posted on May, 17 2020 @ 11:36 PM
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In my nape of the the woods, the supermarket has a sign saying "limit 2 packs of ground meat product per purchase."
Plus there isn't much selection of the cut-up chicken. It is all cut and packaged in store, which I'm OK with. We got to the point where all the
chicken was processed far away and shipped to us frozen and pre-cut. So I like the locally processed better (they are avoiding shoulder-to-shoulder
meatpacking), but there are no thighs. A cheaper cut of meat that tastes the same as the more expensive white/breast meat, but not near as dry.
This is smoking season, and they had no cut of meat bigger than your fist. Now, I do a 15 pound brisket over mesquite, or a half-ham over hickory. I
had to go to Metropolis to a butcher to get mine cut, which I did but it cost more.
Listen to me bitch. 1st world problems.