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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -XXV-

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posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 01:23 PM
How is that these folks pointed at in Q drops keep coming up, and NEVER under positive circumstances? Rhetorical Q-uestion.

Virginia Governor Announces Signing of Extreme Abortion Bill on Good Friday

Good Friday not so good I guess...

Senate Bill 733 and House Bill 980, which are identical pieces of legislation, rescind the required 24-hour waiting period, ultrasound, and counseling prior to having an abortion.

In addition, the measures allow non-physicians to perform abortions and roll back building safety standards in abortion clinics that are required of other outpatient facilities, restrictions Northam and Democrats say are used to force closures of abortion facilities and block access to the procedure.

Michael Avenatti temporarily freed from jail due to coronavirus threat

In an order late on Friday, U.S. District Judge James Selna said Avenatti, who represented adult film actress Stormy Daniels in lawsuits against U.S. President Donald Trump, may stay at a friend's home during the 90-day release period.

Avenatti, 49, must first be quarantined for 14 days at a Federal Bureau of Prisons facility, to ensure he does not have the coronavirus or symptoms, before moving to the home of Jay Manheimer in Venice, California.

Avenatti has been housed since mid-January at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan

To be clear, one can be ARRESTED and put in jail for failure to wear a mask or some other BS excuse in Los Angeles County. AND, evidently, prisoners who are are "risk" can be released from prison FLOWN ALL THE WAY ACROSS COUNTRY to Los Angeles and given house arrest where said inmate can't shop or walk without a mask or risk being put in prison.

Up is down, left is right.

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 01:31 PM
Fort Bliss soldier Oakley, praised for heroism during El Paso shooting, is found dead on base

AUSTIN, Texas – The Fort Bliss soldier praised by his commanders and President Donald Trump for his heroism during a mass shooting in an El Paso Walmart was found dead Wednesday in his quarters at the west Texas Army base, service officials confirmed Friday.

Special agents of Army Criminal Investigation Command are investigating the death of Pvt. Glendon Oakley, 23, though foul play is not suspected, according to Fort Bliss officials.

Oakley’s leadership awarded him the Army Commendation Medal for his actions that day, but just two months later, the soldier was arrested near his hometown of Killeen on desertion charges and returned to Fort Bliss.

Something smells rotten in this case.

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 01:32 PM

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Gates married a man.

Why not

Obama did and look how far he got LOL

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 01:36 PM
Has anyone already posted Q Drops 3931 through 3934?


posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 01:48 PM

originally posted by: Observationalist

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: Creep Thumper


Great post. Thanks for the link.

I was thinking about shortcuts and I though of how Bill Gates see’s vaccines as a shortcut. A quicker way to “fix” humanity to his liking.

A shortcut around Gods will.

And it ends up being a shortcut to Bill Gates Sr's will and that of the Cabal's Eugenic movement that will have the population lowered one way or another over our dead bodies.

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 02:01 PM
Q #3931

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ba29f9 No.8748891 📁
Apr 10 2020 14:53:58 (EST) NEW📁
The credibility of our institutions [Constitutional Law that governs our Great Land [Our Republic]], and our ability to regain the trust and faith of the American people, all depends on our ability to restore [EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW] by prosecuting those responsible [Blind-Justice].
Treasonous acts [sedition] against the Republic [the 'People'] of the United States [START - LEAD-IN].
Infiltration [rogue] at the highest levels of our gov, media, corps, etc.
Planned & coordinated [D/ F].
This is not about politics.
Something far more sinister [evil] has been allowed to flourish through all parts of our society.
It has been protected and safeguarded.
It has been camouflaged to appear as trusted.
It has been projected [normalized] by stars.
[CLAS 1-99]
One must only look to see.
[Symbolism will be their downfall]
This is not another [4] year election.
"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong."
You are not alone.
We stand together.


posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

No feel free to please

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 02:02 PM
Q #3932

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ba29f9 No.8749177 📁
Apr 10 2020 15:12:44 (EST) NEW

Anonymous ID: a5306f No.8748876 📁
Apr 10 2020 14:53:10 (EST) NEW

The public will learn the truth.
The media will attempt to spin as a partisan attack.
The House will push for Barr removal.
The House will open investigations into Barr-Durham [lack of confidence].
What happens when corp media 'knowingly' pushes false [propaganda] information?
What happens when corp media can no longer be trusted?
The Silent War continues..


posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 02:03 PM
Q #3933

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 069818 No.8749496 📁
Apr 10 2020 15:41:49 (EST) NEW📁

Note: Q #3934 already posted by Rel a few pages back.


posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 02:04 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

originally posted by: Observationalist

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: Creep Thumper


Great post. Thanks for the link.

I was thinking about shortcuts and I though of how Bill Gates see’s vaccines as a shortcut. A quicker way to “fix” humanity to his liking.

A shortcut around Gods will.

E U G E N I C S.

You beat me to it.

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 02:04 PM
edit on 11-4-2020 by EndtheMadnessNow because: Recall failure if already posted or not

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 02:05 PM

So let’s get this straight:

1. The drug touted by Fauci is apparently “the first treatment” for COVID-19, even though the study quoted barely constitutes a test when you consider there were 60 patients.

2. The article pours cold water on hydroxychloroquine by saying there hasn’t been a clinical study on it...but neither has Remdesivir, and they are hyping it up.

3. A doctor says the study is rubbish and there is no way to prove that those patients wouldn’t have had the outcomes they did anyway.

4. Hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin and zinc have an anecdotal efficacy rate of 95%. Remdesivir has an efficacy rate of 66%.

This is the sort of rubbish you have to deal with when there is money to be made. Too bad no one believes any of their lies anymore.

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 02:15 PM
In Q #3932 ... "DELCAS" vice "DECLAS". Typo ? No "on the move" comment by Q yet.


posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 02:16 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

No one trusts the media. Everyone can see they have an agenda, because the more consolidated power becomes, the more its influence over others is seen. Compare China to the United States as proof of that.

The only people watching mainstream media are the ones that choose to sleep because they think they have no power.

“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
Here's some additional random but possibly relevant info about Space Fence:

The Space Fence (formerly Air Force Space Surveillance System S-Band Radar) program provides a radar system operating in the S-band frequency range to replace the AFSSS VHF "Fence" radar that currently performs detection of orbiting space objects. The Space Fence will have a modern, net-centric architecture that is capable of detecting much smaller objects in low/medium Earth orbit (LEO/MEO).

The nine (9) FENCE sites were located on a path across the southern United States from Georgia to California along the 33rd parallel and consist of three (3) transmitter and six (6) receiver sites.

Officials awarded the engineering, manufacturing and design contract valued at $914 million to Lockheed Martin on June 2

Space Fence: Connecting the Surveillance and Transhumanist Agendas

The Space Fence
is a massive, planetary-wide, space surveillance system currently being constructed that aims to monitor you all the way down to your DNA.

Officially, the Space Fence is, according to Wikipedia, a 2nd generation space surveillance system being built (started in 2014) by the US Air Force and Lockheed Martin to track artificial satellites and space debris. Its budget is US$1.594 billion, it’s expected to be operational in 2019 and the Space Fence facility will be located in the Marshall Islands along with an option for another radar site in Western Australia.

According to Elena Freeland, author of Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth who is soon to release a book on the topic, the Space Fence will eventually develop into a conductive Saturnian ring around the Earth’s equator. From there, it could be used to facilitate a complete lockdown on planetary communications (including our DNA communications, since we are electrical creatures), in line with the MIC’s C4 objectives (Command, Control, Communications and Computers).

Conductivity is linked to both mind control and holographic manipulation (a la Project Bluebeam). It is theorized that, with nano metal particulates everywhere including inside of people’s bodies, the masses are easier to mind control, since the metals act as receivers of wireless transmissions. There is evidence that the more metal particulates in the air, the easier it is to project holograms onto it


posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
In Q #3932 ... "DELCAS" vice "DECLAS". Typo ? No "on the move" comment by Q yet.


“Del cas” means “of the case” in Catalan.

So he’s saying “Full disclosure of the Crossfire Hurricane case provides truth.”

They will be tried by their own actions and incompetence in statecraft.

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: Aallanon

The thing about conspirators, is they really do know too much of the overall plan. In this case their sloppy practices were already demonstrated thru texts, emails and such. Spilling your guts in email was part of the Zeightgeist of the 2000s.

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: CanadianMason ...or AS.

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 02:31 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
In Q #3932 ... "DELCAS" vice "DECLAS". Typo ? No "on the move" comment by Q yet.


Nice catch! Think I've developed random dyslexia since being in this thread.

"L before C" mean anything?


a reply to: OsirianObsidian

Very true! Whole heartedly agree.

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

I agree, but also think 0bama has been shielded from the need to commit overt crimes, post-administration. No doubt there is a spectrum of offenders in that regard, but someone like Hillary is a bit more active and compromised....more to loose.

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