posted on Mar, 29 2020 @ 12:03 PM
Hello fellow ATS members.
Have you had a healthy serving of paranoia today?
This is some weird times we're living in. It's almost like we're having a staring contest with the elite.
Now I'm not too concerned about COVID-19 being used as a distraction for keeping secrets about an extinction level (comet,yellowstone,cascadia) event
about to happen, frankly I'd be honored that it took such a great force to bring me down.
But if the rich folks at the top developed a vaccine and it was mandatory to take it, or if Bill Gates somehow gets his Mark of the Beast chip program
going well we may have some problems.
The chip implants and mandatory vaccines is where I draw the line.
Whether or not you believe the diabolical plans of el diablo, if they start to chip and vaccinate us then we are essentially cattle and there will be
no going back. Or if you know your history, liken the implants to the tattoos of the prisoners of concentration camps.
The moment they do this, they've played their hand.
And it will force us to play ours.
When this revolutionary moment presents itself to you, I ask:
Post what music is going to fuel your fire to fight in what you believe in when it comes down to the day we gotta fight our government.
If we're going to do this thing right we have to have some guillotine building music.