy ring or to a stone circle specially on halloween its the worst time to mess with them .

We have a hawthorn tree in our garden , and we leave little treats out for the animals that live around it
we have warned all the neighbours never to cut it down.

Its not daft to think that faeries living here would advance their technology too so maybe UFO's are their tech

Appreciate the post mate and some sound advice there - have read my fair share of accounts about Hawthorn trees and there"s a decent, recent interview about the Fae below.

Morgan shares her extensive knowledge and research with us and guides us through cases, the challenge that a modern belief in Fairies brings, the historical context and written accounts, why we should always be aware of the respect shown to the Fae as well as many other fascinating aspects of "the little people..

When it comes to airborne Fae who live underground and meddle with humans (and cattle) then think I know what group I'd prefer to meet.

• Seelie Court:

Also called the Blessed Ones or The Sluagh. Their element is Air. They are trooping faeries of the winds who have been heard but never seen. Scottish folklore presents them as a huge host of light and benevolence riding on the night air. They are active year round especially on the Sabbaths. They and their counterparts, the Unseelie Court, are a rare example of duality in paganism. The Seelie Court is good and benevolent consisting of the most heroic and beautiful faeries of Scotland. They ride the winds looking down at the earth for any good which they can do. According to Scottish legend they once interacted much with humans. When not trooping they are purported to live underground. This abode is reported to be on the Isle of Skye. Their ritual help is unknown. They seem only to approach humans whom they choose. 

• The Unseelie Court:

Like the Seelie Court, the Unseelie Court has never been seen. People have described them as a massive dark cloud which rides upon the wind. They are thoroughly evil. As stated with the Seelie Court, this is a rare form of dualism in paganism. They are most active at night from Samhain to Ostara. Unseelie means "damned" or "unblessed" and some Scottish legends say they were once members of the Seelie Court who fell from grace. They travel on the night winds from where their unnerving cackling and howling can be heard. They have no method of reproduction, so they enslave mortals whom they think would never be missed and take them along to become one of them. Contact is not advised !


There are two localised areas mentioned in this post which involve very strange UFO/cryptid sightings near ancient mound earthwork sites so it really does make a person wonder wtf is going on - also states here that Fae 'can assume whatever form they wish, especially to deceive or manipulate people' so maybe that at least addresses the question about all the many different UFO and occupant descriptions.

edit on 29-9-2020 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2020 @ 04:13 AM
a reply to: karl 12

No worries, I'm more interested in the operative than the speculative in these matters so I am only sharing what I've read on the off chance y'all might be interested. Bergbuchlein (The Little Book on Ores) by Ulrich von Kalbe provides diagrams of what the shimmering indicates according to it's position in terms of mine setting. For the lore, I refer to Mircea Eliade, R J Forbes and Frederick W Robins primarily.

If I were to speculate, I would say that I am beginning to suspect that there is something about the way our visual perception works that a certain type of shimmering light messes with. Does the shimmering know it has that effect? Or do we just know that it has that effect, or rather some have known used it to make people see something other than what is there?

Reminds me of an episode of something sci-fi - of Star Trek maybe - a glittery airborne sentient wish-making type thing?? I can't recall specific but I've seen it somewhere, nothing original here

posted on Sep, 29 2020 @ 05:36 AM
I did find this video interesting on the subject

A man in ireland who hires out his BnB for travellers and he warns them all about messing with the faerie mound

and not to go there at night

posted on Sep, 29 2020 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: sapien82

Good stuff mate, below are two more old accounts of folks cutting down Fae trees and going completely bonkers.



Can't think of an analogue in UFO research but have read other accounts from South America which warn about underground dwelling beings not being too happy if you disturb certain trees - will try to dig them out.

Don't know if you've heard this full interview with Mac Tonnies shortly before he died but am always reminded of it when looking into Fae folklore.


posted on Oct, 20 2020 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: karl 12

When it comes to contemporary research then the book 'A Trojan Feast'' is also causing a bit of a stir and author Joshua Cutchin has conducted some great work on Faerie 'food taboos', non-human encounters and the close similarities between UFO/Faerie abductees being offered 'thick liquids' to drink and strange pills to swallow.

Some similar parallels within Fae lore to UFO occupants offering people thick, brightly coloured liquids.

It's one of the stranger and more unusual experiences that people have when taken onboard a UFO. They are given alien drinks, weird glowing liquids, and are told to drink them. What are the contents of these extraterrestrial beverages? What do they taste like? What is the purpose behind them?

posted on Oct, 27 2020 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: karl 12

When you read "A Trojan Feast" please carefully note the relationship
between faerie stories, fear and death.

Faerie stories, like UFO stories cause psychological and biological effects...

Different motif, same stage manager and production crew.

posted on Oct, 30 2020 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Will do mate - look forward to reading it and there's a pretty great interview with the chap here about his new book 'Where the Footprints End'.

Just looking through some of the stranger cases and saw the Mann family were also given colorless fizzy drinks to 'help them forget'.

They would also talk about consuming “colorless fizzy drinks” that would make them forget their encounter. Their hosts feared “they would be exploited” if they remembered their experiences.

The Mann Family Incident, England 1978


posted on Oct, 30 2020 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: karl 12

Thanks Mate.

There's some really good stuff in Faerie Lore.

The clues say to me that 'Faeries' are quantum critters
of some sort, that the reason they don't want you to
know their true name, or to name them, is that would
then force them to be one form or another (one cat
in a box or the other) and they HATE being forced
into one state.

I see deep science everywhere I look in mythology.

Iron is a fun one to discuss too..

As for specific forms... all stage dressing to me,
except the very few things, such as naming.. or
iron.. which are amazing to discuss.

But maybe that's just me.

I never got to discuss this with Joshua Cutchins
as much as I wanted to .


posted on Oct, 30 2020 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

people these days think of Tinker Bell or something similar when they think fairy

and in the original stories they are very much not a cute girl with wings.

in the movie they start off as nasty looking praying mantis creatures and then turn into this and if you know this movie where she is being led is to her death essentially

tricksters in a compact form
edit on 30-10-2020 by penroc3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2020 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: penroc3

Yup. Of course it's like humans.. a human can be genuinely
kind one moment and the next moment stab you in the eye
with a fork.

I'd like to say much mythology has something vaguely true
in the beginning, but over time, cultures mangle it, to be
more useful to particular biased focus.

We worship technology, money and death most of all it seems,
so that is seldom made fun of.

Anything that puts forward the idea that the male might not be
complete without the female, that the rational might have
a place alongside the creative, that humans might not be
the center of the Universe, that is viciously suppressed.

posted on Oct, 30 2020 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: penroc3


you are a big fan of talking about black projects &tech,
the potential for nuts and bolts alien stuff.

Yet you mentioned 'faeries' here.

What's your opinion on more whackadoodle stuff?


posted on Oct, 30 2020 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Personal experiences with strange lights in my house to shadow people and even fleeting moments of what I would call ESP(a feeling not to go somewhere or to act in a certain way that always kept me away from danger, my spider sense if you will) and dreams that seem to have a consistent story line even if the dreams are separated by months or years, when I get dropped into them its like waking up into my real life.

But that is all subjective experiences so for people other than me understandably mean little.

I hesitate to say something is impossible, maybe unlikely but never impossible.

I'd like to think I am a skeptic, where I will let the evidence take me where it will no matter how strange the answers may be but not letting my preconceived notions cloud my judgement as much as that is possible.

I have been lucky enough to see some very very strange things that no matter how much I try and jam it into a human made 'box' they just don't fit, so I KNOW there is SOMETHING out there trying to get our attention.

I'm a big fan of Jung, Vallee and McKenna

posted on Oct, 30 2020 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: penroc3


posted on Apr, 29 2021 @ 03:40 AM
Cool thread Karl, a nice collection of information most of which I haven't seen before.

posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 06:00 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Hey mate good to see you on the thread.

Thought there were some relevant comments being made in this vid.

posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: karl 12

The podcaster had quite the collection of ideas.

I have seen yellow "grey aliens" who fit my home grown fairy definition. So some are fae obviously, that is within my experience anyway.

That said, for me at least, the difficulty is understanding the encountered "aliens", be they fae, machine AIs or whatever.

All the cultural influences our mind perceives through, especially science, religion, occultism, spiritualism and popular culture are interpreters.

I do not think we need better, or different interpreters . . .

I think we need to stop using interpreters all together.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 06:45 PM

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: karl 12

I read passport a long time ago. I think I'll reread it; thanks for the reminder.

And ill check out the other book.

Mainly some from the Islamic tradition call them Jinn. This link is from Whitley Streiber’s site interviewing a proponent of the Jinn theory, a take on a similar theme as the fairy lore. In this case, Charles Upton claims that they are demonic Jinn.

Might be interesting to some.

I don’t agree with his theory, but It's interesting and very provocative.

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