posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 12:13 PM
Mods: Didn't know exactly where to put this so please move if needed.
A relative that works at a small refinery in Baytown alerted me to this a few moments ago.
Exxon Mobil Corp plans to shut the small gasoline-producing unit at its 560,500 barrels-per-day (bpd) Baytown, Texas, refinery by early next week
because of low demand due to efforts to halt the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.
Full Article
Due to everyone being ordered to stay at home there has been a severe drop in gasoline sales nationwide, which is to be expected. However we all know
that Big Oil has a stranglehold on the majority of our politicians.
This is a small gasoline refinery, however I wonder if this could start becoming a trend.
I also wonder if maybe the fact that it could start happening at more refineries could be one of the reasons why Trump is pushing for businesses to
open back up by Easter because there is no doubt in my mind that our representatives who are in Big Oil's pocket are pressuring him to protect those
massive profits they're so spoiled to getting.
Before somebody accuses me of being biased in this I didn't vote for Trump but I support him as my President, and the majority of my family works in
refineries- I have worked at a few myself in the past. That being said I am not blind to the fact that Big Oil exerts more influence over our
politicians than nearly any other group.