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WAR: Military Says Terrorists Might Use Bird Flu as Bioweapon

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posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 09:16 AM
On the heels of the World Health Organization (WHO) advisory for countries to stockpile H5N1 bird flu vaccine - a policy designed to spur mass-production - military reports say the bird flu virus could be used as bioweapon. As it stands, vaccine makers have not mass-produced H5N1 vaccine because it's not profitable. Patents and Intellectual Property Rights for the technology are held by several different owners, and the licensing and fees to use the technology cut into profits. Quite simply, there is "not enough bird flu vaccine to go around." In this light, claims that terrorists might use the virus as a bioweapon are suspicious.

The World Health Organization is to be applauded for its efforts to try to ramp up product of vaccines to protect people from the coming flu pandemic. Despite their best intentions, however, the world isn't ready for such a viral outbreak. Should such an epidemic actually occur soon, millions of people will likely be killed while waiting for vaccines. There simply isn't enough flu vaccine production to go around.

......surviving the next pandemic need not depend on vaccines at all. Healthy individuals can survive the pendemic merely by dramatically boosting immune system function and supplementing with anti-viral herbs as well as powerful antioxidants (see related ebook on antioxidants) like astaxanthin.


WHO Tries to Force Bird Flu Vaccine Production

The World Health Organization is about to advise countries to stockpile the influenza vaccine for H5N1, responsible for the deadly birdflu outbreak in Southeast Asia.

Canada is exempted from this strategy because it has already amassed stockpiles of two types of anti-viral drugs, has a long-term contract for made-in-Canada pandemic flu vaccine and the recent go-ahead to make, test and license trial batches of H5N1 vaccine. This project could reduce by four months the manufacturing time if that virus erupts into a pandemic. Canada already has a very good mixed package of different complementary interventions at its disposal.

The upcoming policy is meant to provide financial incentives for flu vaccine makers to start crucial work on developing and testing H5N1 vaccines.

The United States has ordered two million doses for stockpiling; France and Italy are in negotiations to buy bulk orders as well.


Bird flu virus could be used as bioweapon

Experts on virology warn that it would be a relatively simple task to genetically engineer the H5N1 virus (bird flu) into a viral agent that could spread widely without the need for human-animal contact. The use of such an agent as a deliberate infective weapon would be difficult to detect, because the H5N1 virus could mutate into a human-transmissible form without human intervention.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

The real bird flu epidemic story is much more complicated, and has little to do with terrorism. Unless we go back to the early 1900's.

The USA ordered 2 million doses of H5N1 vaccine last fall; Canada has chosen to stockpile anti-viral medications. Neither country's preparations are adequate. The population of the USA is nearly 300 million, so 298 million Americans will not be protected. To date, anti-virals have proved ineffective against the H5N1 bird flu strain, leaving Canadians with no protection.

In Canada at least, national plans for dealing with the anticipated flu pandemic are trickling down to the regional level. For example, this week's disaster management conference in the Province of Manitoba will give planning details to officials and emergency personnel. Manitoba is slightly larger than Texas, with a population of less than 1.2 million. All residents are covered by the Manitoba Health Services Insurance Plan. Authorities assure Manitobans that if and when the pandemic does occur, the Province is prepared.

Provincial officials study emergency flu plan

Elected officials and emergency personnel will hear details of Manitoba's plan to deal with such a health disaster for the first time this week at a provincial disaster-management conference.

Among the plan's most dramatic steps: a proposal to conscript retired or part-time medical personnel, because a flu outbreak would likely cause hundreds of health professionals to get sick themselves.

The plan also has provisions to turn schools and malls into temporary hospitals, and spells out who would get flu vaccine first.

In the USA, the "Key Facts" about bird flu available from the CDC are re-written with regularity and generally contradict other available sources. See: March 8, 2005 Version: CDC "Key Facts" about bird flu

For example, the current CDC fact sheet says H5N1 bird flu doesn't cross species barriers. In fact, H5N1's ability to cross species is what makes it so dangerous. Over the past few years, H5N1 has been reported in birds, pigs, cats and other animals.

September, 2004: Re: Bird flu

"It seems this virus (H5N1 bird flu) is quite versatile - it appears in pigs, cats and other animals, so it can appear in places that were never thought about before." Omi said. "This virus is very infectious," he added. (Shigeru Omi, WHO regional director for the Western Pacific)


Fearful expert tells of bird flu in pigs

Presumably to protect the nation's poultry industry, the CDC skims right over the fact that bird flu is present in the meat of infected birds, including ducks and chickens. The CDC "fact sheet" also neglects to mention that this flu strain can present with gastrointestinal symptoms, and without other "typical" flu symptoms.

We report the first case of avian influenza in a patient with fever and diarrhea but no respiratory symptoms. Avian influenza should be included in the differential diagnosis for patients with predominantly gastrointestinal symptoms, particularly if they have a history of exposure to poultry.

Atypical avian influenza (H5N1). Emerg Infect Dis. 2004 Jul;10(7):1321-4. Apisarnthanarak A, Kitphati R, Thongphubeth K, Patoomanunt P, Anthanont P, Auwanit W, Thawatsupha P, Chittaganpitch M, Saeng-Aroon S, Waicharoen S, Apisarnthanarak P, Storch GA, Mundy LM, Fraser VJ. Thammasart University Hospital, Klong Luang, Pratumthani, Thailand. PMID: 15324560

The CDC "fact sheet" also assures Americans that H5N1 bird flu has not entered the USA. However, without using molecular diagnostics on each and every person in the nation, such a claim legitimately cannot be made.

In fact, scientists are pleading with governments to use molecular diagnostics for accurate diagnosis. In March of 2004, researchers from the Neuroscience Research Institute in Peking recommended the use of molecular diagnostics towards the establishment of "systems of sensitive and fast detection methods as the first line of alarm." Such systems have not been created or implemented anywhere in North America.

See: The necessity of molecular diagnostics for avian flu

As with Mad Cow, bird flu could be epidemic and no one would ever know - because the testing protocols are totally inadequate.

H5N1 bird flu is now known to spread person-to-person, and to be asymptomatic in some individuals. This means that unknown to anyone, some people might be carriers.

Relatives of avian flu patients have asymptomatic cases

Mar 9, 2005 (CIDRAP News) – Two relatives of avian influenza patients in northern Vietnam have tested positive for the virus without being sick, according to reports from Vietnam today.


researchers have recently described several instances of person-to-person transmission.

Now there is evidence that in rare cases it can spread from person to person.

Bird flu can be transmitted in a variety of different ways: between animals, birds and humans via physical contact or droplets in the air; in feces and urine and therefor, in water and soil and from contaminated surfaces. More to the point, the virus apparently can survive an unusually long time without a host.

For example, British microbiologist Professor Hugh Pennington is urging a ban on poultry feathers from China because of possible contamination with the H5N1 bird flu virus.

Feather pillows may carry Asian bird flu

Poultry feathers imported from China to make products such as pillows could carry the avian flu virus, says a British microbiologist who is urging the British Government to consider banning them.

"Terrorist" warnings are being released to cover up government mismanagement, some theorists observe. With increasing regularity, military and other officials are suggesting that bird flu might be a purposefully designed biological weapon. Here is a recent military "report" that was "leaked" to the press.

Military intelligence warns that avian flu could be used as weapon: report

The military's intelligence arm has warned the federal government that avian influenza could be used as a weapon of bioterrorism, a heavily censored report suggests.

It also reveals that military planners believe a naturally occurring flu pandemic may be imminent. The report, entitled Recent Human Outbreaks of Avian Influenza and Potential Biological Warfare Implications, was obtained under the Access to Information Act by The Canadian Press.

The report outlines in broad terms the methods that could be used to develop a manmade strain of influenza capable of triggering a human flu pandemic. ...It notes a method called "passaging," while not entirely predictable, could be a "potentially highly effective" way to push a virus to develop virulence. ..."Such forced antigenic shifts could be attempted in a biological weapons program," says the 15-page report, dated Dec. 8, 2004.

Current bird flu warnings also threaten to shift the focus - and the funding - away from the war on terrorism.

Catastrophic bird flu outbreak possibility poses greater risk than terrorists

As an outbreak of bird flu in Asia has begun to spread among humans, British health officials say a catastrophic worldwide epidemic is likely on the horizon. The government is already reportedly planning to cancel large public events if the flu hits the nation in epidemic proportions. Officials say a potential flu epidemic is more of a public danger than any potential threat by terrorists.

In fact, scientists have been tracking bird flu mutations for decades, and warning authorities about the coming dangers if it was left free to evolve. Bird flu pathology is linked to a misfolded protein called "a-smooth muscle actin" (a-SMA) and mutated cells called "myofibroblasts," which cause fibroplasia and create fibrosis. This disease pathology first emerged in the USA in the early 1900's.

Misfolded a-SMA and myofibroblast pathology characterize a disease called fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD). FMD was offically acknowledged in the USA in 1938 when Drs. Leadbetter and Burkland proved the disease was being transmitted congenitally. FMD first was discovered in domestic turkeys in the USA in 1980.

See: Fibromuscular Dysplasia

H5N1 bird flu's evolutionary tale is long, and linked via the actin protein to FMD and Mad Cow disease. Understanding the tale takes knowledge of molecular biology, biochemistry, proteomics and genetics, at least. Our governments are counting on our scientific ignorance.

The disinformation campaign extends to agriculture. Veterinary texts are being re-written to highlight "growing concerns that cattle and other livestock could be used by terrorists to poison the nation's food supply."

See: Popular Veterinary Manual Gets Update

The unfortunately harsh reality is that terrorists don't need to do anything at all. It's already been done, in the name of capitalism and the free market.

Concerns to protect industry and "the economy" override any efforts to protect ordinary people from the H5N1 bird flu epidemic, as with the Mad Cow epidemics. Unfortunately, what people don't know can hurt them.

Someday soon, it no longer will be possible to camouflage this new epidemic, and "the terrorists" will be held responsible. And although the time for effective quarantine is decades past, no doubt quarantine will be touted as the best defense.

Related News Links:

Related Discussion Threads:
NEWS: Government Plans for Flu Epidemic: Update
NEWS: WHO warns of bird flu pandemic
SCI/TECH: Russian Expert Fears Flu Epidemic May Kill Over A Billion People This Year.
NEWS: Bush Pushes Wrong Flu Vaccine to American People

[edit on 11-3-2005 by soficrow]

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 09:25 AM
If the terrorist were as big and bad as we have been led to think they would have brought Ebola from Africa by now that is there own back yard and it would be easy to do.

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 09:32 AM
I think we all know by now that Terrorists could use anything as a weapon. This thread is just another form of the Mass Media trying to instill fear in people.

Watch out for box cutters, safety-pins, shoe laces, braided hair, table cloths, pantyhose, tootpics and yes ladies in genlemen, cheetos!

What's the point soficrow? Oh, birdflu can be used by

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by 00PS
I think we all know by now that Terrorists could use anything as a weapon. This thread is just another form of the Mass Media trying to instill fear in people.

What's the point soficrow? Oh, birdflu can be used by

You need to read the articles before you comment OOPS. There is a fund of good info here, all of which you obviously missed. FYI - This article makes the same point you just did, except with effort, attention and research.


posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by soficrow
You need to read the articles before you comment OOPS. There is a fund of good info here, all of which you obviously missed. FYI - This article makes the same point you just did, except with effort, attention and research.


Your best thread yet Sofi! I have a couple of questions, but first I want to say that the point you made about the terrorists getting blamed for government mistakes, that's the harsh reality most people in middle America will be unaware of, unbelieving of, incredulous over, probably unto death.
I think the situation in America has gone way past the point of belief, to the point where life is so surreal nobody out there in TV land has ANY idea of what's going on. They will eat what's fed to them..even if it kills them.

Now on to my questions, they're brief, but I fear the answers won't be.
For those of us in the know, the rule of opposites probably still applies (if They point right and scream, look left.)

Is there any evidence to suggest that the similarity between FMD and this hybrid strain of influenza is 'unnatural?' In other words, what degree of manipulation is present, and is that manipulation 'tagged' with signs of human interference? Or is it just a case of natural, viral evolution, which is more evidently more rapid than any other organism on earth?

Also, to what degree is the delivery mechanism critical to the human-human transmission? I imagine that an aerial spray or food contamination would spread like wildfire, as would any contamination of water sources. In other words, if this epidemic occurs naturally, won't we be able to tell because the transmission patterns will be identical to every other instance of flu? Or do we have no way of knowing, or discerning the source of the epidemic based on the particulars of its transmission?

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by soficrow

"Terrorist" warnings are being released to cover up government mismanagement, some theorists observe. With increasing regularity, military and other officials are suggesting that bird flu might be a purposefully designed biological weapon. Here is a recent military "report" that was "leaked" to the press.

It also reveals that military planners believe a naturally occurring flu pandemic may be imminent. The report, entitled Recent Human Outbreaks of Avian Influenza and Potential Biological Warfare Implications, was obtained under the Access to Information Act by The Canadian Press.

health officials say a catastrophic worldwide epidemic is likely on the horizon. The government is already reportedly planning to cancel large public events if the flu hits the nation in epidemic proportions. Officials say a potential flu epidemic is more of a public danger than any potential threat by terrorists.

In fact, scientists have been tracking bird flu mutations for decades, and warning authorities about the coming dangers if it was left free to evolve. Bird flu pathology is linked to a misfolded protein called "a-smooth muscle actin" (a-SMA) and mutated cells called "myofibroblasts," which cause fibroplasia and create fibrosis. This disease pathology first emerged in the USA in the early 1900's.

Misfolded a-SMA and myofibroblast pathology characterize a disease called fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD). FMD was offically acknowledged in the USA in 1938 when Drs. Leadbetter and Burkland proved the disease was being transmitted congenitally. FMD first was discovered in domestic turkeys in the USA in 1980.

H5N1 bird flu's evolutionary tale is long, and linked via the actin protein to FMD and Mad Cow disease. Understanding the tale takes knowledge of molecular biology, biochemistry, proteomics and genetics, at least. Our governments are counting on our scientific ignorance.

The unfortunately harsh reality is that terrorists don't need to do anything at all. It's already been done, in the name of capitalism and the free market.

Concerns to protect industry and "the economy" override any efforts to protect ordinary people from the H5N1 bird flu epidemic, as with the Mad Cow epidemics. Unfortunately, what people don't know can hurt them.

Someday soon, it no longer will be possible to camouflage this new epidemic, and "the terrorists" will be held responsible. And although the time for effective quarantine is decades past, no doubt quarantine will be touted as the best defense

whoa... lots of info... good job on the research sofi

hope you don't mind if i cull down the info and put my own punch to it...

Jon Stewart said it best when he jokingly said... everything that is being done to the american public will be blamed on the gay married terrorists...

To loosely paraphrase, I am worried that countries like China, will destroy thousands of chickens at the first sign of the flu, and our own government wont even admit it exists or that it is crossing species...

worried about panic much?
The administrations response seems clear...
they will neglect to be prepared for an epidemic, and if/when it occurs... they will blame it on the terrorists , thus reinforcing the "neccessity" of the patriot act 1,2 and maybe more...

I would have thought this idea absurd, only a week ago... that was before my eyes were opened to some facts of how our leaders do business.

the Northwood report is a good example... it talks about what they wanted to achieve during the cuban missle crisis... they were willing to kill innocent civilians by the hundreds (and blame it on cubans), just to get the moral backing of the american populace...
or during WW2... when our president had full knowledge of Pearl Harbor, but ordered a hush on all info warning them... why?
he had to have an "alamo" to rally the american public to a blood frenzy...
and i wont even think about 9-11... could our own leaders have done it?... well they did on several previous occassions, so why not one more?

our leaders have a habit of using the public like pawns in a grand game of "get what they want..." albeit they probably think they are acting in the best interests of the people they serve... but they are wrong...

We are an intellegent country...the american people deserve the truth... and we also deserve to know when we HAVE to clean up a mess from the past, and not be lied to (iraq)...
I would rather be depressed and know the truth, than be fed lies that make me feel all "happy happy joy joy..."

and as to the actual danger from bird flu... i think we are slightly lucky...
this flu seems to not follow the rules, and therefore, cannot be predicted by any "worse case scenarios" so whatever plans the leaders have, they probably wont work they way they want them to....

also sofi: you made the connection between FMD and bird flu...
clarify please... is it a situation where people with FMD are more likely to get the deadly form of the virus, while non FMD, might be mild sufferers, or is it that the FMD allows the birds to get sick? or is it that they are variants of the same prion based issue?

again, lots of info... lots of hard work... thanks sofi

[edit on 11-3-2005 by LazarusTheLong]

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne

Is there any evidence to suggest that the similarity between FMD and this hybrid strain of influenza is 'unnatural?'

The specific pathology of fibroplasia and fibrosis - resulting from the accumulation of misfolded proteins - was not observed and reported in about 300 years of microscopic tissue analysis. ...It first emerged in the very late 1800's, early 1900's.

A variety of technologies create misfolded proteins as a byproduct - electricity, centrifuges and so forth. The pharmaceutical industry routinely has "spoiled batches" of misfolded proteins, which they basically dump down the drain and into the sewage, then waterways, soil, drinking water and away.

....Evidence suggests that some or all of these misfolded proteins have the capacity to become infectious.

I tend to think FMD was introduced into the human population via the first mass vaccinations - of soldiers in WW!. ...As mentioned, FMD involves a-SMA, a misfolded actin protein.

...The vaccinations may have been contaminated accidentally or purposefully.

In other words, what degree of manipulation is present, and is that manipulation 'tagged' with signs of human interference?

This is difficult to determine because Bush stopped US scientists from sharing samples and/or genetic information about infectious microbes. The official position is that the information could be used by terrorists - scientists say it's essential to understand disease.

Misfolded proteins have the ability to become infectious prions. ...Because virtually every form of life has actin proteins, the a-smooth muscle actin can infect any kind of life - including viruses and bacteria. ...And it's been spreading and mutating for the past 100 years or so. We're at the climax, apex, denouement.

Or is it just a case of natural, viral evolution, which is more evidently more rapid than any other organism on earth?

Some microbes can evolve inside of 9 minutes. .....Terrorists don't have to do anything. Nature's already doing it.

FYI - Bird flu is only one of hundreds of new infectious mutations running around unchecked, unregulated and unfiltered from the water supply.

Also, to what degree is the delivery mechanism critical to the human-human transmission? I imagine that an aerial spray or food contamination would spread like wildfire, as would any contamination of water sources. In other words, if this epidemic occurs naturally, won't we be able to tell because the transmission patterns will be identical to every other instance of flu? Or do we have no way of knowing, or discerning the source of the epidemic based on the particulars of its transmission?

Doesn't matter. Moot point. Fact is, terrorists don't NEED to tinker with this disease. Nature already did, in combination with radiation and other environmental contaminations. It's a done deal. Further tinkering is absolutely pointless and unnecessary - and could never accomplish what nature did after the Pandor's box was opened, and these little suckers were released into our world. Way back.

H5N1 bird flu is but one of numerous new "natural" microbial mutations floating around in our world. Some are less deadly than others, most have both acute and chronic stages.

...It may be that the only hope really does lie in humans developing 'natural' and 'acquired' immunities. In any event, that's where governments are putting their money. No efforts have been made to remove the causes or the factors that trigger weird mutations - or to find cures.

Big Pharma built their industrial power by pitching snake oil to treat secondary symptoms.


posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong

Someday soon, it no longer will be possible to camouflage this new epidemic, and "the terrorists" will be held responsible. And although the time for effective quarantine is decades past, no doubt quarantine will be touted as the best defense

Jon Stewart said it best when he jokingly said... everything that is being done to the american public will be blamed on the gay married terrorists...

That's it, in a nutshell.

I am worried that countries like China, will destroy thousands of chickens at the first sign of the flu, and our own government wont even admit it exists or that it is crossing species...

One of the many 'issues' being addressed in closed international meetings. Needless to say, China is seriously po'd at the US over this one - especially that bit about blaming China for starting it. ...The bird flu did NOT originate in China - this charge has been debunked repeatedly over the past 4 years - but the spin-masters keep pushing it out.

they will neglect to be prepared for an epidemic, and if/when it occurs... they will blame it on the terrorists , thus reinforcing the "neccessity" of the patriot act 1,2 and maybe more...

Yep. That's the plan.

We are an intellegent country...the american people deserve the truth... and we also deserve to know when we HAVE to clean up a mess from the past, and not be lied to ...

I would rather be depressed and know the truth, than be fed lies that make me feel all "happy happy joy joy..."

Agreed. Americans are intelligent - and perfectly able to deal with crises.

Re: depression. IMO - depression results from emotional resistance - which is created by confusion re lies and bs. Lose the lies and bs, and people will quickly grasp the situation, respond, and move forward with purpose AND ability.

also sofi: you made the connection between FMD and bird flu...
clarify please... is it a situation where people with FMD are more likely to get the deadly form of the virus, while non FMD, might be mild sufferers, or is it that the FMD allows the birds to get sick? or is it that they are variants of the same prion based issue?

The virus virulence and mutation ability result from the actin prion - this gives it the ability to team up with other infectious diseases - and also, to target any variety of cells. It's the prion connection that's turned several diseases into Super-Strains. ...The actin link is also why it can jump species.

...Anyone with a compromised immune system is likely to be more susceptible to this flu - on the other hand, nature does work in very mysterious ways. It may be that FMD confers some kind of immunity rather than a greater susceptibility.

I'm visualizing.


posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 11:09 AM

just can't seem to get the image of the 'terrorists' carrying around dead chickens to rub in the face of the infidels.

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by arnold_vosloo

just can't seem to get the image of the 'terrorists' carrying around dead chickens to rub in the face of the infidels.

that seems to be the point...

so when an epidemic occurs, it WON'T be because our government denied it could affect us, and neglected to do anything to prevent a natural danger...

it's gonna be the fault of the terrorist de'jur'. and all the sheeples will say OHH protect us from the big bad bird flu terror attack... soon will follow:

border closings totally
quarantine areas
even possible nuclear sterilization of large portions of america...

I dunno, but once again it is painfully obvious that info is being censored by our government where even governments as strict as China, or Malaysia are allowing free knowledge...

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 11:50 AM
Why doesnt this surprise me?

And to think there's millions out there who will totally beleive this latest attempt to fool us, well, its just mindblowing!

I could just see my reaction if anyone tells me they have the dreaded flu on account of terrorism
DGTEMPE loses her cool, film at 11

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe

Why doesnt this surprise me?

I could just see my reaction if anyone tells me they have the dreaded flu on account of terrorism
DGTEMPE loses her cool, film at 11

I would like to see that...

Blows me away they keep pulling up this same ol' "It's the terrorists" charge - I mean, does anybody really buy that anymore? ...I sure hope not. It's become pretty obvious what the game is....


posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 01:00 PM
I don't mean to be offensive (but I can't help it - see my avatar) here goes.

Y'all give Americans too much credit. They're really not that smart. According to Brandeis the average American has an IQ of 98, that's the statistical average anyway. For some contrast, the average college graduate has an IQ of 120. Hoo-ahhh! Ouch. It stings a little.

Roughly 75% of Americans have IQs in the sub-100 range. There's the voting demographic for ya' unfortunately. And who was it that said the best argument against a democracy was five minutes speaking with the average voter?

People will 'buy' whatever is sold to them. Perhaps less so now with the help of the internet, but low estimates say only 45% of America is internet capable, high estimates go up to 61% or so. That means that on top of being relatively stupid, no more than 2/3 have access to alternative media sources.

You missed the point of one of my questions, I think because I'm quite sleepy and my syntax is decidedly sub-par (even for an American
). When I asked about the difference between natural and artificial distribution patterns, or infection areas, I was alluding to a possible way to catch anyone who tries to blame terrorists for a natural occurence.

In other words, if the flu naturally spreads in a certain pattern (I don't know if it does or not) and that pattern is not present for this next epidemic, we'll know something isn't right. If the spread of the disease conforms to normal parameters, and the government tries to tell us the disease was spread intentionally by whatever means, we'll know (or have an idea at least) that they're lying. The rate of transmission, or pattern of infection, or the way the epidemic develops, could all be clues that might help in catching the liars in the act. You know what I mean?

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne

You missed the point of one of my questions, I think because I'm quite sleepy and my syntax is decidedly sub-par (even for an American
). When I asked about the difference between natural and artificial distribution patterns, or infection areas, I was alluding to a possible way to catch anyone who tries to blame terrorists for a natural occurence.

In other words, if the flu naturally spreads in a certain pattern (I don't know if it does or not) and that pattern is not present for this next epidemic, we'll know something isn't right. If the spread of the disease conforms to normal parameters, and the government tries to tell us the disease was spread intentionally by whatever means, we'll know (or have an idea at least) that they're lying. The rate of transmission, or pattern of infection, or the way the epidemic develops, could all be clues that might help in catching the liars in the act. You know what I mean?

Mighta bin me. I'm sleepy too. Guess it's going around...

What we've got here is a flu that breaks all the rules. ...Forget normal anything, never mind patterns of distribution. It jumps from people to people to animals around and back again. It sticks to surfaces, and stays infectious for godknows how long.

...It's transmitted by wild birds to domestic flocks, PLUS to other wild and domestic species. ...You could catch it from your pre-schooler, or maybe your cat, or from drinking water or sleeping on a new feather pillow.

It's not like any flu that's ever been. Hate to have to list all the potential vectors.

...But it's here, and it's getting around. Question is just, "When is it going to be undeniably obvious?"


posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 01:20 PM

the Northwood report is a good example... it talks about what they wanted to achieve during the cuban missle crisis... they were willing to kill innocent civilians by the hundreds (and blame it on cubans), just to get the moral backing of the american populace...
or during WW2... when our president had full knowledge of Pearl Harbor, but ordered a hush on all info warning them... why?
he had to have an "alamo" to rally the american public to a blood frenzy...
and i wont even think about 9-11... could our own leaders have done it?... well they did on several previous occassions, so why not one more?

Lazarus even my husband would not believe that our government will do something like that.

Just because they only plan on it, it doesn't mean that they had not done something like that before.

Look at the after 9/11, if terrorist were to get us they would have keep on doing more attacks on us, after all the 9/11 took our nation into a semi stage of panic, terrorist that really wanted to hurt our nation would have keep on attacking to completely destabilized us.

But they didn't, I used to laugh at the people that came up with their conspiracies and call all a hoax.

Now after 3 years I wonder.

How many Americans or humans in general are worth a sacrifice to get what a group wants? Terrorist has not problem sacrificing themselves for their cause and their very own.

You don't need to take infected chickens and rob them on people faces, is always other way to use a bio weapon.

Like you said is mad cow disease in other countries, is also bird flu, people is being infected, even Canada is having problems.

But is just to weird that we in our country have not heard or seen anything even remote as to infections but one or two cows here and there, and always is been stressed that they "Were not for consumption" now if you find one cow, you know that is more also sick and infected.

Cover up? I am starting to wonder.

While I was on jury duty recently one of the other jurors is a well known cattle rancher in our community he is also a vet, I ask him jokingly if he has found any of his cows infected.

He said to me that they are not required to test if the cows are only for milk production.

And that they few cows they have for consumption they only run test if any of the cows are showing symptoms of sickness.

He also told me that his cows were strictly on grass diet, and that only a few months prior to put them in the market they will used feed, but only to make sure that the fat doesn't look yellowish and but the pretty white
you see in the market.

He also has meat for sell that has never been feed anything else but grass.

Now I know he was protecting his business but I kind of don't get it, if mad cow is so dangerous why our country is not testing often and is not into law.

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 02:36 PM
slightly off the topic marg,
but if you have the chance... ask a cattle producer what they do with felled cows... these are cows that have fallen or are unable to get up, and usually die soon after... (from disease or "unknown" causes)

a certain fast food franchise actually offers bonuses for hired stockmen that discover these animals and get them to the slaughterhouse. Yeah those golden arches aren't exactly rainbows...

then i could tell you about another popular fast food chain that prides itself on using all it's own animals for it's food source... including milk and ice cream...
a friend that worked in the dairy farm, said they would on occasion, have to remove cows that died while being milked... and yes, the milk from the dead cows went into the vat of milk from all the others...

what caused these cows to die? who knows... they aren't tested...

as to the thread...
The Northwood document is a very damning example of what even our best leaders would do to maintain the "stability of our security"
for those that have a strong stomach and a strong desire to deny ignorance... here ya go:

Northwoods document

[edit on 11-3-2005 by LazarusTheLong]

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 09:25 PM
bird flu is another conamination of our food chain.animals we eat.the way we prepare them or dont to eat.drinking animals blood bad idea.what do you think will happen?the same thing happened with hiv.somebody drinking it has a life of it own.all that is needed is better food chain practices.would stop alot of if we could just get processing food plants using rendered meat byproducts stopped that might cure a few diseases there.

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 09:45 PM
Soficrow, why do you think the US just bought 2 million vaccines of H5N1? You think it is because of an evil plan to rid the world of most people, or are those vaccines available to stop as fast as possible the spread of the virus?...

Do you actually think that all citizens of the US would be infected overnight with this virus?...hardly logical, and not even factual.

BTW, I would like to know what country in the world has enough vaccines for their entire population for H5N1.

[edit on 11-3-2005 by Muaddib]

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by Muaddib
Soficrow, why do you think the US just bought 2 million vaccines of H5N1? You think it is because of an evil plan to rid the world of most people, or are those vaccines available to stop as fast as possible the spread of the virus?...

The USA ordered 2 million H5N1 vaccines last fall when the WHO issued it's advisory.

I would like to know what country in the world has enough vaccines for their entire population for H5N1.

Ermm. No one. That's what the article is about. You should read it. You will find it informative.


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