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Is Covid 19 really a family of viruses that work in tandem?

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posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: HelloboysImbackguy

EVERYTHING I POST IS A LAYMAN'S VIEW. I hold no degree, have experience, am trained in this, or talk about this outside of pandemics and weirdo random conversations that dont start out about it.

I truly have no business beyond personal interest and too much time and energy to be telling anyone what is what in this subject. I read a little and like the subject is all.


Im thinking this has more to do with the aseptic meningitis (viral Meningitis) these people are experiencing.

The neurological component may be key. I dont think it matters anymore where the materials come from for viral replication. Better fed or sicker cells would not determine a difference in the virus pumped out either. The quantity maybe.

The type of cell would matter but this bug doesn't always look to replicate in its "preferred" cell type . It has weird triggers that go off at seemingly random intervals in each person. I dont get that.

I think the main trait that stands out is the Viruses ability to roam and search for nesting spots in the body if they dont make it to the respiratory system.

Other viruses can cause swelling of the tissue surrounding the brain. The respiratory track isnt lightyears away from the brain stem and the Medulla when it can just ride the blood stream and wait.

Our breathing and heart rate and other life sustaining involuntary reflexes are controlled here in the Medulla.

This part of the brain often swells as well with viral or bacterial meningitis. All the other symptoms match covid.

I think the area of the body where entry occurs matters as far as the viruses response to the environment.

If in the digestive system through food or liquids then diarrhea and nausea sets in and the virus wastes its novelty to our immune system by the time it gets to your body's lungs...or brain stem.

If breathed in by cough droplets, as is its preferred method, then it settles in the throat and easily works its way down into your lungs. That happens faster for some than others and that time determines the severity of the symptoms as it did before. If the body learns how to overcome it before it reaches the alveoli then you dont get it to the point that you think you are going to die.

If it makes it into the body through a skin wound or by damaged lungs or anywhere really where it is eventually flowing in our blood stream, then it starts sticking to cells once it feels its close to the brain stem. Symptoms can be worse but not have respiratory issues.

(are Ruptured Alveoli and throat abrasions the programmed entry points to the blood?)

I think it has a primary objective to get into the bloodstream in enough force to settle in the Cerebral cortex.

The primary target is not the lungs. They are used for propogation and are only a secondary component to this. I think it wants to get into the brain stem as a primary objective. Its outer layer is thick and absurdly armoured enough to roam around the body waiting to pass by the right chemical triggers to start attaching to cells for replication.

The brains is full of juicy electrical and chemical stuff.

Its like a weird combination of a more than one virus in the way it behaves.

Its ready for several environments at once.

IMO- This is connected to the ONEHEALTH cross species vaccine research.

Rift Valley Fever and a SARS type virus with the ACE2 spike already developed from one of the last epidemics?

Thats why it can infect animals we usually domesticate and us interchangeably. It is part RVF virus. The fever, confusion and problems breathing may be attributed to a neurological issue, specifically inflammation of the Medulla in the brain stem caused by a viral meningitis.

So IMO, This coronavirus is based on SARS and was combined with Rift Valley Fever virus that infects humans and livestock interchangeably and on which The Pirbright institute based its "onehealth" vaccine to be able to treat humans and animals with universal vaccines.

Possibly. I wouldn't know. Im just a conspiracy guy doing my thing.

If you do this for a living and are having a random read online. Just check it please.

Random unqualified truck driver signing off.


You are addressing the blood/brain barrier issue...naturally....this is covered in that it is one of the 4Bees....belly-blood-body-brain which represent the four domains this pleomorphic monster operates within.

Magnesium l-threonate will support the #4Bee the blood/Brain area...Ahyawasca will immediately wipe out all influences which get past then hide behind the blood/brain barrier.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: one4all

I dont think so personally but I think the philosophy and spiritual component of what you are saying is an interesting subject in its own right.

I just dont think it applies here. Regardless, thanks for sharing.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 08:31 PM

originally posted by: HelloboysImbackguy
a reply to: one4all

I dont think so personally but I think the philosophy and spiritual component of what you are saying is an interesting subject in its own right.

I just dont think it applies here. Regardless, thanks for sharing.

I see you have tagged the main points which apply to Pleomorphic Bacteria and what they do to humans....and question them...which is it likely does apply...please don't run from the cure.

The philosophy and spiritualism part I have no idea what you mean.

Ayhawasca is obviously and anti-parasitic made with 2 plants....the spiritualism is made up BS....of course you see the world differently when parasite that have been living in your brain and body are all killed at once...and addictions caused by parasitic influences of course go away.

I am all science.But have zero background in science my experience is all in REALITY based interpretation and pattern recognition.

The truth is one big feedback loop.....once you learn this you can see through the veil of lies....Intuitive Dynamic Analysis and Intuitive Dynamic Management are the tools you need to use to mine the truth to discover and complete the feedback loops that exist.

When the truths feedback loop is broken or stretched it can be observed.

Viruses are dead.

A pleomorphic bacteria will defecate 4 different ways in 4 different places dictated by the 4Bees....belly-blood-body-brain....this leaves bacteria poop in all 4 areas...which the body then tries to fight of 4 different fronts at worst case rubicon….this produces Auto-immune actions which manifest physically around the DEAD BACTERIA POOP.... stupid science then calls this poop and normal reaction to it a "virus".

Why yes....up to 4 different types of poop can work together irritating the body with 4 different proofs in up to 4 different zones...the 4Bees belly-blood-body-brain.

Its not possible a Carpenter and a Trucker are discussing the single most important supressed intentionally hidden medical reality in human cant be a Trucker...what the hades did you do before you drove Truck work for NASA?

So what a great thread title....because we can actually have up to 4 different so-called viruses working in tandem.....not just two.
edit on 4-4-2020 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: one4all

I see what you are saying as far as how bacteria would behave differently depending on where they call home in the body

I am still interested in discussing the effects this virus has to our digestive system and if it is interacting with the bacterias in such a way as to modify or infect them.

Then, Is this localized infection of the digestive bacterias producing a virus with any noticeable difference to those produced from human cells? That would be worth knowing.

I am also every interested in how polymorphic bacteria could be linked to that process of digestive bacterial infection by Covid 19.

I didnt want to come off as dismissive. I have a limited knowledge of EM and bio-electric resonance and biological functions associated with it. I thought that was the ultimate path you wanted to lead to.

Even if it is, why not?! Lol forgive me for being presumptuous.

I was a waiter, barman, liquor retailer, butcher, owned a butcher shop in NYC for a while, promotional field coordinator for liquor tastings, owned a cafe in northern Spain for a while, was regional coordinator and team leader doing canvassing and petition work in multiple states during the last presidential election, lifeguard, um, garbage man for a day, was a licensed insurance agent in NY, and other stuff I cant remember. /end resume over. Lol.

Im just a driver and job foreman for a NYC based moving company now. I wasn't doing long distance trips anymore and wanted to be close to the family.

I dont have any relevant qualifications in this subject but I know how things work.

Its also something to do that reduces anxiety by getting more information about our current situation. "Know what you are facing" sort of thing. I am not as worried as I was, but I am concerned that they are still only looking at this virus like its a respiratory disease while ignoring the neurological aspect of the infections.

Have a good one

Hold it down.
edit on 5-4-2020 by HelloboysImbackguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 07:52 PM

Here is a study done showing that RVF viral proteins were being added to other viruses to make chimeric versions for vaccines. This study shows the effectiveness of making non replicating viral strains for vaccines against RVF itself.

A replication-incompetent Rift Valley fever vaccine: Chimeric virus-like particles protect mice and rats against lethal challenge

Robert B. Mandell, Ramesh Koukuntla, [...], and Ramon Flick


Virus-like particles (VLPs) present viral antigens in a native conformation and are effectively recognized by the immune system and therefore are considered as suitable and safe vaccine candidates against many viral diseases.
Here we demonstrate that chimeric VLPs containing Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) glycoproteins GN and GC, nucleoprotein N and the gag protein of Moloney murine leukemia virus represent an effective vaccine candidate against Rift Valley fever, a deadly disease in humans and livestock.

RVFV is a member of the Bunyaviridae family, which includes more than 300 viruses grouped into five genera

(Orthobunyavirus, Hantavirus, Nairovirus, Phlebovirus, and Tospovirus).

Bunyaviruses are enveloped viruses with a tripartite, single-stranded RNA genome of negative and sometimes ambisense polarity

(Elliott, 1996, Elliott et al., 1991, Schmaljohn and Hooper, 2001).

These promising attempts to generate VLP-based vaccines against many different animal and human pathogens encouraged us to evaluate RVF VLPs as vaccine candidates against RVFV. Here we describe the generation of chimeric RVF VLPs, a novel concept for bunyaviruses, the optimization of VLP production and their successful use as vaccine candidates

RVFV is a prototype of emerging/re-emerging pathogens and is classified as a Category A High Priority Pathogen by the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

link from study

, is on the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Bioterrorism Agents
link from study
and is also classified as a Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) overlap select agent (USDA, 2005).

What stood out for me:

A formalin-inactivated RVFV vaccine, TSI-GSD-200, has been developed; however, it is not licensed and not commercially available (Pittman et al., 1999). TSI-GSD-200 is only provided to veterinarians working in endemic areas, high containment laboratory workers and others at high risk for contracting RVFV (Pittman et al., 1999). Unfortunately, th

I wonder if the Wuhan lab was given TSI-GSD-200 and if they can account for all their stock? Was any used for some other research and what was the nature of that research? Universal flu vaccine research? Universal cross species vaccines? Both?

Unfortunately, this vaccine is (i) expensive, (ii) difficult to produce, (iii) in short supply, (iv) requires larger dose relative to an attenuated vaccine and three initial inoculations followed by a 6-month booster (v) and requires continued annual boosters to maintain protective immunity (Frank-Peterside, 2000, Kark et al., 1982, Kark et al., 1985, Niklasson et al., 1985).

The use of virus-like particles (VLPs) is a promising approach for the development of a safe and efficient RVFV vaccine.

Expression of structural proteins of many non-enveloped and enveloped viruses leads to the formation of VLPs (Garcea and Gissmann, 2004, Grgacic and Anderson, 2006a, Grgacic and Anderson, 2006b, Noad and Roy, 2003).

Such VLPs frequently exhibit a morphology very similar to that of wild-type (wt) viruses (Johnson and Chiu, 2000). 


edit on 5-4-2020 by HelloboysImbackguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 07:56 PM
Tandem means one in front of the other, in single file as it were.
Dual means side by side, abreast.

Could be either. Or neither.

Does anybody know what day of the week this is, by the way?
edit on 4/5/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 07:58 PM
a reply to: Phage

Hamburger Tuesday.

Tandem, cahoots, arm in arm. Symbiosis.

Birds of a feather. Kirk and Spock. Everything bagel with cream cheese.
edit on 5-4-2020 by HelloboysImbackguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: Phage

Does anybody know what day of the week this is, by the way?

Tandem, perhaps.

What is this thing they call a "day," anyway...

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 08:20 PM

Here is evidence that these RVF chimeric viruses were used to develop vaccines and introduced via a subjects respiratory systems.

They infected the lungs of chimpanzees with a RVF infused adenovirus. Lets not forget that the RVF virus was already capable of infecting humans and our domesticated animals interchangeably. Did that portion of the genetic code that governs that ability get used in these vaccines as well?

Developing the vaccine

Since clinical trials are always the final stage in demonstrating that a vaccine is safe to use in humans, my colleagues and I started by using a technique that has extensively been shown to be safe for human vaccination against a host of diseases, including influenza, malaria, and Ebola.

The technique uses a chimpanzee respiratory (adenovirus) virus to expose individuals to just a small part of the Rift Valley Fever virus – enough for the immune system to recognise a future infection, but not enough to cause an infection in itself.

As this incomplete virus is markedly different to the full virus, the technique allows animal health practitioners to accurately test whether an animal is vaccinated, or an infected but symptomless carrier.

This is crucial during outbreaks, as false positives can lead to unnecessary culling of livestock, increased costs, and reduced cooperation of farmers in the fight to control the disease

Was Covid-19 a product of stolen universal vaccine research using the SARS virus as a backbone, that is, a coronavirus with these RVF proteins in the RNA, and the ACE2 receptor spike protein, and was it an effort to create a universal Flu vaccine?

One that can be modified effectively to be used against other viruses that affect livestock? One that is delivered via airborne viral particles into the respiratory system...

Does covid-19 contain any of these partial RVF viral proteins in its RNA?

Link to the technique this vaccine development used:

Rapid development of vaccines against emerging pathogens: The replication-deficient simian adenovirus platform technology

edit on 5-4-2020 by HelloboysImbackguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 08:51 PM
Covid has many features of an adenovirus.

I wonder if they find any similarity in the genetic codes of each. Adenoviruses are DNA while Covid is RNA based, still I wonder if you can include portions of one in the other?

Specifically can the formidable outer layer of an adenovirus be replicated in an RNA based coronavirus virus like Covid-19?

Adenoviruses can survive on plastic and metal surfaces — think countertops and hospital tables— for a month. Some formulations of alcohol and chlorhexidine do not kill them easily, tests have shown, although chlorine does. That makes cleanup tricky after an outbreak.

Sound familiar?

edit on 5-4-2020 by HelloboysImbackguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: HelloboysImbackguy

I wonder if they find any similarity in the genetic codes of each.

Here is the entire genome (I think). As with any virus, pretty simple (as far as genomes go, I think). Have at it.
edit on 4/5/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: Phage

Thanks. I turned pale. It is of course Chinese to me but Im bored and inspired sometimes. Thanks Im actually going to look and try to find any RVF sequences.

We got time right? LoL

edit on 5-4-2020 by HelloboysImbackguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 10:02 PM

originally posted by: HelloboysImbackguy
a reply to: one4all

I see what you are saying as far as how bacteria would behave differently depending on where they call home in the body

I am still interested in discussing the effects this virus has to our digestive system and if it is interacting with the bacterias in such a way as to modify or infect them.

Then, Is this localized infection of the digestive bacterias producing a virus with any noticeable difference to those produced from human cells? That would be worth knowing.

I am also every interested in how polymorphic bacteria could be linked to that process of digestive bacterial infection by Covid 19.

I didnt want to come off as dismissive. I have a limited knowledge of EM and bio-electric resonance and biological functions associated with it. I thought that was the ultimate path you wanted to lead to.

Even if it is, why not?! Lol forgive me for being presumptuous.

I was a waiter, barman, liquor retailer, butcher, owned a butcher shop in NYC for a while, promotional field coordinator for liquor tastings, owned a cafe in northern Spain for a while, was regional coordinator and team leader doing canvassing and petition work in multiple states during the last presidential election, lifeguard, um, garbage man for a day, was a licensed insurance agent in NY, and other stuff I cant remember. /end resume over. Lol.

Im just a driver and job foreman for a NYC based moving company now. I wasn't doing long distance trips anymore and wanted to be close to the family.

I dont have any relevant qualifications in this subject but I know how things work.

Its also something to do that reduces anxiety by getting more information about our current situation. "Know what you are facing" sort of thing. I am not as worried as I was, but I am concerned that they are still only looking at this virus like its a respiratory disease while ignoring the neurological aspect of the infections.

Have a good one

Hold it down.

I are asking how this virus can interact with the insitu bacteria in our belly to make us this sick.


Viruses are dead.Period.No one can catch a virus.So that scenario is off the table here.

Trying to defend from a virus is impossible because you cannot catch a virus.

So lets ask the question again.

If there IS an insitu population of bacteria that are playing a part in the bodily devestation we are seeing from the Wu-Flu then with what and how is this population being dragged into the fight against our body.

Example…..a piece of dead material does not arrive at the Party in your belly with ant friends or ant booze ….its dead it cannot even it is immobile and less noticeable or impactfull than a wall flower...…HOWEVER...when a BACTERIA arrives at the PartY in your belly it has LOTS OF FRIENDS AND THEY KNOW THE ENTIRE "Hood" AND ITS LIKE A FAMILY REUNION IMMEDIATLY. cOMMUNIACTION IS IMMEDIATE AND FRIENDY TOURS OF THE BODY ARE GIVEN AND THE BEST PART OF ALL IS THIS bacteria ARRIVES IN YOUR BODYS BELLY pARTY WITH A case of tequilia….ENOUGH TO GET EVERYONE ROCKED.


And a house wrecker of a Party begins immediately.

So we are dealing with a LIKE DRAWS TO LIKE dynamic......something is arriving in the body to a warm welcome NOT TO A BIG FIGHT...when it should arrive to a big fight.(why vaccinations using bacteria poop are not good for you)

In nutshell….normally this NORMAL NATURALLY OCCURING Pleomorphic Bacteria follows a normal natural pattern of normally enters the body via the NORMAL AND SUPPRESSED parasitic connection we have through our food chain...NORMALLY we eat a viable variety and amount of Anti-Parasitic foods because we NORMALLY have a Geographiclly dictated diet which is CONSTANTLY AND CONSISTANTLY inclusive of these remedial foods...... so NORMALLY we are POLICING THIS BACTERIA STRICTLY VIA OUR NORMAL DIETS...…..when we eat a NORMAL diet and our bodies PH LEVELS are NORMAL....this bacteria NORMALLY lives inside of us in very small numbers.

Here is the reality they are hiding from the world.

I am going to hold off now for a moment and drag you into my world ok.

Lets work with my above "nutshell" fact.....if you note every time I wrote the word NORMAL ….. and then replace it with have the cure for all cancers and this pleomorphic bacteria.

I can give you your answer right now in this sentence...but you must help me learn the hows and whys...I am accurate...I don't know how and don't care how....THIS IS YOUR ANSWER....this pleomorphic Bacteria begins inside of us in our belly...normally....for it to morph into another form shape/mass the bodies PH INTERNALLY MUST BE UPSET....this can happen for a variety of reasons....but once a PH UNBALANCED sympathetic environment is presented is population IN THE BELLY explodes.....when this happens we begin to experience symptomology in our Guts....if this dynamic goes unpoliced and the body continues to become more PH unbalanced it becomes vulnerable to having other areas beyond the belly populated...... if we introduce Anti-Biotics(entire story on its own) to the belly to stop the escalating symptomology we begin to kill of the Pleomorphic a natural normal part of its life when it is threatened TERMINALLY it responds with a survival mechanism called HYPER-REPRODUCTION....this means that it intentionally MORPHS itself into a form size/shape/mass that will enable it to move location away from the threat and HYPER-REPRODUCE to ensure its this point the body has experienced a PH imbalance and had its insitu manageable population of this Pleomorphic Bacteria expanded to the point of symptomology this has been happening the next most viable zone of the body which can be used for HYPER-REPRODUCTION is being prepped or its PH IS BEING UPSET.....MAKING IT EASIER TO MOVE INTO...….which this bacteria then does whereupon it ASSUMES THE SHAPE SIZE/MASS OF A PIECE OF DEAD MATERIAL WHICH WE FIND AT THE SITE OF INTERNAL SCABS AND CALL VIRUS....WITHIN THE BLOODSTREAM.... we have the Pleomorphic Bacteria active and morphing....its into its NORMAL SECOND STAGE WHERE IT HAS MOVED FROM THE BELLY TO THE this point the belly is PH SCREWED AND IN TURMOIL BEING TREATED WITH aNTI-bIOTICS THAT HAVE WIPED OUT ALL IT GOOD BELLY FRIENDS....AND...ALL THE ORIGINAL POPULATION OF PLEOMORPHIC BACTERIA ARE NOT GONE EVEN WITH THIS TREATMENT.....some few survive aboard within at this point the blood is being expeditiously populated with an ever growing resident number of Pleomorphic Bacteria in costume so they fit in....and as this happens the Bloods PH becomes more and more unbalanced.....making it even more comfortable for the Pleomorphic now the body is being terninaly attacked in 2 major zones is in mortal danger...…

Right now with the Wu-Flu people are being infected with a Pleomorphic Bacteria and it is not a normal is one which has already been "turned on" or Stimulated or designed to be in its MORPHING STAGE MOVING TOWARDS ITS SECOND FORM SHAPE/MASS WHERE IT LIVES IN THE BLOOD STREAM....AND WHEN IT ENTERS OUR BODIES AND MEETS OUR BELLYS INSITU POPULATION OF ITS begins to party and has a

edit on 5-4-2020 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 10:06 PM
a reply to: HelloboysImbackguy


btw....TO YOUR OTHER POINT....yes resonance treatment can be used to kill these pleomorphic Bacteria quickly and completely....this bacterias lifestyle and actions put it into many corners....making it extremely vulnerable to being wiped completely and quickly from the entire body.

It can be killed in totality in all body areas faster than it can even in its most viscious states kill you....hours and days.

There are chemical precursors that trigger this bacteria to morph...but its a long explanation to show how to identify and target them....I know that more precisely you want to know what they are and how they are working....I understand...but its a process of learning and that's skipping chapters.Keep playing Ping-Pong with me and we will get to it soon.
edit on 5-4-2020 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: HelloboysImbackguy

Related to: Virus like particles and artificially created coronavirus lipid protective layer that can be programmed to hold Viral RNA

Upon coexpression of M, S, and E by using the vaccinia virus T7 system (20), virus-like particles (VLPs) containing these three viral membrane proteins were assembled in and released from cells.

However, only M and E were required for particle formation. The S protein was dispensable but was incorporated when present (6, 73).

The envelope particles produced by this system were shown to form a homogeneous population of spherical particles indistinguishable from authentic virions in size and shape (73).

One of our main interests is to understand the process of coronavirus assembly.

We are particularly interested in the interactions and the mechanisms that drive the formation of the viral particles. With the VLP assembly system, we have developed an ideal tool for the study of coronavirus envelope formation and for the analysis of the interactions between the viral membrane proteins in molecular detail

This study shows that the ability to make a VLP with a coronavirus membrane is possible and already used in vaccine research /treatment.

In this study they essentially built a dummy " shell " coronavirus particle and programmed its self it could make more shells....which COULD be filled with the genetic fragments of Viruses you want to vaccinate against in a seperate process...

These " Virus Like Particles " are indistinguishable from actual viruses. Their morphology is identical to wild type viruses.

I will keep adding more, but I think Im right. And Im the only one saying this about Covid-19...and that is worrying me.

A lot.

edit on 7-4-2020 by HelloboysImbackguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 04:01 AM

originally posted by: HelloboysImbackguy
a reply to: HelloboysImbackguy

Related to: Virus like particles and artificially created coronavirus lipid protective layer that can be programmed to hold Viral RNA

Upon coexpression of M, S, and E by using the vaccinia virus T7 system (20), virus-like particles (VLPs) containing these three viral membrane proteins were assembled in and released from cells.

However, only M and E were required for particle formation. The S protein was dispensable but was incorporated when present (6, 73).

The envelope particles produced by this system were shown to form a homogeneous population of spherical particles indistinguishable from authentic virions in size and shape (73).

One of our main interests is to understand the process of coronavirus assembly.

We are particularly interested in the interactions and the mechanisms that drive the formation of the viral particles. With the VLP assembly system, we have developed an ideal tool for the study of coronavirus envelope formation and for the analysis of the interactions between the viral membrane proteins in molecular detail

This study shows that the ability to make a VLP with a coronavirus membrane is possible and already used in vaccine research /treatment.

In this study they essentially built a dummy " shell " coronavirus particle and programmed its self it could make more shells....which COULD be filled with the genetic fragments of Viruses you want to vaccinate against in a seperate process...

These " Virus Like Particles " are indistinguishable from actual viruses. Their morphology is identical to wild type viruses.

I will keep adding more, but I think Im right. And Im the only one saying this about Covid-19...and that is worrying me.

A lot.

Worry not.
The short story is this.
If you know what it is and where it goes and how it behaves you can find it and kill it.
The human body has rules and to break those rules is to break a Truth Feedback Loop.
We can kill it much quicker than it can kill us.

I phoned an ER DR. yesterday in the USA and has a short convo with him.He was appreciative and interested and thankful for the efforts.

The education and SOP that are followed by Dr.s has been as bastardised as anything to keep them from breaking big pharmas conjobs up.IN many cases they can not and will not just "try" something for legal reasons many many legal reasons....Trump pushed medicines through processes that had been in many cases designed to hinder their spread....this was to help Drs. IMHO.

Intubation is killing to many people by burning out their lungs.

The blood itself is a polluted irritant full of living bacteria that are constantly and consistently producing damaging chemical byproducts related to their life cycles and that is depositing viral contaminants into the body …..the bloods ability to carry oxygen is being hindered.....harder working lungs are not bringing in enough oxygen to the system....a ventilator simply keeps the lungs going mechanically until the lungs are damaged and burn out.....and it does not increase the volume of oxygen being held in the blood or clean the blood .....a sudden mass migration of pleomorphic bacteria from the belly to the blood happens and it overwhelms the IMMEDIATLY BEGINS POLLUTING IT IN A MASSIVE WAY DEPENDING UPON THE VOLUME AND VERACITY OF YOUR INSITU ALREADY EXISTING PLEOMORPHIC POPULATION....when these bacteria migrate they are in HYPER-REPRODUCTION the impacts to the bloodstream are massive and incredibly damaging and happen incredibly fast.

The belly must be cleaned of bacteria and hosts...the blood must be cleaned of living bacteria hiding there and the pollutants they produce...or the blood itself must be enhanced so it can carry o2 properly again with some shortcut.....I dont know a transfusion the addition of specific things like fresh hemoglobin or whatever the Pros suggest to return the bloods o2 carrying ability....once you kill the bugs you still have to clean the this means that ventilating the lungs can only be done under specific pressures and parameters for limited amounts of we do have a clock running....the critical issue is understanding that there has been a FLOOD or a MIGRATION from the belly to the bloodstream of a pleomorphic bacteria that has been taken into the body in one of 2 forms regular bacterial presentation and viral sized but alive presentation...the bacteria being is not being introduced to the body it is being re-introduced into the human body in a "triggered" form that immediately signals all other insitu quiet bacteria of its type to become excited and to morph and change shape and mass to viral size and shape while in the belly so as to immediately exit the stomach and enter the bloodstream...this is an extremely fast cascading effect.

The insitu "quiet" non-morphing pre-existing pleomorphic bacteria are the GUNPOWDER....its harmless without a spark.....the Pleomorphic bacteria floating around in the fluidic conduits is already "morphed" once and is "turned on" or is now a spark to the VARIOUS SIZED KEGS OF GUNPOWDER already stored inside our bodies.....once that spark reaches the Keg of Gunpowder a cascade effect begins that is unstoppable....clearly the size of the spark is not the issue here....the size of the Keg of Gunpowder inside us IS.....soooo..without further adeau step #1 for everyone is to immediately decimate the insitu resident pleomorphic bacteria NO ONE KNOWS THEY not waste time questioning and just remove the powder keg or get it all wet whatever you choose to do....its not hard nor dangerous to wipe out these stomach bugs totaally in just hours…..and then we can bolster the blood with oxygen to snuff out the little spark easily ….so ventilation of the lungs is really only needed for a short time not a long time when used in unison with a stomach remedy and a blood remedy......if you just ventilate and do not treat the belly then you just keep the cycle going...migration of newly produced and immediately triggered belly bacteria to the bloodstream will continue to occur …. while you are making little headway and burning out the lungs.

First treat the belly then treat the blood and you might never need to intubate.

We can wipe it out in the belly and the blood EXPEDITIOUSLY especially if we use ventilation in supporting the process how and when needed without damaging the lungs(short medium pressure duration)....speed is of the essence and we have it in our side even though it looks the other way around.

If you have taken the quick easy steps to eradicate the insitu pleomorphic bacteria...which is as simple as eating foods that kill them or taking meds made from foods and plants that kill them its a matter of minutes not even hours...its a contact kill situation in the belly....well then when Covid-19 enters your body no matter how you catch it it has no one to "trigger" to iniate the mass migration from belly to bloodstream and you end up with a cold like symptomology.

The difference between a cold and death is now coming down to the volume and veracity of the insitu pleomorphic bacteria that people enmasse carry every day.

Just my generic non-professional take on it all.
edit on 8-4-2020 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: one4all

I just dont think so.

Also what you describe has more to do with treatment. I am still theorizing about covid and my theory is that its a Virus like particle as seen in vaccines.

Please, this thread is almost about 2 things now. Covid-19 and treatment to pleomorphic bacteria...

Its not even a concise read with every other post being about your theory. This is more your thread now.

I have no idea how anyone new to the thread will even be able to read my theory and understand what Im saying. Its about 30% of everything posted here and is separated by walls of text talking about ENTIRELY different subjects.

Dude, I dont agree. Respectfully.

edit on 8-4-2020 by HelloboysImbackguy because: (no reason given)

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