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Covid19 nature's way of restoring balance??

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posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 06:29 AM
The Canals in Venice Are so Still, Dolphins and Swans Are Returning for the First Time in Years

As cities shut down amidst the Coronavirus outbreak, it can be tough to see any bright side. However, a few pictures and videos of some positive news from the streets of Venice starting getting some major love on Twitter. What's so special about the Floating City right now? The typically-murky water in the streets is flowing so clearly that fish can actually be spotted swimming, and even the swans and dolphins have returned."Venice hasn't seen clear canal water in a very long time. Dolphins showing up too. Nature just hit the reset button on us," @b8taFPS wrote on Twitter.

Blue skies return to China as coronavirus cuts coal consumption

Pls klik both the above to view pics and detailed commentary,
See it's like this, we /us humans think we all that, but nature have no problems ending us all if we keep mucking about, this planet or the universe can take us out and move on, bring on the next species , hell the universe can end our sun and no one will notice, so yeah let's reset our priorities before nature reset us.

edit on 25-3-2020 by Spider879 because: Victim of auto correct.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 07:48 AM
It's nice to think people will learn from this, but you and I both know they won't. I work in the bar/restaurant industry and we are expecting a HUGE flood of customers as soon as Illinois lifts the ban on dine in and bar service. People will be sick of being stuck at home and will flock to bars and restaurants. Even now, the number of folks who come in and pick up their food or have delivered has doubled just in the past week.

Imagine what it'll be like a couple weeks from now. As soon as the doors are opened, there'll be a stampede.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 11:09 AM
a reply to: DAVID64
Yeah looking at the selfishness of some of us willing to sacrifice themselves and others for a few hrs of pleasure doesn't bode well for our collective survival.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 11:09 AM

edit on 25-3-2020 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 11:12 AM
There's nothing natural about the Corona virus, I don't care what they say. It is too perfect. Highly contagious and a long incubation period before symptoms. Everything you could want in a bio-weapon except lethality.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 11:34 AM
It's funny, my 11 year old said to me, "maybe this is the way the earth heals itself, by causing a virus outbreak."

I sent her to her room and told her to drop the hippy Rhetoric or I'm taking her Ipad away.
LOL jk.
But she did say that.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 12:48 PM

originally posted by: Macenroe82
It's funny, my 11 year old said to me, "maybe this is the way the earth heals itself, by causing a virus outbreak."

I sent her to her room and told her to drop the hippy Rhetoric or I'm taking her Ipad away.
LOL jk.
But she did say that.

And she probably is right, pls lift her grounding.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 01:11 PM
Its nice to think the earth even gives a crap. I wonder who pissed off the planet when it went all snowball earth in the past to kill off almost all life?

There is no such thing as killing the planet and in 500 million years there is a good chance life will be totally different than today. Humans like any species is just a blink in Mother Nature's eye.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 01:11 PM

originally posted by: JIMC5499
There's nothing natural about the Corona virus, I don't care what they say. It is too perfect. Highly contagious and a long incubation period before symptoms. Everything you could want in a bio-weapon except lethality.

Making something lethal doesn't mean it still cannot be used as a weapon if you are going for the long game...

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: Spider879

I do love that parts of nature are recuperating in such a small time out of this whole mess.

HOWEVER if the natural balance is seriously heading towards a return to equilibrium then expect lockdown, working from home, travel restrictions etc. To become the new normal.

Perhaps it is a worthy sacrifice if it saves the planet?

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 07:23 PM
Or simply change our collective behavior.

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