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Uk People - Please Be Careful, Deaths Are Going To Get Out Of Control!

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posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

Yep sure bud, you're so much better than we the sheeple.
Take another step up on that pedestal, you deserve it after all.

No pedestal just real world knowledge , you are informed by the media I'm speaking from first hand experience but feel free to buy into and spread the fear , your attack on me is neither needed or warranted.

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 07:26 AM

originally posted by: litterbaux

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: PandaPrincess

The biggest problem we have at the moment is the idiots stripping supermarket shelves of food because of their own selfish stupidity.

I have a family of 4 plus 3 animals. If you don’t have a pantry with enough food for 30 days your an idiot.

The real problem is people didn’t have that mantra and it’s all catching up as people do what they should have been doing all along.

All that is going to change now. I just hope people are smart and learn to rotate their inventory.

As I've noted before, it wasn't too long ago the local comedy media, or morning news shows, were berating the likes of preppers as mad right wing gun crazed idiots, and no one takes them serious.

Now they're offering advice on how to prep.. and those doing so are the same fools that not long ago were mocking people who did take care that they had enough stock if and when something like this occurred. People so out of touch from the rest of the world, as they ride their vespers to work and eat at the nicest restaurants, but pretend to be of the people for the people....

And as I've long said all over the internet, we're done for should something like this happen. People are too busy stuck in their concrete prisons, being fed, getting what they want only when they want it... there has never been a general concept of being self sufficient. And now, this is what we get.

Morons, rampaging because they don't have enough cheetos... I actually thought I'd change that meme up a notch.. lol

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 07:32 AM
a reply to: gortex

Apologies if it comes across that way, I guess I'm over medical staff assuming they have authority, no more like a smug condescending tone like they are superior or something similar.

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 07:33 AM

originally posted by: litterbaux

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: PandaPrincess

The biggest problem we have at the moment is the idiots stripping supermarket shelves of food because of their own selfish stupidity.

I have a family of 4 plus 3 animals. If you don’t have a pantry with enough food for 30 days your an idiot.

The real problem is people didn’t have that mantra and it’s all catching up as people do what they should have been doing all along.

All that is going to change now. I just hope people are smart and learn to rotate their inventory.

Calm down Captain Cupboardspace, not everyone is a billionaire living in a mansion.

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 07:35 AM
One thing I can report for certain is that the lower middle class & working class are in general, in overwhelming numbers, completely ignoring the social distancing measures & self-protection measures being announced by government & senior health advisors. I live in South Manchester, and over the past few weeks we have seen that NONE of the local people in those social standings have been following the guidance. They are out & about like normal, wandering around local shopping precincts & supermarkets, the shops such as B & M (discounted home goods) are equally packed along with the supermarkets in the small scale retail parks.

I went to Morrisons yesterday & apart from a couple of Japanese kids (no joke, such a stereotype but true nonetheless) - NOBODY was covering their face, except me. I was using a shemagh (Arabic headscarf which can be adapted to various uses) to cover my mouth/nose, as I couldn't find medical masks - and like others have reoprted, people were openly laughing about someone having taken the precaution to cover their face. Even worse, there were people wandering around coughing without even bothering to cover their mouth - and NOBODY said anything about it. People are not taking it seriously.

I can't really figire out why, but it's definitely got something to do with the arrogant expectation of personal fitness & a total mistrust of government (not understanding that government is what we are now seeing & hearing from in terms of sounding the warnings - unlike usual where we just hear from the 'crest of the wave/tip of the iceberg' politicians..) When the civil servants are arranging such information sharing as we are now seeing on the nightly news, it's time to bloody listen! The locusts stripping the supermarket have probably earned the mockery of the masses, tending towards an interpretation that "They're all overreacting" & whatnot..

We have reasonable food stores, but certainly we're not preppers. We took some simple measures like filling up a jerry can with extra fuel & storing in the boot of the car; ensuring we have a freshwater container to carry in the car if we need to travel; ensuring we have plenty of antimicrobial cleansing wipes. We've bought extra canned goods recently, but in general terms I trust that our supply lines to supermarkets are coping with the extra demand, if only just. We've had real problems getting access to our regular medications though (I'm on about seven types of medication, so I'm seeing very keenly just how tricky it is for pharmacists to cope at the moment..) Access to medical appointments has understandably been tricky as well, but overall we should be able to cope, if only just.

But I can conceive of it getting much worse, if people don't start following government advice.

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: gortex

Definitely an issue. But the issue won't stop if people keep getting sick. Lockdown may be needed.

Imagine if it gets worse in uk or usa. People will buy out the whole store and starve others. Lockdown may help prevent that.

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 07:45 AM

originally posted by: bastion

originally posted by: litterbaux

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: PandaPrincess

The biggest problem we have at the moment is the idiots stripping supermarket shelves of food because of their own selfish stupidity.

I have a family of 4 plus 3 animals. If you don’t have a pantry with enough food for 30 days your an idiot.

The real problem is people didn’t have that mantra and it’s all catching up as people do what they should have been doing all along.

All that is going to change now. I just hope people are smart and learn to rotate their inventory.

Calm down Captain Cupboardspace, not everyone is a billionaire living in a mansion.

Even people trapped in cabinets, can eventually get out..

no more of that from me, but I had to interject something in reply.

Literally, this is a time when it's not necessarily the doom and gloom of the messages being spread 24/7 by profiteering media outlets, but in the witnessing of the effect that has become reality, as we see the lowest common denominator of society, is a problem that we must contend with.

Stupid people.... stupid people everywhere. "Ah gotsta get me a 10 years worth of coffee creamer!!!"

edit on 22-3-2020 by TrustedTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: blueman12

Lockdown can only be partial and risks doing more harm than good , the cost to the economy would be great with the amount of businesses that would need to close for at least two weeks plus there is no guarantee the virus will not re-emerge following a short lockdown making it a pointless exercise.

I think we need to keep to the course we are on , self isolation and social distancing , fact is we need healthy people and the young to gain an immunity to this virus to help us in the future.

The vulnerable should be protected the rest of us should carry on and keep calm.

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 08:19 AM
a reply to: litterbaux

It’s you’re an idiot. Not your. Maybe it’s because they’re poor or maybe they don’t believe the Coronavirus is that bad. Maybe they’re not into panic buying . Who really knows though , I’m an imbecile so I’m kind of slow. I need to learn everything from geniuses like you .

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: Marlborough Red

I don't know much about the news in the UK but in the usa the news cries wolf over every little thing anymore. If no one listens this time the blame is on them and no one else.

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

Ever heard the story of the boy who cried wolf? After a while no one believed him, then the wolf a actually came.

The news been teyi.g to cause mass panic and frear for ratings and since trump they been trying it 100 fold.

It's not hard to see why people dont believe the news. Remember the reporter in the boat talking g about how bad it was flooded then 2 guys go walking by in ankle.deep water? Or the other dozen videos that prove there lies and propaganda?

So now something serious happens and no one cares except the sheep who hang on the news media every word and stock toilet paper cause the news said to.

Wtf is tp gonna do for you if your in bed sick with covid19. Not a damn thing that's what.
edit on 22-3-2020 by cognizant420 because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-3-2020 by cognizant420 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: PandaPrincess

Saw young guys playing basketball yesterday...stupidly close.

Bur here in the D...we have the largest Middleastern pop....and the younger ones...well, sadly... they don't all care

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: PandaPrincess

I think it would be much more than 6000, as the hospitals will be full way before then. It'll be a decision of who lives and dies by that point.

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 09:00 AM

originally posted by: PandaPrincess
society today are scum, just me me me, and then the `bling bling brap brap` afro carribean culture........

it really is time for earth to cleanse hersef and start again............

So the earth should cleanse itself because you don't like the Afro Caribbeans and their 'bling bling brap brap' culture? maybe you and your mindset should be cleansed from the earth, so your offerings can start again with a new mindset

edit on 22-3-2020 by OG1KenObi because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-3-2020 by OG1KenObi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 09:14 AM

originally posted by: DAZ21
a reply to: PandaPrincess
It'll be a decision of who lives and dies by that point.

Any proof the Drs are literarily picking and choosing who lives or not? Because all that talk started on the Joe Rogan podcast by a Dr with unnamed sources and a unnamed hospitals in Milan. Then after that podcast the media started running with the whole picking and choosing who lives.. there is literally no proof this happening. There's proof Drs have been lying about the numbers tho health-organization-responds/%3foutputType=amp
edit on 22-3-2020 by OG1KenObi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: PandaPrincess

Yes, I too am very concerned at the figures for the UK. April will be a month we do not forget for a long time.

I have tried to be very kind and put others first. I wait until later to go to the supermarket and only buy a little of what I need for the day. That is the place where I am at risk, but what else can be done? We all have to eat. We can only do our best with what resources the government is giving us.

Please take care of yourselves, fellow Brits and also my brothers and sisters in the U.S and everywhere else on earth. I believe when we come out of this the world is going to be very different and will come together. This is a very big happening and may well be the nudge we needed to start to change for the better as a whole world, with mutual respect.

I'll send my love to you all. You know we are all Family and come from the same beginnings in East Africa. Around Lake Victoria is where for millions of years enough time and space was given where the ice ages could not reach for us to change from animals into what we are today. The animals are our ancestors. We are all linked, generation to generation from the same source. I think about this every day.

Here is a Facebook post I made about this today, just to encourage you all and give some good vibes. I was writing to my beloved in Kenya from here in the UK and I shared what I wrote publically too,

The Crying Stone of Ilesi near Kakamega in Kenya (Kaka is Swahili for brother and mega means big - BIG BROTHER).

"This is what I just wrote to my Heart in Kenya:

We all come from Africa originally. That is where every human came from. We changed from animals into people in Kenya. Your hometown of Kakamega, all sides of Lake Victoria, are where the human story began. That Crying Stone watched us become human and then spread out all over the earth over a million or so years. How apt that it is called the Crying Stone. This amazes me about Kenya. Yes, Kakamega is Big Brother to all humans, Kaka Mega. Be proud of this. That is how special Africa is."

The Crying Stone of Ilesi. This is where it all began. We are all brothers and sisters. Our ancestors go all the way back to the animals. It is One Love and Family in Creation."

edit on 22-3-2020 by Kakamega because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 10:40 AM

originally posted by: OG1KenObi

originally posted by: PandaPrincess
society today are scum, just me me me, and then the `bling bling brap brap` afro carribean culture........

it really is time for earth to cleanse hersef and start again............

So the earth should cleanse itself because you don't like the Afro Caribbeans and their 'bling bling brap brap' culture? maybe you and your mindset should be cleansed from the earth, so your offerings can start again with a new mindset

I'm actually with him, you socialist.

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 11:12 AM

originally posted by: TrustedTruth

I'm not a socialist you loser. But I am anti-racism and bigotry. People like you are holding the world back with all this hate because someone else doesn't share the same skin color or culture as yourself.

edit on 22-3-2020 by OG1KenObi because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-3-2020 by OG1KenObi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: PandaPrincess

Useful site if anyone is interested in statistics, notice the worrying similarities between Italy and the UK. Additionally, South Korea, who have handled this quite well by all accounts have curbed the spike:

(post by PandaPrincess removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

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