Cognitive dissonance is when people hold conflicting opinions which they cannot resolve.
Cognitive Dissonance explained
The vast majority of the public agrees that panic buying is deplorable behavior --in other people.
I cannot find the video of the experiment where you have 4 people sit around a table. on the table is a basket into which a researcher places a
dollar every second. after after 4 seconds, he places 2 dollars each time. after another 4 seconds, it goes up to 3 dollars & etc. The players go
around the table, each person allowed to take money out of the basket. If the basket ever gets completely empty, the researcher stops putting money
in it.
It's an interesting experiment because, even when not allowed to speak, the players will make an unspoken agreement to share the money. While the
stakes are low, all the players will wait until a considerable amount of money is piled up. Then they will switch to everyone taking money in an
orderly fashion, but talking less than the researcher is obviously putting in.
But there comes a tipping point, when one player gets a visibly big mess of bills, and the basket is obviously about empty. Then everyone reaches in
and grabs, regardless of whose turn it is.
To make a short story long, people are philanthropic when the stakes are low, and switch to selfishness when they fear they will lose out.
This is why lecturing hoarders is such a waste of time; doing so merely increases the cognitive dissonance, and makes them more furtive, and more
convinced of the rightness of their cause.
I think hoarding should be treated as an illness, a lack of courage, even; but not vilified. Mocking hoarders only convinces them that they are
So, I'm saying that modern people are not less moral than the greatest generation was. I'm simply saying that we have replaced the sense of community
with a sense of mass culture. People today do not believe that the government or the community will take of them in a crisis, and that they are
fundamentally on their own.
from this standpoint, hoarding is simply a loss of trust in the group.
So why hoard toilet paper?
CoViD is not a disease spread by unwiped bottoms.
I believe what happens is, Joe Schmoe walks into the grocery, and knows its too late to do any prepping. What would he buy anyway. Frozen food won't
keep, and the freezer is already full of stuff the family doesn't want to eat. milk will only last a few days...
Joe Schmoe wants to BUY something (how we solve all our problems). It needs to not be refrigerated, and not go bad sitting on the shelf..... Not
rice or beans, he doesn't know how to cook....
hmm. Toilet paper!
Even if he doesn't really need it, it REPRESENTS him doing something about the crisis. Him not being a victim; not waiting passively for the
authorities to tell him what to do. And if he buys a mountain of it, it shows that he is clever and thinking ahead.
edit on 22-3-2020 by Graysen because: of the fear of losing out.