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Russian biologist says there is a bacterium worse than a Covid 19

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posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 05:47 AM
The sensational assumption on the air of the author’s channel of the famous Russian journalist Andrei Karaulov on YouTube was expressed by the vice president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, international expert on environmental and food safety, doctor of biological sciences Irina Ermakova.

According to the scientist, the reason for the death of the coronavirus, possibly lies in the fact that it was modified as a result of penetration into the artificially removed bacterium Cynthia, which was created about ten years ago by American biotechnologists to combat oil pollution in the Gulf of Mexico. In addition, it is possible that the same “Cynthia” is operating in the framework of a pandemic.

And how long the pandemic will last depends on how quickly experts can figure out where the legs grow from the problem, Ermakova said.

Ermakova said that for many years she was studying the effect of GMOs on human health. According to her, genetically modified organisms are those organisms that "not only do not exist in nature, but cannot fully exist." Because they were created in violation of all laws - genetic, vital, environmental.

As a result of her research, Ermakova came to the disappointing conclusion that these organisms undoubtedly do terrible harm to people: they undermine immunity, cause a number of serious diseases, and lead to infertility.

“My colleagues and I carefully monitored how laws on the ban on the use of GMOs were implemented in different countries. But from last year, the situation began to change, these laws were repealed. In Russia too. After analyzing data from different parts of the world, we were horrified. It became clear that the outbreak of new epidemics was not far off, since the use of GMOs leads to the modification of viruses and bacteria, which could potentially pose a mortal danger to humans, ”the biologist said.

GMOs, according to Ermakova, are “real monsters”. But the most monstrous of them, at the moment, is a bacterium with the synthetic genome Cynthia. In 2010, it was created by American scientists led by Nobel laureate Hamilton Smith in order to eliminate the consequences of an environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. In 2011, Cynthia began to “work”: the oil slick began to decline rapidly. However, the process got out of hand.

“You see, Cynthia is interested in carbon. And living organisms are made up of proteins, which, in turn, are made up of amino acids made up of carbon and hydrogen. That is, we are the same oil for Cynthia, ”said Ermakova. In general, the matter was not limited to the absorption of oil alone: ​​after dealing with oil pollution, the killer bacterium took up the destruction of fish, animals and people. According to Ermakova, there were a lot of victims among oil workers, doctors, residents of the coastal zone ... Then information slipped through that Cynthia had got to the Gulf Stream and was heading to the shores of Europe.

“Symptoms in humans were often very similar to those we see now with coronavirus. At first the temperature rose, then a dry cough appeared, pneumonia began, death ensued. The United States began to actively make efforts to ensure that information about this is not exaggerated. In many countries there is an unwritten ban on the mention of Cynthia, ”said Irina Ermakova.

According to her, in the worst case scenario, Cynthia is able to kill even in a few hours, it completely destroys cells, sepsis sets in; and the cell virus does not destroy, it only damages them.

“There is a typical coronavirus, but there is covid - a virus in which a foreign fragment is present. It can be from snakes, from bats, from anyone. Such a virus invades the cell and uses DNA as a template to create its copy with new RNA. And if the virus entered the Cynthia bacterium, the result could be such a new coronavirus with a very strange structure, and deadly. But all the same, this coronavirus is not as dangerous as the bacterium itself, ”explained Ermakova. According to her, simple coronavirus leads to acute respiratory infections, in general, a fairly mild condition; COVID-19 can lead to a serious condition, even death, but it is still possible to recover from it, but if Cynthia comes across, it is “one hundred percent death”.

Irina Ermakova noted that it is possible to check whether it is really a “duet” of a coronavirus with Cynthia in a very short time, there would be a corresponding desire and decision “from above”. However, so far she has not been able to make her heard in Russia ...

Video Interview

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posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 06:17 AM
There are conspiracies, and then there are russian conspiracies... a whole new level of nightmares.
I don't even think that my brain can process something like that. But curious what the people will come up with on this.

Edit to add: my russian SO tells me that this Karaulov guy is a kind of Alex Jones in russian version. He doesn't know about the biologist woman thou. For what is worth...
edit on 30-3-2020 by WhiteHat because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 06:23 AM
I'm from the deep south. Know many in the oil industry. Oil workers are not pushing up daisies anymore than before. There is no shortage of seafood. The only environmental damage are the levees created by the Army Corps of Engineers. The levees prevent silt from depositing along the delta plain causing extreme coastal erosion. This biologist is welcome to come with me to Galveston for weekend and see it all in motion. Lots of oil workers, lot of fishing boats, lots of tourist.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 06:57 AM
For what it is worth everybody do some research on Miss Irina just be careful her website link set off Phishing alarms on my computer. Wiki Links basically has her as a charlatan.No publications on research gate since 2011

Microorganisms, plants and animals play an important role in the ecological balance and in the formation of the climate on the planet. Physical, chemical and biological factors can influence living organisms negatively. It is well known that artificially created viruses and pathogenic bacteria can cause large epidemics, infecting extensive regions. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs), obtained by using of imperfect methods, are more dangerous and can cause high levels of mortality and infertility of living organisms and their subsequent disappearance. Our biosphere can be destroyed by different negative factors, produced by uncontrolled human activity. Can we stop the degradation of the biosphere, protect nature from destruction, and humans, animals and plants from their disappearing? Keywords Biosphere-Ecology-Climate-Radiation-Chemical factors-Geneti­cally modified-Humanity-Organisms-Environment of_Different_Factors_on_Living_Organisms_and_the_Environment

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 07:15 AM

originally posted by: Stupidsecrets
Wiki Links basically has her as a charlatan.

This is natural, my friend. Any scientist who opposes international corporations is declared by them charlatans. And talking about the objectivity of Wikipedia is just ridiculous

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 07:16 AM

There is a typical coronavirus, but there is covid - a virus in which a foreign fragment is present.

I'm confused. I thought Covid was a disease caused by nCov-2019.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 07:25 AM

originally posted by: RussianTroll

originally posted by: Stupidsecrets
Wiki Links basically has her as a charlatan.

This is natural, my friend. Any scientist who opposes international corporations is declared by them charlatans. And talking about the objectivity of Wikipedia is just ridiculous

Maybe so but my Phishing alarms on her website were real enough and like I said she hasn't been published since 2011 where has she been these last 8 or 9 years.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 07:33 AM
a reply to: and14263

I thought Covid was a disease caused by nCov-2019

The disease Covid-19 is caused by the virus SARS-CoV2.

nCov-2019 is what they called it before naming it proper.

There is a whole paper on it. Linked in this OP.

Covid-19, SARS-CoV2 What's in a name

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: putnam6

I went to her site, Ecology and Life. I did not find any phishing problems. By the way, the site has not been updated since 2017.

"Ermakova has 215 publications, of which 52 on environmental and food safety issues, has been a participant in 110 international and domestic congresses, congresses and conferences. To date, Ermakova has published 3 booklets and 27 articles on GMOs in domestic and foreign publications." .

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 07:57 AM

originally posted by: RussianTroll

originally posted by: Stupidsecrets
Wiki Links basically has her as a charlatan.

This is natural, my friend. Any scientist who opposes international corporations is declared by them charlatans. And talking about the objectivity of Wikipedia is just ridiculous

I didn't say they were a charlatan. I'm saying on the ground here that is not what is going on. I'm in the Gulf coastal area. There is no environmental concern except for the man made levees. Seafood industry was thriving before the virus. I went to Mardi Gras. Didn't get sick and don't know anyone who is sick. I do know someone who died of the common flu in November but they were obese and refused to go to the doctor. Only people who know what's going on in a situation are those on the ground.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 08:10 AM
Sensationalist doom porn written by a female looking for attention for her work. The scarier and more apocalyptic the better.

What if.. the coronavirus crosses with a human engineered bacteria that the Americans made 10 years ago?

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: FlyingSquirrel

4 years ago you almost chose a similar woman as president

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: RussianTroll

GMO food is bad for you. Independent science not paid off by bayer or in the past monsanto clearly shows that. Same with vaccines and other mass projects to make people sick for depopulation and obviously making a # ton of money.

7.4 billion people and counting...gotta use some sort of means to kill people except its not enough so maybe war and a virus? Meh. Its all coming to an end soon anyway. Live your lives now.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 12:54 PM
We have lots of mad scientists modifying organisms to do many different tasks in making chemicals they use nowadays. They alter the excretions to provide medicines and all sorts of chemicals used by societies.

BAD IDEA !!!!!

It is impossible to predict how these organisms will interact with all of the other organisms in the world, I doubt if there is even much testing done to test their interaction with the millions of types of microbes on this planet. And their unnatural secretions we gather to make chemicals, we do not know how some of them are going to interact with the environment either. They are not natural anymore.

I agree with this article, we are not accessing risk enough now. Do we really need these chemistries in the first place?

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: putnam6

I'll say if this was what she's implying, then people would be dying from Ebola type symptoms. Since they as of right now aren't, then we can assume that this is just a paid shill trying to smear America out of fear.

It's sadly typical. Something happens, people can't fully comprehend the nature of it, scapegoating begins. During the time of the Great Mortality, everything from god being mad that people didn't worship enough, to even people worshiping too much was to blame. Single people were called out for creating the Great Mortality, and groups of people were blamed for it. this current situation is no different. Everyone wants to blame America due to us being the most public of countries, China for being were the virus came from, hell I've even heard more than a few people blame India for the virus due to their unclean cities (I laughed at one of the people who said this since they live in Seattle Wa).

This woman is no different then anybody else, she's afraid and doesn't understand whats going on, so she feels safe when she can blame others. Weird that we look back on the Middle Ages and think that we're so much smarter and mentally sophisticated than them, but in reality we're no different.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 03:06 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
We have lots of mad scientists modifying organisms to do many different tasks in making chemicals they use nowadays. They alter the excretions to provide medicines and all sorts of chemicals used by societies.

BAD IDEA !!!!!

It is impossible to predict how these organisms will interact with all of the other organisms in the world, I doubt if there is even much testing done to test their interaction with the millions of types of microbes on this planet. And their unnatural secretions we gather to make chemicals, we do not know how some of them are going to interact with the environment either. They are not natural anymore.

I agree with this article, we are not accessing risk enough now. Do we really need these chemistries in the first place?

I wouldn't go so far as to agree with the article, but the rest of Ricky's points I agree with. Any genetically modified organism should be kept in a Lev4 lab (not the one in Wuhan - preferably in an actually-secure lab.) Such organisms are decades of research away from being safe to unleash on Earth. Save them for habitation dome on other planets - one wrong move could end life on Earth.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 03:12 PM
Classic Troll Farm conspiracy fodder for domestic and overseas consumption.
edit on 3/30/2020 by clay2 baraka because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
a reply to: putnam6

I went to her site, Ecology and Life. I did not find any phishing problems. By the way, the site has not been updated since 2017.

"Ermakova has 215 publications, of which 52 on environmental and food safety issues, has been a participant in 110 international and domestic congresses, congresses and conferences. To date, Ermakova has published 3 booklets and 27 articles on GMOs in domestic and foreign publications." .

Annaad none since 2011, It would seem even if this is legit, she is just trying to ride the coattails of the current situations her self regain some notoriety. Wouldn't be the first time.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: RussianTroll

This one post almost gets you on my cookies list*.It
is too expensive to ship anything to Russia and I know
this from past experience.

*my cookie list is not real,no cookies will be mailed.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 03:20 PM
double trouble
edit on 30-3-2020 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

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