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What would it take to convince you otherwise about the covid-19 epidemic?

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posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: JohnnyCanuck

Lotta folks here still in serious denial, and their rectal/cranial inversion is going to kill others. At least they like to crow about it, so they can be shamed.

I see it playing out a lot less than what many think, but I have also been working from home for 2 weeks.... I see it as more dangerous than the common flu being a nuevo virus, and a big risk to those already high risk to the flu, but our social distancing/work from home/isolate actions will greatly reduce the seriousness.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: anzha

When my internet and phone go down, the power is shut off and people wander the streets searching for help and food, I'm locking down to everyone, even the police.

The weapons get spread out and I go out, across the fields at night.

Vive La Revolution!!!!!

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 06:11 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: JohnnyCanuck

Lotta folks here still in serious denial, and their rectal/cranial inversion is going to kill others. At least they like to crow about it, so they can be shamed.

I see it playing out a lot less than what many think, but I have also been working from home for 2 weeks.... I see it as more dangerous than the common flu being a nuevo virus, and a big risk to those already high risk to the flu, but our social distancing/work from home/isolate actions will greatly reduce the seriousness.

We won't know that until we see the results come in over the next couple of weeks. I've been anticipating worst case scenario (without going all prepper), but I don't mind being disappointed.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 06:46 PM
Reasonable post! I have run the numbers using available data and come to the conclusion that most of the nation will get infected at some point. What is the death rate? Definitely more than flu by quite a lot - possibly .05% vs 3.5%.

However, I would find this a bit less dangerous if it turns out that there are a lot of mild cases that aren't being counted, which would lower the death rate.

However - I should warn people that this virus grows exponentially, not linearly, and it is still in the beginning stages. However many people that have died are only the amount that have died... so far.

The numbers definitely show a shortage of hospital beds incoming, especially if we don't do lockdowns to "flatten the curve." This could result in a quite large spike in death rates, as 20% need oxygen support in the hospital to breathe. The 80% "mild" symptoms are classified as simply not needing hospitalization - it could even include pneumonia cases.

This is definitely something that a responsible government would take seriously, and that a responsible human being would take seriously. By being responsible and serious, we can reduce the impact of the virus. By remaining stubborn and ignorant, we can increase the impact of the virus.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 07:04 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: smurfy

So that was the plan all along? Just wait for the next pandemic and enslave the whole world?

How did I miss that?

Don't feel bad, no one told me either.

Last I heard the plan was to have fake aliens collapse the old world order.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: Dr UAE

I dont think that I will be able to upload it to youtube

Upload it to bitchute

You will have a much better chance of it not being taken down.

posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 08:49 PM
as the line from the movie I Robot says. you have asked the right question

What Ill change my mind is HARD NUMBERS over a GIVEN TIME.

now I am not gonna be some extremest and demand the death numbers (among others) have to be as much as the common flu. that is silly and wishing for death .

but I think the numbers should within say 6 months be at least half of deaths and/or at least on a CONTINUOUS HARD NUMBERS that the trend is going same or near same as flu numbers of previous years.

in short comparing HARD NUMBERS TO HARD NUMBERS... not the Predictions that are being used.

because (to many who support this covid19 is worse thinking) the hard numbers ARE NOT EVEN CLOSE.

in fact taking that december is when corona virus reports have started we have as of 8:45pm CST 2484 TOTAL DEATHS IN USA. that is in 4 (or three if you move it to january) months of data.

in four months (starting oct) of current flu season per cdc in 4 months (oct to jan) there were 11 THOUSAND FLU DEATHS.

the two are hardly even close.

but we keep hearing "there gonna be more, just you wait"

well the current HARD NUMBERS are not in a range that will even get close to the 11 thousand already with clearly more after january.

so what will change my mind?


you know...FACTS


posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 10:10 PM
OK, NOW I am starting to take this seriously: aine-and-weed-to-cope-with-coronavirus-lockdown.html
A top drug dealer in the UK has revealed that people are “panic buying” coc aine and marijuana to help them get through the coronavirus lockdown.
The drug dealer, who has 20 dealers out on the street and 200 regular customers, told the Guardian, “People are panicking – the amounts of cannabis they’re buying is ridiculous – so we are just dealing to regulars now.”
He says that the price of coc aine is set to surge because there are no new shipments coming in from abroad for at least 6 weeks.

The Horror! The Horror!

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 03:42 AM
a reply to: anzha Possibly the fact that they made a great effort to quiet the masses,have celebritys once again acting as shills,and the fact all of it was made up to see how good the public jumps,next time might be off a ledge,all lies

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: anzha

I used to believe this was a nothing burger until my friend in Spain started getting in touch with those of us in the UK closest to him, to warn them of what was to come. Hearing first hand accounts of life in Spain definitely changed my opinion

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 12:33 PM

originally posted by: nerbot
a reply to: anzha

When my internet and phone go down, the power is shut off and people wander the streets searching for help and food, I'm locking down to everyone, even the police.

The weapons get spread out and I go out, across the fields at night.

Vive La Revolution!!!!!

You know, you're joking, but think about this.

Some police departments are not responding to low-level calls. I've read some aren't responding to things like simple assault and theft. There's video of people brazenly looting stores because they know the cops aren't coming for things like that.

That is a slippery slope. "Low-level" crimes turn into violent crimes really fast.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 12:49 PM
Most of the 'experts' here on ATS are missing the point. While everyone is obsessing about the mortality rate they are ignoring a couple of very critical facts:

1. This has JUST started. We're in the first week of the surge. A good portion of the country hasn't started their curve.
2. Hospitals are already exceeding capacity in some areas. Forget about vents and PPE for the moment. Hospitalas are becoming overrun. That's a fact.

Name me one instance in your lifetime where the healthcare system was overloaded to the point of collapse. I'm nearing 70. I lived through the polio epidemic. I worked in healthcare for a good portion of my life. I've never seen anything like this.

Forget your incessant round-and-round on the mortality rate and comparisons to the flu. Current estimates (WHO, NIH) on the symptoms-to-death time is 2-8wks. We're barely into this for 2wks. A lot of people who are just falling ill will die but we won't count them for almost 2mos. Talk to any front-line healthcare professional about the current situation and ask them if they've ever seen anything like it in their careers. That will tell you what you need to know.

'Hard Numbers' happen after the fact. Not while it's ongoing.

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