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Originally posted by Simon666
Either this means you can live with a girlfriend that never answers back or that God answers you indeed somehow, in which case you're even more crazy than I first thought.
Originally posted by junglejake
Not necessarily. In the past, God has made himself known through physical appearance. While the result wasn't denial of His existance, people rebelled against him. Look at Adam and Eve, look at Moses and the Jews druing their exodus, all of the book of Judges, etc. If He let us know in what science would consider a reliable way, we would simply continue living in the manner in which we do today, but instead of denying Him, we'd be rebelling against Him.
Originally posted by spamandham
Why not? What has convinced you that the god of the Bible, or any god for that matter, is more than made up stories?
Originally posted by junglejake
Are you saying no thinking, respectable scientific mind would buy into this God mumbo jumbo?
Originally posted by BadMojoThis "silly book", as you so hap-hazardly label it, has scientific knowledge in it that are just recently being understood.
Originally posted by Charlie Murphy
They should say they are unsure, as any intelligent person should.
What scientific knowlege is there in the bible, and how do we not understand it?
Originally posted by junglejake
Astrophysics, the Bible points out that, though they all looked exactly the same at the time it was written, that every star is different from the next. Since the advent of spectrography we have been able to confirm this to be true.
Originally posted by junglejake
Job 26:7
He stretches out the north over empty space;
He hangs the earth on nothing.
Originally posted by junglejake
Ecclesiastes 1:6
The wind goes toward the south,
And turns around to the north;
The wind whirls about continually,
And comes again on its circuit.
Originally posted by junglejake
While the Bible its self is not a science book, it is scientifically accurate.
Originally posted by BadMojo
Next, the writer of Job is Job.
Originally posted by BadMojo
As for your reading, you do not take into account the time period in which the text was written. They did not speak the way that we do today. I'm sure you're aware of that, so that would point to you being spiteful.
Originally posted by BadMojo
When clouds are in front of the moon, don't most people say that the clouds are covering the moon. I do.
Originally posted by BadMojo
As with other previous detractors, you pull out of context. If you were to post the whole verse regarding insects, it mentions insects that have wings and jumps. They likely did not consider the large jumping legs legs per se.
Originally posted by BadMojo
Birds is a reference to flying animals.
Originally posted by BadMojo
Rabbits were classified as cud chewers by the way they ate. The motion looks similar.
Originally posted by BadMojo
GAMAL -- single or double humped CAMEL; Although the camel
chews its cud, it does not possess a TRUE cloven hoof. Its hoofs are so reduced as to be like claws. In addition, they are completely invisible to the observer, being uniformly covered by layers of thick hard skin and padded sole. The camel is further distinguished from true cloven hooves animals because it treads almost completely flat-footed and not on the tips of the toes. From
Originally posted by BadMojo
Poor translation for Jeremiah 8:17...the term the New American Standard uses is adder, which is a snake.
Originally posted by BadMojo
For a change, show me your proof of the historical...if you can.
If I missed something, let me know. This is getting fun.
Originally posted by junglejake
Plenty, and the only reason we don't understand it is because we haven't read it. For example:
1 Corinthians 15:41
There is one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for one star differs from another star in glory.
Astrophysics, the Bible points out that, though they all looked exactly the same at the time it was written, that every star is different from the next. Since the advent of spectrography we have been able to confirm this to be true.
Job 26:7
He stretches out the north over empty space;
He hangs the earth on nothing.
The Earth is suspended in the solar system on what appears to be nothing. Atlas ain't holdin' this globe up, and that was pointed out in what is suspected to be the oldest book in the Bible.
While the Bible its self is not a science book, it is scientifically accurate. Though there is contention about the first chapter of Genesis, many great arguements for and against the accuracy of that chapter have been made here at ATS on several threads, and you can check those out to learn more about that.
Originally posted by spamandham
Ah yes. I almost forgot that the sky is held up by massive pillars.
It's only because we later Satan caused us to foolishly created finer categories that there is confusion. We should have stuck to the much more elegant "flying things" categorization of birds, mammels, insects, etc.
Originally posted by Al Davison
good points!
actually, I don't think any book of any bible that is named after a person was actually written by that person. Am I wrong about this? Is there maybe one exception?
Originally posted by BadMojo
I must correct myself. Job was not the actual author of the book of Job. The author is actually unknown, yet the period it was written is believed to be in the 2nd century BC (2000-1000). Thanks for having look more directly at my information, spam.
Originally posted by BadMojo
As for cloud cover, you yourself stated it was your interpretation and that you may not know any better.
Originally posted by BadMojo
If you take the literary translation of "winged creatures" it is swarming things with wings. I can see why you are confused by your statement regarding insects. I don't quite understand your point of that one either.
Originally posted by BadMojo
By the way, which of the dozen or so revisions of the KJV are you using? That may help to clarify some things.
Originally posted by BadMojo
But I fail to understand why sources other than the Bible cannot be used to prove it.
Originally posted by Lord Vilmur
Christianity is a pagan religion...
Originally posted by spamandham
Don't you mean was? It's evolved into something totally different
Originally posted by Lord Vilmur
Christianity is a pagan religion...
Originally posted by Lord Vilmur
God lives in the sky...Zeus
Originally posted by Lord Vilmur
The devil lives in the ground.. Pluto
Originally posted by Lord Vilmur
Gehena in the old world translation a burning dump, in the modern bible= hell
Originally posted by Lord Vilmur
hades was the Latin name fro Pluto...hades=hell=pluto
Originally posted by Lord Vilmur
Eoster a pagan holiday for spring...Easter a christian holiday for spring
Originally posted by Lord Vilmur
Mithra a spring time roman god...birdthday december 25 (when adjusted for the julio gregorian calender) Christs B-day December 25...
Originally posted by Lord Vilmur
what animals were babies when Chrsit was born and what time of year are then born? look it up you'll see we are either early or late compared to what time of year when the average season is for mamals.
Originally posted by Lord Vilmur
The old testament said I am your God a jeaous god and then about the time of the council of nicea suddenly he became "WE"? and you shall have no gods before it one two, or three?
Originally posted by Lord Vilmur
The old testament states the serpent tempted Eve, and that is why he lost his comparison was made between the devil and the serpent until the 13th century. If it was the devil why punish serpents.....
Originally posted by Lord Vilmur
I have more but why go on...
Originally posted by Lord Vilmur
the faithful will still have faith, and those who doubt will never see otherwise.
Originally posted by Lord Vilmur
we will be diminished but GOD will not.
Originally posted by Lord Vilmur
no matter his/her Name or function. The Earth will follow gravity and we will follow it.
Originally posted by spamandham
But the pagan origins are undeniable (except to Christian apologists).
Originally posted by spamandham
Really, there's very little about modern Christianity that has anything to do with Judaism which is it's purported root.
Originally posted by spamandham
It's pretty obvious that paganized Jews who knew almost nothing about Judaism synthesized Christianity by applying astrological mystery religion to Jewish scriptures out of context.
Originally posted by spamandham
Is it a coincidence that Christianity was born at the dawn of the age of Pisces, and that Pisces (aka ichthus) is the symbol for Chrsitainity? I think not.
Originally posted by spamandham
Is it a coincidence that Jesus has 12 disciples and that there are 12 constellations in the zodiac?
Originally posted by spamandham
Is it a coincidence that the symbol of the cross predates Christianity and is associated with the Milky Way? No.
Originally posted by saint4God
Originally posted by spamandham
But the pagan origins are undeniable (except to Christian apologists).
I've apologized for nothing.
Originally posted by saint4God
One God, the Old Testament, any of this ringing a bell?
Originally posted by saint4God
Enlighten me. Why would paganized Jews tell other people not to be paganized Jews? That was Jesus' teaching in the gospels. There's too many to quote.
Originally posted by spamandham
Is it a coincidence that Christianity was born at the dawn of the age of Pisces, and that Pisces (aka ichthus) is the symbol for Chrsitainity? I think not.
Originally posted by saint4God
When was the Age of Pisces? What caused the dawn of the Age of Pisces? Have you seen the symbol for Pisces? It don't look like no ichthus, why not? What significance does IXOYE have with Pisces? So many question yet to answer in order to fully explore...
Originally posted by saint4God
Originally posted by spamandham
Is it a coincidence that Jesus has 12 disciples and that there are 12 constellations in the zodiac?
Numerology? Really... Is it a coincidence that my clock reads 10:56? Hmmmmm? How about that bump on your head? Does that mean you like chocolate?