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20% Of U.S. Hospitalized Patients Are Between The Ages Of 20 to 44

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posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 04:59 PM
Just to let everyone know that this is not just a disease that impacts the elderly. Maybe we can get more people to actually take this seriously.

20% of people hospitalized with coronavirus in the United States are young adults between ages 20 to 44, a new federal study shows.

Of the 508 patients known to have been hospitalized, 20% were notably younger — between ages 20 and 44, while 18% were between ages 45 and 54, the report says. The highest percentage of hospitalized patients was at 26% between ages 65 and 84.

A top US health official cautioned young people to be wary of the coronavirus pandemic even though they do not fall in the highest risk groups.
The coronavirus task force is concerned about reports indicating more young people are becoming seriously ill from the coronavirus, Dr. Deborah Birx said during Wednesday's briefing at the White House.

It suggests they may have continued to be exposed to the virus because they weren't concerned about being at risk, she said.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 05:03 PM
a reply to: infolurker

so out of 325 million people, 100, are really sick between 20-40?

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 05:05 PM

originally posted by: BlueJacket
a reply to: infolurker

so out of 325 million people, 100, are really sick between 20-40?

And how many have underlying conditions? (The real question)

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: Flesh699

What difference does it make?
It is not an "old people" disease.
edit on 3/19/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 05:07 PM

originally posted by: BlueJacket
a reply to: infolurker

so out of 325 million people, 100, are really sick between 20-40?

Do you actually think that number is going to stay there?

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 05:08 PM
Looks like darwin is going to be working overtime

Well they will learn the hard way or not at all

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 05:11 PM
20 people!?!

Now I’m fearing for my life. 🤪

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 05:11 PM
In 2009 and 2010 the H1N1 swine flu really did a number on our young people. Killed thousands of them.

But of course the administration at that time...

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: KKLOCO

20 people!?!

That's 20%. You know how percentages work. Right?
edit on 3/19/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 05:18 PM
To me, It doesn’t matter what percentage or number of young people vs older people have it ... it’s the fact that they have it and no one should have to deal
With this . This is a horrible way to suffer .

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 05:23 PM
People on this site are scaring me. I'm one to believe that it may blow over. I also know it's just starting and who knows what can happen. You definitely don't. So instead of making fun of people being a little worried why not realize that we don't know what can happen here.
It's okay to be confident but also realize what this flu is doing to other countries as of now, and hope we stay safe in the usa.
Have you seen videos of the dumb kids in Florida on spring break? They're gonna kill us all.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 05:26 PM

originally posted by: BlueJacket
a reply to: infolurker

so out of 325 million people, 100, are really sick between 20-40?

Do they also have other underlaying medical conditions? Have they travelled recently ect?

Stats like this don't mean a lot without a deep dive.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: Meldionne1

This is a horrible way to suffer .

From an illness that almost 99% of people survive?

There are far worse ways people have been suffering and dying around the world than the Wuhan Virus.

Keep things in perspective.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 05:33 PM
Catching the virus and becoming sick from it can happen to young or old.
Younger people (healthy lungs) can fight the disease off.
The youngest people to die so far were in their early to mid fifties.
Most have been 60 plus.

As of now 0% of people between 20 and 44 have died from Corona Virus.

It does not help much spreading sensationalist headlines, even though it might be well intended.

We need clear information at this time, namely how to guard against catching the virus and also to protect the older people in our families.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 05:36 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: KKLOCO

20 people!?!

That's 20%. You know how percentages work. Right?

No, I totally forgot, Phage.

I’m feeling more fear by the moment...

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 05:48 PM
Just because you survive does not mean you are in the clear. It has also been shown to cause lasting lung damage.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 05:52 PM
Severe cases have also seen brain damage and left patients unable to walk.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 05:58 PM
500 Thousand Children Died in Iraq because of Medical Sanctions.

That epidemic wasn't taken seriously.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: KKLOCO

I’m feeling more fear by the moment...

I'm not.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: UKTruth I'm not sure if that's correct I may be wrong but wasn't there a 35 year old marathon runner who died in Italy and that Chinese Dr? I don't think he was very old either

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