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Being realistic about Covid-19

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posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 01:02 PM
So, I'm sure that we've all been following the news about the virus. I know that I have.

I live in an area that has shelter in place for the whole state but I see far too many people still out and about.

I'm in that age demographic that really doesn't want to have complications from covid-19

So, have have been pretty good about shelter in place. I live in the country and enjoy my place so that's not hard. I get plenty of exercise and we've only shopped for food once. We will most like shop for food again next week. Our logic is that the number of cases in our area is still low but it is increasing. So, we're going to do a big shopping trip and we should not have to shop for groceries for some time.

We are practicing social distancing but we still talk to the neighbors when we see them and talk to family daily by phone or txt.

So, I know that this is a conspiracy site and I do love it however, I think that we should all exercise caution about covid19. We will be able to sort out any conspiracy angles in hindsight so I'm encouraging everyone to live carefully

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 01:12 PM
We will be going out shopping again this week, there are some good sales at one store, so we need to go before everything gets sold out....again. It is a bummer when they have a good deal in the sale flyer and you go there and everything is gone.

We have enough food to go a while, but I know that in two more weeks people will be restocking again and the shelves will again be empty.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 01:13 PM
Now is the time to build your community more than ever.

Talk with neighbors, family and friends.

If we aim to take care of each other rather than hoarding supplies for ourselves you not only make your community safer but stronger.

A strong caring community will always overcome.

Let's activate that human spirit of ours.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 01:23 PM
“Prepare for the worst, but hope for the best”.

If you act as though the threat is real, and it is, you’ll be well. If the threat is not real, you’ll still be well.

If you act as though the threat is not real, and it is not, you’ll be well.

If you act as though the threat is not real, but it is...

You could end up dead, sooner than you need to be.

The odds favor treating the threat as real.

Do you play the odds?

Or, do you feel lucky?

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: Psilocyborg
Now is the time to build your community more than ever.

Talk with neighbors, family and friends.

If we aim to take care of each other rather than hoarding supplies for ourselves you not only make your community safer but stronger.

A strong caring community will always overcome.

Let's activate that human spirit of ours.

Sounds like a plan.

But be sure to keep 6 feet apart.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 01:46 PM
If it wasn't for the government forcing business closures I would be doing what I always do during flu season. Wash my hands like anyone who isn't a filthy animal, avoid people with potential symptoms, practice normal hygiene. Duh.

Afraid of catching something? Isolate yourself, wear a frickin hazmat suit, tape your doors and windows shut, whatever. Go crazy. But don't make me do those things just because you got infected by both the disease and the ridiculous hype. Because this mild flu is a tiny problem for me compared to the social and economic damage caused by the panic.

That's realistic.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 01:52 PM
Wife works at a grocery store good / bad thing. The Illinois summer home neighbors showed up last night. The police stopped them and told them to go home but they laughed it off. Next stop is $500 and it couldn't happen to nicer people. Mind you they are doctors and skipping out on work somehow?? Or they aren't doctors?????

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 02:15 PM
This time will long be remembered, along with your friends and neighbors behavior through it all.

Will you destroy the faith in you?

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: Plotus

I waved to the neighbors and we yelled back and forth a bit. Then he said don't come over we have the kids and my response was "We're old don't come over we have guns".

I am who I am.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: Bhadhidar
Do you play the odds?
Or, do you feel lucky?

Nobody knows what the real odds are, and we can't play them with the government stepping in blindly forcing us not to.

Isolate the sick. If you're worried, do what you think is necessary to protect yourself. But how about not forcing it on the millions of otherwise healthy people who have to make a living? That is completely backwards. If I die, then I guess you can say I told you so.

It's not "playing the odds.". It's assessing the situation and choosing a response that seems appropriate. But on an individual level without the interference of politicians shilling for votes by appearing responsive to a perceived threat of unknown severity.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 02:26 PM

originally posted by: Psilocyborg
Now is the time to build your community more than ever.

Talk with neighbors, family and friends.

If we aim to take care of each other rather than hoarding supplies for ourselves you not only make your community safer but stronger.

Yeah, that's all warm & fuzzy sweet and all, but it's the opposite of what the government has the freaked out convinced to do.

They're convinced if you take a walk, walk the dog, let the kids play outside, or so much as watch your neighbor's kid(s) in your home while the parent(s) had to do something they cannot take their kid along for, you're automatically a filthy disease spreader and deserve tarred and feathered and reported to the state for violating government orders (personally done the kid watching for a neighbor already, will do so again when asked, pearl-clutchers can bite me)

The come-together community spirit is a nice notion, but the kibosh has already been put on it.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 02:34 PM
They have special shopping hours for old people so I hope that I can get everything I need and not have to shop again for about a month

a reply to: rickymouse

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 02:35 PM
Reporting NYC Reality :

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: Bhadhidar

Much like Dirty Harry "Do you feel lucky punk?"

I also think that it is prudent to play the odds

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 02:38 PM
Currently the US has over 100,00 cases, a somewhat meaningless number.

However, it has almost 2500 dead. I don't consider that trivial.

Hopefully it will be mild if you or I get it so we don't end up in the count for the dead

reply to: Blue Shift

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: Wildbob77

I completely agree with you on taking the threath seriously and taking measures accordingly.
My girlfriend has a low count of red bloodcells and is very vulnerable to illness, she simply doesn't leave the house, and i think she has very good reasons for not doing so, and encourage her not to.
On the other hand, i work in food distrubution and am out and about on a daily basis delivering bread.. I can take all the precautions i want (wearing a mask and gloves at all times when i'm working) but since i'm constantly on the streets, or in our factory that houses 80 workers and where "social distancing" is practically impossible, 1 person who doesn't take this seriously, and who lacks basic personal hygiene practices (washing hands regularly, coughing or sneezing into your sleeve) can infect me, or anyone one else for that matter. In tuen, i can then infect my girlfriend, which will have GRAVE consequences.
I'm not a fan of the drastic measures the Spanish government is taking, but if i see how the Spanish react to these basic guidelines, and that the police actively needs to enforce it in order for people to take a bit of responsibility in order to dampen the blow to an already overwhelmed and understaffed healthcare system, I think the conspiracy angle of governments taking drastic measures and using this crisis as a power grab (which might very well be the end result after all this blows over), is also an effect of the people not caring enough about others to take precautions in not only protecting themselves, but everybody else.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 03:01 PM

originally posted by: Wildbob77
They have special shopping hours for old people so I hope that I can get everything I need and not have to shop again for about a month

a reply to: rickymouse

The wife hates getting up before eight thirty, I already have the bread in the oven, coffee made, cats fed, and am talking to a friend who calls every morning to let me know he did not fall down the steps or slip in the driveway.

I would love to go out there and meet other people I know. She on the other hand does not want to get dressed till ten thirty. She is taking retirement seriously, she DOES NOT want to have to get up early anymore.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 03:16 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: Wildbob77
They have special shopping hours for old people so I hope that I can get everything I need and not have to shop again for about a month

a reply to: rickymouse

The wife hates getting up before eight thirty, I already have the bread in the oven, coffee made, cats fed, and am talking to a friend who calls every morning to let me know he did not fall down the steps or slip in the driveway.

I would love to go out there and meet other people I know. She on the other hand does not want to get dressed till ten thirty. She is taking retirement seriously, she DOES NOT want to have to get up early anymore.

Frankly, I thought the early shopping hours for the elderly was pretty stupid. It seems to still be a pretty pervasive old myth that the elderly get up for the day at some ridiculously early hour, such as 5am. I asked my late grandmother once, many years ago, what time she got up to start her days. Surprised me by telling me "Oh, 7 or 8, why? What time did you think I got up?" I figured, for no real reason, really, that she got up at 5 or 6 in the morning (as I said, pervasive myth)

Turned out that neither she, nor anyone in her retirement apartment complex, actually walked out their doors to do anything other than an early doctor's appointment before 10-11am. And my grandmother absolutely hated morning appointments, had all hers in the afternoons only, "Getting poked and prodded before lunch ruins the rest of the day. I'd rather ruin the afternoons when it gets rainy."

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 04:07 PM

originally posted by: mikell
Wife works at a grocery store good / bad thing.

A good friend and I were talking about grocery stores and I said that I need to take advantage of the senior hour before the store opens to the public. He told me that employees at our local Kroger get first dibs on new stock. Is that true for your wife? If this keeps up, I might have to get a job there 😁

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 04:16 PM
I'm one of those old guys who gets up early.
I'm usually awake by 5 and my old dog usually wants to go out and pee before 5:30

Last night, I went to bed at 11:30 and was up at 5:15

That gives me like 3 hours to be ready to go to the store.

My wife sleeps about 9 hours a night but goes to bed early so she is usually up by 6:30

a reply to: Nyiah

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