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Just heard from a nurse who doubted and whom I trust ... Maybe redundant, but worthwhile.

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posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 11:32 AM
I've had questions about how this thing is being handled and manipulated since the beginning; still do. Too much is being politicized and used to manipulate society and the economy. A little over a week ago I had a discussion with nurse whom I've known for years and whom I trust. She was of the same mind as I was, that things were being overblow and used as a tool for manipulation and control. Both of us still have that sense to some degree, but she just communicated something that makes me accept the thought that we're dealing with something real here. (Again, I do still see that it's being used politically in ways that are pernicious, and the obvious severity of the situation makes that even more evil.)

To respect her privacy, I'll paraphrase what she said in her first most recent communique but will remain faithful to what she communicated:

In the last couple weeks things have changed drastically. Everything has changed. My family asks me every day, "How many were there last night?", worried that I may be bringing this evil home to them. I clock out, arrive home, undress in my garage, put my clothes in the washer on the hottest setting possible the go straight to the shower to do the same to my body. I'm wondering if I should just go stay somewhere else so as not to put them at risk ...

Again, this is a woman who, just a couple of weeks ago, was doubting the severity of this. In her city of almost a quarter of a million, there are - as I type this - less than fifty confirmed cases. She works at one of the main hospitals for the county. If what she's seeing in a city of over 200,000 with less than 50 confirmed cases shakes her ...

Just something to think about. I'm going to take things more seriously from here on out. I'm actually working on scheduling a minor surgical procedure first of April. May even rethink that. I'll have to see what my doctor says.
edit on 2020 3 24 by incoserv because: typo.

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 11:35 AM
The ones like her are the people I'm listening to.

Listening to Neil Diamond too.

Sweet Caroline:.....cough, cough, cough.

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: incoserv

For what it's worth, I saw this exact same thing written by a nurse from a hospital in Seattle in an article shared on Facebook.

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 11:38 AM
There are some family and friends in health care here..of course it's F@CKING real

Jeezus h.

I'm sorry, I shouldn't be a dick, I just cant believe if anyone takes a look around, at the could conclude it's nothing.
edit on 24-3-2020 by vonclod because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: Atsbhct


posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: incoserv

I really would be starting to take this seriously and take precautions.
I started having no chose but to stay home. Then I started to get sick. And I get somewhat sick feeling often but I have a few underlying issues that I generally contribute to those. But then It got worse, like really bad. I called my doctor to ask a few questions. He told me that it is possible but that was when we first were told to self isolate here( Las Vegas).
It has since got worse so I called again as requested. He told me that he is concerned and will be calling each day to check up. And doctors order to NOT leave my home. My sister pick me up a few things and dropped them off at my door.

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: vonclod

I don’t think anyone doubted what happen in China was real. People are trying to be rational and to separate fear mongering from truth. It never helps to panic and operate by knee jerk reactions. It doesn’t help people have repeatedly cried wolf for many years.

The truth of the matter is a vast majority of the population will survive. But it looks like our economy may not survive the panic.

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: vonclod

I know this is way off topic but everyone has heard people say jesus h christ. Been trying for years to find out what the h was. Not one preacher./ pastor/reverend I have talked to have a clue.

Curious if you know?

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 11:51 AM

originally posted by: neutronflux
a reply to: vonclod

I don’t think anyone doubted what happen in China was real. People are trying to be rational and to separate fear mongering from truth. It never helps to panic and operate by knee jerk reactions. It doesn’t help people have repeatedly cried wolf for many years.

The truth of the matter is a vast majority of the population will survive. But it looks like our economy may not survive the panic.

Sure, I understand, and question the actions taken myself.

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: cognizant420
a reply to: vonclod

I know this is way off topic but everyone has heard people say jesus h christ. Been trying for years to find out what the h was. Not one preacher./ pastor/reverend I have talked to have a clue.

Curious if you know?

Wow, funny and good question!

You know, I have no idea..but will find out.

Off to work now..! day in the last 2 weeks

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: vonclod

I posted this in another thread. I still stand by the prospective it brings

A total of 1.5 million people died from TB in 2018 (including 251 000 people with HIV). Worldwide, TB is one of the top 10 causes of death and the leading cause from a single infectious agent (above HIV/AIDS).
In 2018, an estimated 10 million people fell ill with tuberculosis(TB) worldwide. 5.7 million men, 3.2 million women and 1.1 million children. There were cases in all countries and age groups. But TB is curable and preventable.

Overall, 5.6 million children under age five died in 2016, nearly 15,000 daily (World Health Organization [WHO], 2016). The risk of a child dying before five years of age is highest in Africa (76.5 per 1000 live births), about 8 times higher than in Europe (9.6 per 1000 live births) (WHO, 2016).
Approximately 3.1 million children die from undernutrition each year (UNICEF, 2018a). Hunger and undernutrition contribute to more than half of global child deaths, as undernutrition can make children more vulnerable to illness and exacerbate disease (UNICEF, 2018a).

Seasonal flu kills 291,000 to 646,000 people worldwide each year, according to a new estimate that's higher than the previous one of 250,000 to 500,000 deaths a year.

But 10,000 people die with a higher standard of living, PANIC and DOOM.

Shrugs. Walks away to watch videos of people fighting over TP while millions of children die from malnutrition each year.

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: incoserv

This happened to us yesterday when picking up our sofa cushions at the foam factory.
There was a guy there buying cut clear plastic shields from them for the Nurses at a local hospital. They need them to fabricate face shields for them to use. They don't have any at the hospital or not enough at least. He said the nurses have been using PPE that are a couple days old currently. "It's like we are a F@#*ing Third World Country" was his exact quote. That made me worry.

On the good side, he said they have had dozens of offers of help from various business like the Foam place that could modify existing stuff to help out.

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: cognizant420
a reply to: vonclod

I know this is way off topic but everyone has heard people say jesus h christ. Been trying for years to find out what the h was. Not one preacher./ pastor/reverend I have talked to have a clue.

Curious if you know?

I think the H stands for Holy

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 12:03 PM
My daughter is a Critical Care RN. My son's girlfriend is an ER RN. My daughter's (large) hospital has one box of faceshield/masks left and they have been sanitizing and reusing PPE for a week now. And they're not yet in the thick of it. It's very real.

When wildfires are torching some other area it's interesting to watch on TV but you have no real concern about it reaching you. That happens for most all 'disasters'. But this one can --- and will --- reach your neck of the woods. To hear the insanity being spouted here on ATS and elsewhere is disheartening and alarming to say the least.

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: Spader
The ones like her are the people I'm listening to.

Listening to Neil Diamond too.

Sweet Caroline:.....cough, cough, cough.

Right. These are the ones convincing me to be careful. Sure as hell not paying much attentions to the politicians and economists who are capitalizing on the situation for their own agendas.

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: vonclod
There are some family and friends in health care here..of course it's F@CKING real

Jeezus h.

I'm sorry, I shouldn't be a dick, I just can't believe if anyone takes a look around, at the could conclude it's nothing.

No, you shouldn't.

I never concluded that it was nothing. But I do see it being played for gain by some interests. And I do not, by default, take very seriously anything the gov't s tells me. I distrust leviathan. It will use whatever means it can get hold of to gain and maintain control. It's like the story of the boy who cried wolf. The powers that be will use whatever they can as an excuse to control. And the people who manipulate the economy, that 1% that holds half of the world's wealth, could give a rat's ass about what happens to the other 99%.

I still question whether some measures that they have instituted are necessary. When the boy cries wolf again, it's hard to take him seriously. You get to the point where you need to see the wolf for yourself. Or hear from somebody you trust who's seen it.
edit on 2020 3 24 by incoserv because: clarification.

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 12:20 PM

originally posted by: cognizant420
a reply to: vonclod

I know this is way off topic but everyone has heard people say jesus h christ. Been trying for years to find out what the h was. Not one preacher./ pastor/reverend I have talked to have a clue.

Curious if you know?


Op, imo this is a very real concern, and we're not remotely equipped for what is to come.. just a feeling I have, not panic induced. Rather, a sick feeling in my gut. I've had it before, and I trust it.

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: neutronflux
a reply to: vonclod

I posted this in another thread. I still stand by the prospective it brings

A total of 1.5 million people died from TB in 2018 (including 251 000 people with HIV). Worldwide, TB is one of the top 10 causes of death and the leading cause from a single infectious agent (above HIV/AIDS).
In 2018, an estimated 10 million people fell ill with tuberculosis(TB) worldwide. 5.7 million men, 3.2 million women and 1.1 million children. There were cases in all countries and age groups. But TB is curable and preventable.

Overall, 5.6 million children under age five died in 2016, nearly 15,000 daily (World Health Organization [WHO], 2016). The risk of a child dying before five years of age is highest in Africa (76.5 per 1000 live births), about 8 times higher than in Europe (9.6 per 1000 live births) (WHO, 2016).
Approximately 3.1 million children die from undernutrition each year (UNICEF, 2018a). Hunger and undernutrition contribute to more than half of global child deaths, as undernutrition can make children more vulnerable to illness and exacerbate disease (UNICEF, 2018a).

Seasonal flu kills 291,000 to 646,000 people worldwide each year, according to a new estimate that's higher than the previous one of 250,000 to 500,000 deaths a year.

But 10,000 people die with a higher standard of living, PANIC and DOOM.

Shrugs. Walks away to watch videos of people fighting over TP while millions of children die from malnutrition each year.

Give people fighting ANY of these diseases CoV 19 on top of what they're dealing with, and watch the number of those deaths double or triple, at least. There are medical treatments to deal with their diseases, and prolong their lives- but that won't happen with all the shortages of medicine and supplies from an overwhelmed medical industry.

I agree 100% that this has been politicized, and our entire elite, corrupt, career politicians are taking this crisis directly to their own bank accounts. Instead of the average senator being multi-millionaires they will soon be multi-billionaires.

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: RazorV66

Pastor at my church seems to think the h for holy was urban myth

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 01:09 PM
ha never knew what the H was about either. Back in my military days we used to say we been enlisted since ''Christ was a corporal''.a reply to: cognizant420

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