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Meijer screening employees before every shift.

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posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: SeektoUnderstand

This is a near perfect example of when socialism as putting the rights of the group above the rights of an individual is needed. The right I have to not be subject to getting sick trumps your right to spread disease where-ever you want.

That is Democratic Socialism - putting society before the individual. It does not require conformity in any manner as do Fascism and Communism.

A piece on how Taiwan defeated coronavirus with only 10 deaths. A combination of quick action, preparedness, socialised institutions and draconian lock-down measures all within the bounds of Democratic Ideals. Take note of the "Duration of the Crises" policies in comparison to changing the rules/regulations/norms (of privacy especially - but in other areas as well).

Video and text:

As an aside - I am not normally a fan of Taiwan.

edit on 4-4-2020 by FyreByrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 06:22 PM

originally posted by: Nyiah if it's going from your hand to someone else's and vice versa, you're passing germs back and forth without so much as a thought about it. And physical money switches hands and tills constantly all day long.

I no longer accept change from stores or restaurants.
I either use credit cards, or exact change, or the tip is included.
It's a stricter variation of what we've been doing all along.

And, when we get money from the back, we isolate it before we reuse it. And try to use the money machines rather than the teller.
At least a week. Sometimes longer, depending on how much we have on hand.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 06:44 PM

originally posted by: DontTreadOnMe

originally posted by: Nyiah if it's going from your hand to someone else's and vice versa, you're passing germs back and forth without so much as a thought about it. And physical money switches hands and tills constantly all day long.

I no longer accept change from stores or restaurants.
I either use credit cards, or exact change, or the tip is included.
It's a stricter variation of what we've been doing all along.

And, when we get money from the back, we isolate it before we reuse it. And try to use the money machines rather than the teller.
At least a week. Sometimes longer, depending on how much we have on hand.

We always take out $50 in cash for discretionary spending. It's a hard cap, and cannot be overshot. If we want pizza this week, or to splurge on coffees from Biggby, that's how they're paid for -- cash, never with the card. The card is too easy to justify doing that over and over again with, a hard cap in physical money is much more effective to control for discretionary purchases.

Just our personal choice there, I have no reason to be wary of what's on the money. Maybe if my immune system was non-existent, but it is, so no worries on my part. People have been handling germ-riddled modern money for many decades, we're doing ok still.

And personally, I think people need to get back in the habit of handling physical money to control spending and have emergency tender on hand anyway. I'm not saying be afraid of your wallet's bills, just don't delude yourselves into thinking it's sterile. Even your debit card's not sterile.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 08:41 PM

originally posted by: markovian
a reply to: CraftyArrow

Working when sick is not protected

Most places have similar health codes so no definitely not protected

I didn't mention anything about being sick...

You are protected if you have a medical condition, in which could cause slight fever outbreaks etc. / doesn't mean you are sick.

If your a women with menopause.... it can cause fever outbreaks etc...

It would be harassment AND discrimination if your employer sent you home because of menopause.

edit on 4-4-2020 by CraftyArrow because: (no reason given)

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