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Is it no longer a conspiracy

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posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 09:52 PM
a reply to: EternalShadow
You watched Greg Manarino i can tell.
i agree with you.

This is a war fought covertly.

I think the bankers that knew this collapse was coming released the virus to blame the collapse on the virus, bring humanity to its knees begging for help, take the US to 3rd world country status, combine the US and Mexico and Canada, and offer a North American Union with much more control over the people.

It will all be blamed on the virus.

I don't think their plan is going to work though.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: EverythingsWrong

Now they expect the sheeple to believe that just 2 months after holding this game where the world becomes infected by the coronavirus it actually happens was simply a coincidence.

Now remember this was hosted by the bill gates foundation.......who own the patent to the coronavirus and who campaigns for global depopulation

Exactly, thanks for the video! The TPTB are on a full-on multi-frontal attack and this virus is just their starting point. What caught my eye, among other things, is their mentioning of limiting the internet, in their words "limited internet shutdown to quell panic", i.e. controlling the virus narrative and restricting "unapproved unqualified opinions". Evil to the core!

It's one thing when "they" force something on us and another when trying to take us for fools, especially in these times when these evil things are happening out in the open, barely hidden, for the one that has eyes to see, that is.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 12:20 AM
Well, you have to admit this has certainly got the Epstein affair off the radar. Prince Andy too. Brexit is almost a forgotten memory!
There is always an agenda behind every action. At the moment us plebs don't know the agenda but I fear we will soon know. Another 3-4 weeks at most and the picture will become clearer. You cannot keep the people down for too long. They will begin to start thinking and talking and mayhem may well start to creep in. Watch this space.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 12:45 AM
a reply to: EverythingsWrong

A SURE SIGN that you're on to something BIG, is that goes to great lengths to explain why the November Pandemic exercise just happened to be a coincidence, and is totally unrelated to the Covid-19 global Pandemic, that began just 30 days later, in Wuhan, China.


For years, has successfully fooled and brainwashed millions of Americans.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 02:35 AM
a reply to: EverythingsWrong finally someone aware,yes this whole Corona virus is a sham,the mandatory vaccine bill was made months before this outbreak,they have stopped people from assimilating,it's the NWO there will be New Madrid,Juan De Fuca going off after 5-20-21,looks like a pole shift,they plan on hiding out,and deal with aftermath of destruction,like they did in 1812

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 02:51 AM
a reply to: Generation9


You mean December, right?

Because I was hearing about cases way before the Christmas break. But the international media was slow to carry then news because it looked like if was only effecting China.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 03:02 AM
I give it two weeks and the majority of Americans are going to tell the government to shove it and start going back to old routines. People are only going to put up with so much. This whole "shut yourself in while we stop civilization" is not going to work.

I Dont even think Trump is going to put up with it much longer. He knows whats going on and being nice by playing along until this new scam blows up in the globalists face (along with the media). You can tell it burns him up seeing the brilliant economy go down the tubes right after he wins the trade war against China, Bringing the troops home etc.

Same goes for most people. Your average American will play along for a couple weeks and then "screw it, I got stuff to do".

Media will continue to try and scare everyone into submission but it wont work. There is not enough LE and military to enforce nationwide lock downs.

20 years ago they might have gotten away with this. These days a big chunk of the populace sees through it. It just looks stupid and authoratarian. Curfew at 8:00 because the corona monster comes out after dark. Shut down all schools..... but put them all in day cares. Oh and dont worry... the government is going to control resources so nobody buys too much toilet paper.

Heres a check from the government... hush money so we can do some more bailouts.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 03:16 AM
a reply to: agenda51

Food for thought...

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 03:28 AM
a reply to: carewemust

I dont doubt there is more to this than we are seeing. I am just stating that Americans are not going to put up with it for more that a few weeks. Once the days are long and warm they are not going to abide by any curfew. Trump is not going to sit back and watch the workforce suffer and go broke after getting everyone working and self reliant again. Trump is not Obama and he doesnt want record foodstamps and government entitlements to be his lagacy. After seeing all these backrooms meeting Trump has televised its obvious he expects things to happen fast and is not very patient.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 04:22 AM
a reply to: havok

"Event 201 with partners, the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation"

Where is Bill Gates right now?

Did his private plane fly out in the last couple of days?

He has resigned from MS and other boards?

edit on 18-3-2020 by RocketMan0266 because: Ooops. Eticate. Have not been here in a very long time.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 06:16 AM
Corona lasted 6 weeks in China and things are getting back to normal there now.

Quite why Corona will last "6-9 months" in the West I have no idea. This virus smells a lot like BS.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: Generation9

They have been chosen by my Divine Decree by achieving the mythical Trials of Ignorance.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: Generation9

Which 40 week calendar are you going on about?

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 03:00 PM

originally posted by: miri2019
What caught my eye, among other things, is their mentioning of limiting the internet, in their words "limited internet shutdown to quell panic", i.e. controlling the virus narrative and restricting "unapproved unqualified opinions".

Interesting! Yesterday the U.K. started suffering mobile and internet slowdowns and black outs:

Virgin Media is experiencing issues with some of its services, according to customer reports. The outage comes just one day after major phone networks went down across the UK.

My first thought was that surely this is no coincidence. It could well be the higher demand in the last week, though the firms deny this. Could also be, as you say an effort to isolate communities.

This may be a genuine effort to quell panic, but could quickly turn into something uglier. With problems using phones and internet how do people call for help if needed? How do the police react to violent crime? In such a scenario marshal law would need to be established to keep the peace.

Problem — solution.

edit on 18-3-2020 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 03:54 PM
This is highly dubious i think. This always seems to happen and coincidence it is not, although you will never prove it. Its like the terror attack simulation run by Peter Powers on the same day an actual terror attack took place on the London Underground in 2005. Was there not some sort of exercise happening on the day of the twin towers too?

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 09:49 PM

originally posted by: Wardaddy454
Couple this with the conversations everywhere about how everything is changed now, with working and schooling at home, a UBI and so on...

Perhaps this was put in motion by TPBT, using their Chinese puppets/masters/cohorts to usher in that New World Socialist/Communist Order.

Keep people home out of fear, and dependent solely on government. For the greater good.

Sounds like a book.

its being used as a psyop. Your home is now your prison cell. You are an inmate. Your fellow citizens are the guards.

Next elections will be all online to reduce the spread of the next virus. Nobody get to assemble and talk about issue. TPTB control all election results. Brexit will be over. Trump will be voted out etc. etc.

Get ready for implanted chips for medical records and whatever else they want to use it for.

Climate change fiasco did not work so this was the next step. Bioweapons etc.....orchestrated pandemic... whatever.

If this one doesnt work I expect either a fake imaginary asteroid hit or an A Faked Alien invasion useing all the tech we never get to see.

The only real question is how much will people take. We are pushed into a global depression
while the elites are going into hiding. This "invisible enemy" is being used to usher in every NWO plan on the books.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 09:42 PM
a reply to: McGinty

This may be a genuine effort to quell panic, but could quickly turn into something uglier. With problems using phones and internet how do people call for help if needed? How do the police react to violent crime? In such a scenario marshal law would need to be established to keep the peace.

Problem — solution.

As always they need an excuse and if it isn't there they'd create it. Yes, I think they want to isolate people and suppress unwanted opinions with limiting the internet. Isolated people fall into depression faster and so become more vulnerable and manipulatable.

As for the marshall law, they would surely find the excuse, "to keep the peace and preserve order", actually they'd bring the situation too such a level that the population would ask for it. Case in point, a friend of mine was talking the other day about this, saying that the army on the streets would be needed in such case, as if that was the solution. He doesn't know any better, he's uninformed and likes to stay that way.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 10:43 PM
a reply to: miri2019

Full marshal Law could become dicey, the troops follow orders in the chain of command, all it takes is one General , to decide that the Parliament needs to be arrested tried and executed for treason, for the good of the nation and its all over. The reason could be he cannot follow an unlawful order. It might appear that the elite have gone to the same schools , and sing from the same hymn book but all it takes is one to see a chance and the Rubicon is crossed. The Generals hold all the power, because they control the troops. You think it couldn't happen, in a so called first world country it all depends on the levels of chaos reached. Bringing troops onto the street is an admission of failure of the ruling government whatever way you spin it.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 02:41 AM
a reply to: anonentity

You're right about that full marshal law is a decision filled with danger for both sides, but I have a feeling that the TPTB have had the time to vet all of the generals in the meantime. Planning for them for the "final solution" has taken a long time and they've paid attention to detail. All that said, I really hope I'm wrong, I never want to see troops onto the streets.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 03:05 AM

originally posted by: miri2019
a reply to: anonentity

You're right about that full marshal law is a decision filled with danger for both sides, but I have a feeling that the TPTB have had the time to vet all of the generals in the meantime. Planning for them for the "final solution" has taken a long time and they've paid attention to detail. All that said, I really hope I'm wrong, I never want to see troops onto the streets.

That will never happen. They dont have the manpower to pull off marshal law. Soon as it does happen the militia will be activated and whats left of the military will have there hands full. This is a psyop to see if they can lock us down strictly through media hype and a very small group of people.

You will see robot terminators and drone roaming the streets berore you see soldiers. Then its on.

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