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Corona virus and 5g: A binary weapon

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posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 07:53 AM
Hi All

Long time lurker of about 13 years finally made my account to post something that's been weighing heavily on my chest (no pun).

I am aware that there have been a few posts already postulating the link between covid19 and 5g and I think that most people are on the fence or doubting a link between the severity of the illness and 5g. The argument being that the higher milimetre wavelength frequencies are non-ionising (i.e. won't get past the skin barrier and travel very short distances). Can I say, just because some emf is non-ionising does not mean it won't affect us. All biological beings have an electromagnetic field and bombarding high frequencies which can be acutely directed with this technology, most certainly induces oxidative stress within the body. Frequences such as 60ghz have been shown to disrupt the blood cells ability to absorb oxygen.

Here are some scientific journals with the hard science, if you are interested:

CO2 Reduction Is a Mass Murder Policy

Biological Effects and Health Hazards of Microwave Radiation

Planetary electronmagnetic pollution

Efficient Structure Resonance Energy Transfer from Microwaves to Confined Acoustic Vibrations in Viruses

Long-term exposure to microwave radiation provokes cancer growth

I live in the UK and these 5g cell phone masts are going up at an alarming rate. They are literally everywhere. I drove from London to the lake district (on a camping trip not too long ago) and they are all long the motorway every mile or so, not to mention the sheer amount in the cities. They are even being disguised within our lamp posts. Look:

Why so many? because the reach is short so many cells are required. Research 5g! it has military applications and is used as direct energy weapon and in crowd dispersal. It is going to harm all biological life. Is it just a coincidence that Wuhan was the first city to roll out full 5g? which means 5g literally on every street corner. People were dropping to the floor, it was more like a seizure or a hemorrhage than a flu! Is it also just a coincidence that Lombardy, Italy has the most developed 5g infrastructure in Italy?

This is also a very interesting YT video:

Why are they doing this and who is benefitting from it? I don't have hard evidence but I believe this is the work of the globalist elite who believe that the way to solve the world's problems is to cull the population drastically whilst they hunker down in their bunkers until this is all over. What will be left? A NWO where those who have survived are ruled with complete control and surveillance.

What can you do on a personal level to limit the effects? Build yourself an anti-emf space. Natural spaces with lots of trees help absorb these frequencies. Invest in anti-emf shielding. Buy emf meters and take readings yourself! Please do your part for humanity, share, inform, question councils and mayors etc. during this time of lockdown where they continue their implementation of 5g globally.

And please, let's discuss. Am I wrong? If so, explain it to me. I look forward to your responses.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 07:59 AM
Flagg old buddy... . From Texas.....I saw the wire question on the circuitry 5 months ago........that's not a street lamp......

That's how ya stop traffic.......shut the car down......that's what that is.....

The wire size was a thread taking that street light apart big time...I was trained in this by NASA soldering and the U S AIR FORCE
edit on 27-3-2020 by GBP/JPY because: IN THE FINE TEXAS TRADITION

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 08:02 AM
a reply to: Lucence189

I think years from now when we are using 7g we will look back and laugh at this 5g conspiracy theory.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: Lucence189

Right this device is NOT a street lamp, sorry I have electronic's qualifications and that is not a street lamp he is correct.

He is also correct about the harm this will cause to people's eye sight.

I would have to research that microwave transmitter but a close up of the circuit board, all the component's etc would be very handy so that that we could reverse engineer it in a circuit diagram, the I.C. component's however may be more interesting.

He is correct you do not need anywhere near that power for a Street light LED system, the whole idea was to cut energy and that does not appear to be what this device is about, it is instead feeding all that power into that antenna.

On a side note I hate LED light's anyway, remember Dip Don't Dazzle then suddenly we had cars fitted with LED headlight constantly Dazzling oncoming traffic, they also flicker which gives headaches to a known percentage of the population and are a life hazard to people with epileptic conditions so in that respect fitting these is an immediate breach of health and safety as well as common duty of care under the law - they are indeed hazardous when used as street lamp's, even motor vehicle headlights (though to a lesser degree since the motor vehicle headlights do not have the A.C. wave form flicker affect).

Now watch the nay sayers come in and claim they are safe and it's just a cell phone/5G internet relay or some such crap - we don't need wireless transmission systems we need fiber optic's it is faster and more reliable and does not produce EM emission's - so why are our tax payers funding this EVEN if that is all that it was which I do not believe it is - has that much money changed hands with the council official's under the table that they are abusing public fund's (like they do when they give themselves pay rises over and above inflation) to fund private company's network coverage?.

If you are wondering what the legal term duty of care mean's as a principle in British law that is statute and not optional especially on company's, public authority's and also on individual's,.

So as you can see given the potential danger to epileptics alone even the government can not LEGALLY OK the passage of LED street lighting and legally any claim they can could be thrown out by the law lord's should they ever decide to review such legislation.

The virus though is very real, it has little or nothing to do with this device BUT I do agree that this device need's a full and comprehensive public debate and investigation.

edit on 27-3-2020 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 08:25 AM
Friend in the national guard told us to turn off our phones and modem 5 days ago that "they're using these things to put out extra radiation to kill off the virus".

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: Lucence189

Only thing i can say is that I do not see the need for 5g in the tirst place. What am I missing?
edit on 27-3-2020 by drewlander because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 08:31 AM
a reply to: drewlander

The ONLY need for it in your home is if you were streaming ULTRA 8k, 16k or 32k high definition video (we don't usually even have displays for these though there are a few 8k tv's out there overpriced and with nothing to watch on them) to multiple (32 or more) devices in your home, so in fact we do not need them, such bandwidth should only be needed for ultra high speed computer transfers of the kind that even an avid computer gamer is very unlikely to ever need and anyway fiber is faster even than these 5G network's will ever be, so something stink's I agree.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: Lucence189

Thank you for your post Lucence189 , i think also that there is a link , cause and effect with this "corona" and 5G ...i been saying it here for some time now.

2003 - 3G introduced to the world
2003 - SARS outbreak

2009 - 4G introduced to the world
2009 - Swine flu outbreak

2020 -5G introduced to the world
2020 - Coronavirus outbreak

So now, after few Months of new 5G, a pandemic breakout.... ( surprise! ) .I think the 5G can "maybe" also make the coronavirus mutate very fast, so the human immuno system cant keep up with the new mutations....and so it causes massive inflammation, cytokine storm that then kill patients..

this is weapon technology they use, and the virus is a convenient for the psychopath TPTB ...This is all planned IMO...a depopulation event and the virus is a scapegoat.

By just checking about last 100 or so years, the timeline of introduced new radio or radar systems look`s to go odly same time frame with these pandemics, epidemics to be just a coincidence.

You have to remember, if something..anything can decrease our immune system, it cant anymore maybe do the normal job it does everyday, keeping pathogens at bay etc.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 08:46 AM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
a reply to: drewlander

The ONLY need for it in your home is if you were streaming ULTRA 8k, 16k or 32k high definition video (we don't usually even have displays for these though there are a few 8k tv's out there overpriced and with nothing to watch on them) to multiple (32 or more) devices in your home, so in fact we do not need them, such bandwidth should only be needed for ultra high speed computer transfers of the kind that even an avid computer gamer is very unlikely to ever need and anyway fiber is faster even than these 5G network's will ever be, so something stink's I agree.

We don't need it now, but they are anticipating needing it in the future. Imagine needing enough bandwidth for more realistic VR, etc.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 08:46 AM

originally posted by: NeedingAnswers
Friend in the national guard told us to turn off our phones and modem 5 days ago that "they're using these things to put out extra radiation to kill off the virus".

But you didn't believe them?

How are you here if you turned it all off?
using someone else's would be the same as using your own wouldn't it?

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 09:11 AM
I heard this at the onset of PCs
I heard this at the onset of ISBN
I heard this about high capacity power lines.
I heard this at the onset of modems
I heard this at the onset of laptops
I heard this at the onset of cellphones
And on
And on
And on
Some folks fear change...
I don't have a concept as to why.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: Kenzo

YouTube videos as proof positive again
Tsk , Tsk

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 09:14 AM

originally posted by: drewlander
a reply to: Lucence189

Only thing i can say is that I do not see the need for 5g in the tirst place. What am I missing?

The robot dogs that can't be stoped, etc.
These cannot be controlled too well with 4g, they need widespread 5g coverage to keep them on track as they go door to door and take people out.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: Gothmog

Quick question:

Do you consider everything 'Youtube' to be fraudulent?

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: scraedtosleep

years from now , lauging not allowed !

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 10:27 AM
5g causes lack of oxygen to the lungs and that Wuhan and Italy , cruise lines all went 5g. The part where 50HZ field causes activation of virus in human cells. Might be something here.
Did anyone notice the military guy at 49.11 in video is the same guy that was sitting behind the Congressional Covid -19 panel in Washington, D.C.?

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 10:30 AM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
He is correct you do not need anywhere near that power for a Street light LED system...

How much 'power' do you need?

Before you answer I want to preface I sell LED lighting for a living so I am super familiar with product, specs and legacy product it's designed to replace.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 10:35 AM
You weren't in NASA or the Air force.

you all are so gullible with thinking 5g is some nefarious thing.

a reply to: GBP/JPY

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: Gothmog

Scientists and Doctors worldwide have been trying to set up moratorium's against this for years now. Although I'm certain you believe you know everything there is to know about this based on the fact you sh*t on 9/10 conspiracy posts as if you're a subject matter expert. A quick search will yield you 100's of pages of studies done that have proven the detrimental effects. Sure you say it's happened before with the introduction of new tech. But have we ever seen 5G? And with the projected scale of which they plan on? Your disinformation game is getting weak. Do YOUR research

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 01:13 PM
Surely this could be debunked really easily. Just by buying and using a finger oximeter in these areas and seeing if your blood oxygen levels are down?

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