posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 10:24 PM
This probably has nothing to do with conspiricies etc, but just something that I thought was very strange. Anyways Ive seen this "commercial"
twice. Basically it comes out of nowhere, 1 commercial ended and then the screen is black and 3 words appear on the screen. The words are in a
foreign language and appear to be latin or something. The words are there for like 3 seconds then dissapear and thats it, a new commercial comes on.
Unfortunately, I was totally caught off guard both times and didnt have time to really soak in what the words were and spellings,, all I can remember
vaguely is the last 2 words beings something like "finnus emment" idk something like that. I cant see how this can be an "advertisement" as
pretty much no1, unless theyre ready is going to have time to get down the spelling of these words or w/e and look them up or something and there is
no product placement associated with it. 1 time the strange "commercial" was followed by another commercial (a soda ad) and the other time it was
followed directly by the show I was watching again. The commercials before hand were different both times as far as I remember as well, so it doesnt
seem to be linked to any other commercial. I believe they wre on different channels each time, one was when I was watching The Contender and I cant
remember exactly what the other show I was watching was. Idk... just seems so odd. Anything else seen this and been able to catch what the words
[edit on 11-3-2005 by Skinnyb]