So, I have been following the now 5-part Coronavirus thread on here very closely (since the outbreak in January).
Something that I have found interesting from the start has been how governmental actions HAVE NOT corroborated with the media’s agenda on the topic.
I think it’s fair to say that in general, the public has been wilfully ignorant in consuming any story that the media has churned out. There are a
multitude of reasons as to why this is, but overall, I think it comes down to people being comfortable in their worldly bubble that has been
purposefully created by TPTB (this is a whole other thread by the way).
Another point to mention here, between my boss & I, we both know five people diagnosed with pneumonia since January (through work). None particularly
‘old’ or ‘vulnerable’ – something else to be noted whilst following this virus. And, none were tested for Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Anyway, without digressing too much, I am writing this thread because I have just finished watching Contagion (2011). Now, there are FAR too many
coincidences in this film related to COVID-19, that if the film were to come out tomorrow it would be as if it was written about COVID-19, in EVERY
detail, from start – finish. Whilst watching the film, I began to dig and read into the background of the story on my phone, and within five minutes
(literally), I found a link between Scott Burns (the screenwriter) & Dr Larry Brilliant (Medical Officer at the World Health Organisation). Scott
Burns literally admits to drawing inspiration from Dr Brilliant & Dr Lipkin (a virologist) to write the story. (link here: Now, I won’t go into too much detail about the film
(I really don’t need to as we’re living it, LOL) , however, Jude Law plays a conspiracy theorist who recognises that there is an existing cure,
but there is too much money to be made from pharmaceutical companies (& the government), control (people are quarantined in FEMA camps) & political
agenda from TPTB. Interestingly, the vaccine is dovetailed with a wristband (mark of the beast anyone??).
Whilst watching, I thought there are just TOO many coincidences to not share this, and a timeline of the other information I have come across in my
travels of following this pandemic.
In Contagion, the virus attacks
the Central Nervous System & the Respiratory System, which can be seen clearly when the main character’s
(Matt Damon) wife (Gwyneth Paltrow) has a fit and dies, much alike to the videos we’ve seen in China and Iran.
Source to show how coronavirus attacks the Central Nervous System here:
Seizure in New York link:
First-hand testimony from an Italian Doctor on the effects caused to the lungs & respiratory system:
American Coronavirus patient lungs shutting down:
Iranian Hospital, underreported death #:
If Contagion isn’t convincing you, In October 2019, the US CDC & Chinese CDC held a coronavirus pandemic scenario to play out preparations in such a
scenario (I got this from another poster her, so kudos and thanks for that info):
As many of you will know, Contagion is not the only film which has predicted such an event. In recent weeks we have learned that there have been a
couple of books which have predicted a pneumonia like apocalyptic flu, or the Wuhan-400
Sylvia Browne predicts pneumonia like flu to spread the globe in 2020:
Dean Koontz predicts ‘Wuhan-400’:
The Anglo Saxon Mission predicting a bio weapon being released in China, which spreads to Iran, and eventually the West:
Something else I have noticed on my travels which I have found extremely odd:
Boris Johnson’s Actions:
I was chatting to a friend about this, whether they are acts of negligence or there is an agenda behind the actions taken by the UK government:
Firstly, countries such as China, Japan, Italy & Iran were all hit hard in advance to the UK. China, Japan and Italy. I’m not entirely sure of the
situation in Iran, but I do know it as a mess and they’ve released a vast number of prisoners as a result of the pandemic, but, the other countries
all introduced full lockdowns.
Now last week in the UK, Boris went against the grain and decided to take the action of ‘Herd Immunity’ , which has since been discredited by a
number of scientists (see link, and try to ignore the fact it’s from Daily Mail because the information is still the information:
What do our scientific experts know that the other countries who introduced a full lockdown do not? And why has Boris now gone back on his initial
Herd Immunity idea, to impose a full lockdown. Are the UK scientists more qualified than every other expert and scientist in the countries that the
pandemic is happening in, which they are witnessing first-hand? From the outside looking in, it looks obvious, they are locking down, we should
Having the school’s open has ensured that the working from home initiative and attempting to stay away from public places or limit exposure is
COMPLETELY redundant? And so, School’s have been left open for an additional few week whilst others are trying to limit exposure, but most families
have kids etc - so is that Negligence, or is there an Agenda?
Washing Hands / Virus Airborne:
I like many other readers on here, discovered that the virus was Airborne as far back as January which made sense in viewing the videos of China
completely disinfecting streets, towns, buildings etc. Ignore the fact this is a recent article, there are countless studies previously on here and on
the web that suggested it was airborne:
So the virus is now found to be airborne, and the best previous advice that we had was to wash our hands for the length of ‘Happy Birthday to Me,
Happy Birthday to Me’. We all found out quickly that there were studies it was suggested to be airborne. I MEAN there were videos of China
disinfecting EVERYTHING. So top government officials or scientists were not able to find this out, or advise this? – Negligence or Agenda?
edit on 18-3-2020 by HallowedEarth because: (no reason given)