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Herbs, food, and practices: increase lucid dreaming?

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posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 09:13 AM
I have been lucid dreaming lately and I find that they do not last long. The more vivid and self-aware i become, the more the dreaming starts to fade. I slowly feel on the verge of waking up until I actually do wake up. It's as if the more conscious I become, the more my brain can't handle being in a vivid dream state. Im not sure if this is due to a conscious-subconscious conflict or a lack of my brain being able to have the power to keep me in this state.

Therefore, I am wondering If anyone may know of foods and herbs that increase the state of lucid dreaming. Or any practices that help to further stay in this state of being.

Thanks for any suggestions. And on a side note, i rather be trying to learn astral projection but i have not gotten good at meditation which seems like a prerequirement.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 09:36 AM
I had a really weird one a couple months ago. In it, I went levels deeper than a normal dream. In that I fell asleep in the first dream, then the second one, then the next, then the next, and then the next. All while being lucid in each one.

The I awoke in really weird place. And there was some kind of voice, though it’s wrong to call it a voice because it wasn’t anything I heard. It was an awareness. And it said “This is where you go after you die.”

The entire place was a collage of your life. All the places you’ve been, lived, things you’ve done. I had a house, which was a giant tree house. My house was on a farm, there was an ocean and mountains beside that, and off in the distance was a large city.

It was really weird.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 09:54 AM
First, when I had and have lucid dreaming, from that I understand your desire to explore. But I didn't know it was for me the first sign of the onset of diabetes, and I have heard others say the same. So make sure your health is in check.
Best thing I have found is to write down the entire experience upon waking; keep a pad and pen by your bed. This seems to encourage the mind to remember. When I realize I am awake in my dream I look around at that whole world, the building the trees the people, the horizon.
Don't know if this will help....but have a great day.
certain incense like frankincense or Dragons Blood may help I don't know I never used them. But stay away from drugs, they are a facade of external and internal experiences.

Good luck, enjoy, on your exploration.

a reply to: blueman12

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: blueman12
Mugwort, its a weed.
You can make tea, smoke it when dried out or make a dream pillow, it works but you don't get a good sleep as you don't go into a deep sleep.

edit on 21-3-2020 by ManyMasks because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-3-2020 by ManyMasks because: Spell

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: blueman12

There is an herb...foulest, most bitter thing on earth. Its Chinese pinyin: Chuan Xiong, Ligusticum wallachi

with luck ya get it dry fried in honey, and dont get a headache.

In Chinese Med school our teacher refered to it as "past life herb"

personally, drinking its would think you were going to die.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: blueman12

Sprinkle a few dried mugwort leaves on a charcoal incense block. Quite effective. It's a witch trick/ technique from days gone by. Still used today.

There are loads of herb based formulas.
Checkout some older 'witch' books and formularies.
The books Mrs Grieve's "A Modern Herbal" and "The Complete Herbal" by Nicholas Culpeper (free on project gutenberg) are interesting resources.

Lots of other sources for herbal concoctions out there; incenses, ointments and herbs.

But like everything, do your research well. Some herbs are simple and effective psychic enhancers, some are hallucinogenic. Some are outright deadly toxic / poison.

There are many psychic enhancing herbs that are not at all toxic, yet are very effective.

I would suggest that you read some protection books before venturing on your astral journeys. Dion Fortune's Psychic Self Defence is a very good start.

Remember that using astral and etheric projection into the 'planes' is a very different beast to remote viewing. You can encounter both pleasant and unpleasant powerful experiences on the planes. Whether or not they are real or imagined, they can still have a profound effect.

Safe journey.

Oh, as an aside, you may want to look into the techniques of "Pathworking". While path working is often considered to be a cabbalistic technique, it is a much older. In modern days, it can be considered to be similar to a guided meditation. In shamanistic terms, it is more akin to a guided spirit journey, but without the drugs.

You may also want to explore hypnosis for metaphysical work and for astral projection.

If you can find it, Jerry (Gerald) Kein, rip god bless his soul, had a DVD series for Metaphysical Hypnosis.

Jerry did a lot of work with metaphysical hypnosis, but mostly kept it away from his hypnosis and teaching practices as he felt that it might make hypnosis seem less professional. Jerry had several near death experiences that made him even more interested in refining techniques and exploring the metaphysical.

As yet another aside, one of Jerry's adjunct trainers used to train people from TLA's in remote viewing techniques through hypnosis techniques.

The use of hypnosis (rather than meditation) as a gateway into the metaphysical is very effective and can lead to profound experiences. For example, the fiction book titled "The Secrets of Dr. John Taverner" by Dion Fortune is a set of coded techniques of her mentor's use of real-world metaphysical practices and techniques, wrapped into a number of fictional short stories.

I hope this help you to begin to explore further.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 04:11 PM

originally posted by: BlueJacket
a reply to: blueman12

There is an herb...foulest, most bitter thing on earth. Its Chinese pinyin: Chuan Xiong, Ligusticum wallachi

with luck ya get it dry fried in honey, and dont get a headache.

In Chinese Med school our teacher refered to it as "past life herb"

personally, drinking its would think you were going to die.

Sounds very unpleasant for something like lucid dreaming.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 04:13 PM

originally posted by: ManyMasks
a reply to: blueman12
Mugwort, its a weed.
You can make tea, smoke it when dried out or make a dream pillow, it works but you don't get a good sleep as you don't go into a deep sleep.

Ahh very cool. Ill have to check that out. Maybe there is tea or i wonder if herb pills work as well. Anyway, thanks.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: GrumpyPants

Thanks! You inhale the charcoal incense block w/ mugwart? Thanks for the info to explore.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to: blueman12

Cool, Its named after the moon goddess Artemis, artemisia Vulgaris is the one the grows everywhere around me, it has silvery little hairs on the backs of the leaves hence moon goddess I think.
edit on 21-3-2020 by ManyMasks because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 10:19 PM
Been lucid dreaming my whole life. The thing most people do in error is try and exert more control over their dreams in their attempt to "master" lucid dreaming. The trick is to maintaining a lucid state of mind is that once you realize your dreaming to just let it ride out while maintaining that sense of awareness. Don't affect things in a major way or too frequently as that distabilizes the framework of the dream. The more distabilized your surroundings become the more likely you may find your mind yanking you out of your state of sleep.

Try being more nuanced with your control. Be smooth about it. Once you have mastered this sort of patience or self control you'll be able to cause major changes in subtle ways.

None of this detracts from the fact that it is your dream and you're ultimately in control.

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 01:28 AM
Mugwort under your pillow. Remove after 5 days as it becomes tiring having such intense dreams.

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: AutomateThis1

I've been a lucid dreamer since I was a kid. I didn't understand it, or how to affect my dreams until around 15 or so. I too find that the less power and control I try to exert, the more power I actually have. I've gotten pretty good at keeping my brain in the zone so to speak. You have to be aware, but if you become too aware you'll either wake up or go deeper. I find that once I realize I'm in a lucid state I then stop thinking about it, try to forget about it and go on about my dreams. I also suffer from sleep paralysis, does any other lucid dreamers have this problem? A lot of times it's a lucid dream that turns into a paralyzed dream.

I've gotten better at waking myself up and not panicking, like I used to do. Any advice?

posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 03:19 AM

originally posted by: Oppositeoftruth
a reply to: AutomateThis1

I've been a lucid dreamer since I was a kid. I didn't understand it, or how to affect my dreams until around 15 or so. I too find that the less power and control I try to exert, the more power I actually have. I've gotten pretty good at keeping my brain in the zone so to speak. You have to be aware, but if you become too aware you'll either wake up or go deeper. I find that once I realize I'm in a lucid state I then stop thinking about it, try to forget about it and go on about my dreams. I also suffer from sleep paralysis, does any other lucid dreamers have this problem? A lot of times it's a lucid dream that turns into a paralyzed dream.

I've gotten better at waking myself up and not panicking, like I used to do. Any advice?

I used to have issues with sleep paralysis as well. Please be patient as I'm about to go to sleep. I will do my best to tap out a good response to your question and any others tomorrow.

As far as herbs and food go I'm aware that there are claims that it can help, but I never had any success with it.

I have tried other substances in the past that can't be discussed here, but I found that while the experiences can be wild they are actually very counter-productive and only offer an illusion of control or worse. But that's just me.

I now eat a natural diet. No fake stuff. Very little coffee very rarely. I eat one meal a day, snack throughout the rest of the day, and drink mostly water. Especially no sodas.

posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 10:56 PM
Sorry folks. Ended up not being able to get around to it. I'll try again tomorrow. I'm exhausted.

posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 11:46 PM
I'm not using any herbs but have had many lucid dreams for years. I call many dreams partially lucid because I'm aware in reality I can't fly or have super powers or do many other things like time travel or travel into parallel Earths but I've done all that in dreams. I think my brain has gotten so used to the unusual that I have had many weird dreams. Sometimes I wonder if I really want to remember some dreams. I vaguely remember a very friendly intelligent octopus like alien species that wanted to be very friendly. Most aliens I interact with in my dreams are usually humanoid. Although I do remember one species who I dreamed contacted me was reptilian. Talk about too much work in a lucid dream. I asked the reptilian scientist telepathically in my dream about how to build a sub space communicator. Over a few nights of successive dreams I was going to have to learn a few disciplines in electrical engineering, math, and science for real to even get close to understanding the basics. Then what I really needed to know was like 6 levels beyond that knowledge. I ended that series of lucid dreams by asking the alien to contact someone else who was more skilled in those areas. I just let the lucid dream flow without thinking about it too much.

Sometimes lucid dreams repeat and occur like a tv show series at least for me. I've had several lucid dreams where I don't realize they are lucid and I'm communicating with alien species telepathically. It is really like a dream. I mean how many people have had a dream where their astral body was abducted even though I didn't realize it was my astral body and not my physical body at first and were able to manipulate the aliens? I did one time. I think it was the typical gray type aliens. They had a really big ship. In my dream I was attempting to take over the ship. I could read their minds and telepathically control many of them. I could only maintain control over a certain amount. It's been several years but that was a fun lucid dream. I really enjoyed terrorizing the gray aliens. They were running in terror down the corridors of their ship. I didn't hurt the group that I called navigators. They used telepathy to communicate in my dream and the navigators used an alien language and symbols to control the ship via telepathy which would make it very difficult for humans to operate. However in my lucid dream, I just let the dream flow without altering things. Reminded me of a PC game called Xcom UFO defense. Lucid dreams can be a lot of fun but they work more like regular dreams if you don't try to alter the flow too much.

I know in reality I'm not going to threaten an entire alien species like I did in that one dream. Besides in my dreams I rarely make threats. If I don't like a species, I may wipe them out of existence but I didn't really enjoy doing that like some might think. No one knew because I wiped the species out of time using time travel. Well you could argue just out of several parallel universes. That's what happens when I get angry in a lucid dream and take over too much. The dream goes bad. I may wipe out an entire species across time and then watch the timeline change when I come back. One alien species attacked me when I was merely watching a battle between two species in space.

I hope I didn't ramble on too much. I try not to alter lucid dreams too much and let it flow like a dream. I try not to get angry in dreams or it can wake me up or end the dream real quick.

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