posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 09:44 PM
Kung Fu and MMA. They're anatomically human, just giant ones from outerspace right?
The giants of old, if they existed, had some kind of genetic issue or passed on trait, disease, whatever you'd pick to call it.
8-12ft, maybe a little more, but not 20ft. They also had other health problems, at least it's theorized. Takes a lot of heart and blood to keep that
moving. Lifespan wasn't necessarily that long.
The David and Goliath story, well.. lets suppose Goliath was 8ft something inches, under 10ft definitely.
*quotes biblical stuff for "truth"*
He might not have had a good rock to the head in his career, being a big prized champion that everyone was terrified to go toe to toe with. All it
would take is to daze him, then take his sword and cut his head off as the story goes.
I believe it.