posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 07:00 PM
At least in Germany there are some things people should question, but almost nobody does it, yet.
The fact that the virus seems not to be dangerous for people when they have to work and make tax money. Everything that is forbidden in your free
time, because you could get infected with covid, infect others, could get ill so you need to go to a hospital, could kill you in your spare time,
seems not to happen from lets say 6 in the morning to 6 in the evening, not in the public transport people have to use to reach their working places
and come back home, not at the production line and so on.
Because that is not forbidden. Meanwhile it is propagated that it even is anti social to leave your house and take a walk to get some fresh air. Only
in your spare time! It´s all ok when you have to make tax money and save the economy, which seems to be more worth that peoples lives, again. That
raises questions:
Is the virus not so dangerous as the MSM´s panic propaganda makes people think?
If it is that dangerous, why should people isolate themselves only in their spare time to fight the virus, to stop him from spreading?
Do they try to save the economy and give a damn about the people that always kept and even still keep this economy alive, with working for low wage
slave wages and spenmmding their life time to make others rich?
If that virus is that dangerous as propagated, what will the economy do when the low wage slaves are all ill or dead because they had work when
everybody else had to isolate himself, who will be left to pay for and live a neoliberal, greedy lifestyle when nobody is left?
Why is total observation sky rocketing since a few days? Sure, they tel us again it´s all just to help us poor people, but i am afraid they will
"help" us like they always "helped us to fight terrorism". They tell us data about every smartphone user is only used anonymized to get data about how
the virus could spread because of peoples travel space. If it ever was anonymized, will il still be when the shutdown comes?
Why did they prepare law enforcement rules like in the former FDR not long before the current situation, in some german states like bavaria, where
people almost completely lose their freedoms under certain circumstances, without any evidence of any wrongdoing on your site they can raid your
house, want to be equipped with hand grenades, can arrest people like they wish. And so on and on. And why is bavaria the first state that comes up
with a total shutdown now, except in the working time for sure?
Why does the MSM bomb the people and make them panic? With only the worst news about almost every new infected single person, the worst pics they can
get from italy(always the same three things to see), with pics from empty supermarket shelves where formerly was toilet paper to find. It´s gone
because stupid people are panicked because of the permanent "bad news are good news" clickbait news on all channels, in all newspapers, everywhere.
Shouldn´t a government try to prevent a mass panic and not start it with their own measures and their MSM? To prevent stupid toilet paper preppers
from buying every single toilet paper roll on earth to..."survive", for example?
Why do some of the most known and maybe Germanys best virologists say that a total shutdown is the worst the governemnt could do, it would be more
dangerous than the virus itself, for the society and people, even more dangerous than doing nothing. Numbers in Italy support this assumption, they
had a total lockdown but the numbers of infected rose while this lockdown, as we could read and are told. But the total lockdown here is prepared
right now, sunday night they will tell us that it will begin maybe on monday. With the cheap excuse that people did in their spare time what they are
forced to do in their working time. Because we can´t hear what "mom and pops" say is the best for us stupid people. And why should we believe in this
situation always lying politicians at all and more than virologists, they at least know what they are talking about and don´t have a reason to
There is much more and more and more people can feel it now, something not too good is coming, something that could be called martial law. For no real
reason as it seems. This is not to fight a virus, this is to take full control over the people, if we aren´t very, very cautious now. The noose
around the citizen's neck is tightening since years, our freedom was stolen bit by bit, ever more and ultrafast since "Corona". And now they maybe use
that virus to fullfill their wet law and order dreams, those so called "elites" that are more and more afraid of the people, not without good reason.
Their rober baron capitalism produces and produced the problems we have now, especially in the situation now we can see it clearly. Everything is made
to make profits for a few rich but not to help the people. Everything had to be made in China, even pharmceuticals and medicine that is missing now.
Because the workers there have no rights and and are cheaper and better slaves than europeans or us americans.
A reporter asked "our wonderful Mutti" Merkel today if she is really sure that the measures can be taken back without any problems in a few weeks. She
only said:
I hope so.
There is too much that doesn´t fit, too much that can´t be logically explained, there is way too much permanent mass media panic hype to scare the
people, too less critical questions are allowed. It feels like something really bad is coming but it is not hte virus, not the virus alone. I am not
afraid because i wouldn´t be surprised. I am prepared to fight and die if necessary, because a life in bondage is not worth to be called a live
anymore. I have no family anymore, nothing that i couldn´t put in a stolen truck and and live off the grid for a long time. I even know where exactly
i have to go if i don´t want to fight all the time but just survive in freedom as long as possible. But i am afraid the most of my fellow citizens
aren´t nearly. And i really hope that my stomach, my gut feel is wrong, very wrong and all that will not be necessary and i am just a stupid and
tinfoil hat wearing lunatic.