Is there something else going on besides a COVID-19 pandemic?
Absolutely. Unfortunately, to give a reply one has to repeat what one has already written about in other posts on other threads.
So, i'l treat this with brevity, but try to highlight points that are salient to the topic, and bear in mind, this is my own opinion, so I will
probably be wrong on some things and right on others, but no one will be able to point where I am right and wrong, because none of us actually know
for a fact, we are speculating on what we see and hear, a reader can either agree or disagree. That's how it should be.
The specific issue is that the economy has been in a state of potential collapse for about a year now. Countries are basically trading on debt, with
no actual chance to repay it, and if one goes, they all begin to fall like dominoes. Thus, every decade or so, the financial elite reset the debt to
more manageable amounts, but this brings about recession and depression, and the mechanism they use to shore things up is to use public money, the
taxes you and I pay. The last time they did this they used the excuse that many companies were 'too-big-to-fail'. They can't use such an excuse this
time because the public won't stand for it, so they have to use something else. Step forward Covid-19, an opportunity writ large.
Whether or not this half-weaponized virus was released intentionally or accidentally is irrelevant now, what is relevant is how governments and
financial elite are using it to once again stick their grubby mitts into the people's paid taxes and do their reset, but there seems to be more going
on too.
Just as 9/11 changed the way societies functioned in political and social terms, with it bringing in global and domestic surveillance, CCTV everywhere
(and now facial-recognition street cameras, too), and also greater cooperation between governments working so closely in tandem (note the word
'tandem', as it is important) with one another, it's almost as if there are no governments, but one group with members on different landmasses around
the world, acting as if it was all simply one world government, rather than separate government entities applicable only to their own country.
All these global crises, firstly finance, then terrorism and finance, we now have finance, terrorism, and a new tangible threat of a global virus, all
of which will bring about greater changes to the way we live, but more specifically, closer to the completion of the globalist agenda and the new
world order. The goals of which are...
One world government - to order all societies into one world social order.
One world currency - to cease the use of cash, and make all finance digital, hence the constant financial crises.
One world military (and its domestic corollary one world police force)- to keep order around the world.
One world corporate order - the hub of the 'hive' where we are all nothing more than worker bees.
“We will have a global government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved through
conquest or consent.“
Paul Warburg. 1950. To the US Senate
“A One World Government and one-unit monetary system, under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self-select from among their
numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages. In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the
number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and
clearly defined, remain as the total world population.
Dr John Coleman. 1992. Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300
Now some may think..well, that's not too bad, there will be benefits for all, but as with all things 'fascist' (and it is fascist), it must draw (like
our governments are doing now) ever greater control unto itself, until it becomes entirely totalitarian, and all the benefits are taken away, and life
will for most people, become dystopian and Big Brother-like, the shadow of which we see walking amongst us all today.
I don't know about any of you, but I have got a problem with it. I believe in social freedom and liberty. I believe in free speech and the freedom to
critique authority and change it when necessary. I believe in individualism. I believe in equal opportunity for all and reward by merit, and I believe
in less government intrusion into our lives, and I believe that the people must always hold the power to choose and elect those who would wish to
govern for us. Now because I choose to live in a society, all these things I believe in I have to self-regulate and self-compromise within reason.
This is so I can live in peace and harmony with my neighbour and all the people I will meet in my life, but I also expect it of them.
Always remember, that no matter what is going on in the world, whatever crises are happening, they are always building towards the completion of their
goal. The events currently happening now, are just another step for them they are taking.
edit on 22/3/20 by elysiumfire because: (no reason