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If you don’t agree GTFO of this country

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posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 04:11 AM
Oh boy the loonies are coming out....

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 04:35 AM

originally posted by: Balans
Your attitude seems to be quite the same. By your numbers 3 out of a 100 people die, just because you want to exercise your "freedom". Do you really find that logical?

To be honest, considering all other methods of death this country has to offer -- the massive numbers of heart disease deaths, cancers, accidents, suicides, etc, this really isn't bothering/alarming me much. For something that's been running around unchecked for upward of 4 months or longer, we're doing fine, the already medically effed aside.

And don't try to tug the heart strings with me, "What if it's someone you knooooow?" Well, then so be it, nature does what it wants whether or not you cower in a closet at home for 2 weeks. I'm not an omnipotent entity, I can't control that. The Reaper WILL get you if it's your time.

Once people get fed up with being controlled and restricted, apathy is going to spike well beyond my example above. Think I'm cold? Wait til it's tens of millions of completely broke cabin fevered angry assholes.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 05:02 AM
a reply to: Nyiah

I see where you're coming from but the difference here is in knowing that you staying home a couple of weeks could've eased up the hospital count enough for more people to have gotten better care. That's all it is.

Again, look at Italy for a good example. Medical personnel over there are exhausted and they're having to prioritize better care to some people over others. It's these people that are in the frontlines asking us to ease up their workload or they won't be able to cope anymore.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 05:07 AM
Do you do anything to mitigate risk in your life?

Oh, the irony of railing against authoritarianism and then insisting that everyone who disagrees with you should abandon their country and citizenship.
edit on 17-3-2020 by drussell41 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 06:19 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: Isurrender73

I will fight to the death, your right to say what you just stated in the OP.

I will also fight to the death, another persons right to disagree with you.

Ummm...MEH...I will fight to the right to pour gasoline over the whole thread...and simply remind the one ranting...




posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: Isurrender73
I'm already out of the country...

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 08:41 AM
You don't care if you spread it to others?

This attitude sums up exactly what's wrong with a certain section of society these days.

What a vile, selfish perspective.

Why should ANYONE have to leave the country they love because YOU have decided what "right" is?

GTFO my internet.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 09:19 AM

originally posted by: Isurrender73
If you don’t agree GTFO of this country.

Many of you want to impose your fears on me. You want to control my life because you think I’m irrational for not fearing the same things you fear.

Our founding fathers were educated men who were capable of living comfortably under the authoritarian rule of the King. They did not risk everything and sacrifice their comfort, security and some of them their lives to create a better world for themselves. Rather they sacrificed themselves to create a better world for the future.

Our founders believed that freedom and liberty worth dying for. These were not men who were afraid of the risks of freedom, but saw the risks of freedom to be the only things that should matter to society. Their ideology is ingrained into our constitution so that we can know for certain what this country was intended to be.

But many of you stand opposed to the values of our founding fathers.

I say to you GTFO of this country.

When terrorist struck the WTC on 911 many of you applauded the Patriot act which basically suspended the 4th amendment. To those of you that applauded this violation out of fear,

I say to you GTFO of this country.

When someone goes into a large crowd and begins shooting people, many of you would encourage our government to confiscate the firearms from the people.

I say to you GTFO of this country.

Many of you support the suppression of free speech when the speech seems hurtful and wish the government to impose rules that adhere to your social PC ideology.

I say to you GTFO of this country.

Many of you want to make same sex relationships or certain other ideals illegal based on your religious views.

I say to you GTFO of this country.

They took away our rights to drink alcohol, our rights to smoke a plant, our rights to ingest natural mushrooms. If you agree with these people who fear my right to ingest whatever naturally occurring substance that I want,

I say to you GTFO of this country.

Now we have a pandemic which is slightly worse than the flu and you want to demand that I stay home and wish for the government to take such actions against my freedom.

I say to you GTFO of this country.

I do not fear the things you fear. I do not want to give up the rights that I believe in. If I want to go to the bar tomorrow night on Saint Patrick’s day and get drunk with a large group of like minded individuals I do not want my government to tell me I can’t because of your fears.

I say to you GTFO of this country.

To those of you who disagree I want you to know that many authoritarian regimes exist around the world that believe it is the governments job to save us all from the boogeyman, but I don’t need to be saved from your boogeymen. I am not afraid to die. I do not care if I spread some plague to humanity as I exercise my freedoms. My freedoms are more important to me than your fears.

If you want to be locked up in your houses and live under an authoritarian government that has given itself the rights to suspend the publics rights whenever it chooses,

I say GTFO of this country.

Get The (next) Flight Out of this country in case you don’t know what GTFO means.

I just noticed your user name is " ISurrender" lol. Sorry, was just joking with you. You bring out some really good points about the situation. I have to admit, I am for some of those and NOT for some of those. SO what is it about this virus and it's implications that have been causing even ME to think "yes everyone stay home"??? I have been a tin foil hat wearer for many years, and have been against government takeover and all those things, but now this has come about and I have even been catching myself saying "stay home and if not they should force people to stay home"!! what has happened that I feel this way? fear? I don't really know. I guess due to my religious beliefs part of me thinks this is real and if people just stay home a while it can help stop the spread and it will all be over (fear). The other part of me as a Christian knows that this has the earmarkings of being that time talked about in the Bible where the anti-christ is about ready to rock and roll and the one world order/cashless society will finally become a reality in the next year or so (still afraid, but trusting that God has it under control). Either way, you brought out some good points that make a person think - even if I don't 100% agree.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 10:09 AM

originally posted by: fencesitter85
You don't care if you spread it to others?

This attitude sums up exactly what's wrong with a certain section of society these days.

What a vile, selfish perspective.

Why should ANYONE have to leave the country they love because YOU have decided what "right" is?

GTFO my internet.

My mother is in the at risk group. She is on SS she can stay home and stay away if she is scared. However my mom is not the type to fear death. She knows I work and may have the virus unknowingly. Just like everyone else. She still chooses to see me and her grandchildren even though the visits may actually kill her. This is the choice she makes. Other elderly may chose to self quarantine until things seem better. I can’t do that.

This is not a deadly apocalyptic virus that we are talking about. This virus is slightly more deadly to elderly than the common flu.

Are you going to quarantine yourself every time a new disease is found? How is the economy going to work if every couple of months or even once a year the world shuts down out of fear of dying.

We live in a world where 30-40 percent of Americans can’t pay their bills, feed their children, afford medical care, if they don’t get paid for 2 weeks. Do you care about them?

Should 20 million Americans tell their kids that they should go hungry because a strong version of the flu is going around?

Hospitals deal with flu season every year. The only thing that might overrun the hospitals with this disease is fear.

The numbers don’t suggest that this is anything that should garner any bigger response than H1N1 or various other flu like viruses in the past.

Stop allowing a false narrative that is striking at your emotions to control your decisions and give up your freedoms.

I am one those 20-30 million who can’t pay my bills if I miss a paycheck. But that’s ok with you because I have to be afraid of the medias and governments false narrative that is completely illogical based on the actual facts.

edit on 17-3-2020 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-3-2020 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 10:23 AM

originally posted by: Sublimecraft
a reply to: Isurrender73

I do not care if I spread some plague to humanity as I exercise my freedoms.

If your freedoms entail negatively effecting others as you go about exercising them, then they are not freedoms - they are a hazard to society therefore you are the problem, not humanity.

If I force myself into your house and cough on you then I am negativity impacting you.

If I go to a bar with other like minded people tonight how did I effect you? You can stay home for the next 6 months. No one is forcing you to do anything that will put you at risk.

I need my paycheck every two weeks. I would not be able to pay my bills and would be screwed for months if I missed a paycheck.

Do you care about me? Or are your fears more important than me?

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 12:59 PM
I said it in another thread but I'll repeat it here.
Since this virus a few American posters have started having "fits" about there liberty and freedoms.
Look around, with giant corporations turning the the good old U.S.A into America inc, mega rich individuals who can buy opinions in your political system, the military industrial complex who's tendrils reach into all different kinds of American business and your police force becoming a military force, your freedoms are now just a mirage, an old memory of a bygone era. It's now to late to make that stand that some of you cling to. What do you think would happen to you if you tried to resist. Like the Borg said, resistance is futile.

edit on 17-3-2020 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: Kurokage

You are probably correct.

But it only takes one voice from one charismatic individual to restore it to it’s logical roots.

Believe in god or not. Those that are called prophets were those types of individuals. Men with a type of philosophical intelligence that seems lost in the era in which they lived.

One such leader, a JFK type of sorts, could surely bring back the passion of our founding fathers and expound on the logic which was handed down to us through our Constitutional Republic. The purchasing back of our freedoms not through force or finance but through logic and reason.

Maybe it’s just a dream.
But I would not be the first to say “I have a Dream”

edit on 17-3-2020 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 04:09 PM
Ok boomer. You've said your piece then. Selfish people like you annoy me. Why should you get to do what you want and put everyone else at risk. You're a danger to health and safety.

a reply to: Isurrender73

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 04:28 PM

originally posted by: hombero
Ok boomer. You've said your piece then. Selfish people like you annoy me. Why should you get to do what you want and put everyone else at risk. You're a danger to health and safety.

a reply to: Isurrender73

No one has to leave their homes who believes their is a risk.

Why should I have to stay home because of your fears? Why should I lose a paycheck because of your fears?

If 50% of the population is like me then we will all get infected and either die or get better. Then the other 50% like you can come out of your homes.

Your ideology is taking away from me.
My ideology has no impact on you.

If you can afford to tell me to stay home for two weeks then I can afford to tell you to stay home for two months. Really no difference there.

Why does everyone keep saying that I am affecting them by my decisions.

Stay home, it’s your choice. Something that has no impact on me. The selfish ones are the ones imposing their will on me. I am just living my normal life.

edit on 17-3-2020 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-3-2020 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 05:56 PM

originally posted by: ConfusedBrit

I am not afraid to die. I do not care if I spread some plague to humanity as I exercise my freedoms.

You were doing reasonably well until that point.

Now you sound like a drooling lunatic.

(No offence to drooling lunatics - they have their place in society.)

No, he wasn't. He wasn't doing well anywhere.

But never mind because I'm sure a total of 0 people will lose 0 hours sleep over such stupidity.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: Isurrender73

Oh man how I wish keeping bars open through a plauge was in the Constitution, and part of our rights.

Too bad it isn't, guess you'll have to open your own bar brah.

I would be interested to see if they are actually cracking down on gatherings or not. I mean you have a governor step up and say "close all bars as of 8pm". Now is this a law or suggestion? I honestly don't know if it would truly be enforced to the fullest extent or not.

Also OP since all the bars are following this draconian mandate and closing like "non-Americans" is there possibly no bar left in town worthy of you patronage??

Hell drive around see if anybody is out, make your own fun bro, fear nothing man, drink in the STREET. I think you've got some pent up energy find some way to expell it.

This world was not built to please you and remember truly appreciating freedom is hard work drink up bud.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: Isurrender73

I agree with most of what you posted. Starred it.

BUT. If you come around my kids, and you have Ebola, you are probably gonna get shot.
Luckily, I don't have to fulfill this responsibility. The government is supposed to protect me and mine from this kind of stupid. (What is the most dangerous thing in the world? = Stupid People)

So I'll disagree with you there. The function of a government is to enforce laws enacted by the people. If the people say we should stay in our houses because of the boogeyman, then that is a rightful law of the people, and a rightful action of the government our Founding Fathers vision fulfilled.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 08:20 PM
a reply to: Isurrender73

I hear the EU has shut their borders. They are racists! ThunderButt-Berg should leave that place now!

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 08:24 PM

originally posted by: muzzleflash
a reply to: Isurrender73

That was our exact reasoning for justifying all these wars and sacrificing countless soldiers and trillions of our treasures. "To protect our Freedoms"!

I've heard a few people over the years tell me that Americans don't get sarcasm.

Today it's clear to me, that's not true.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 09:53 PM
a reply to: FingerMan

I know my point about ending the world with a plague was a bit over the top. And I would never force myself into contact with anyone.

But my point remains.

And Based on everything they are saying about this virus, I don’t see how ending any quarantine until a vaccine can be produced can actually stop this virus.

I’m sure our actions will slow down the spread for a short time but once a quarantine is lifted what’s going to stop this virus from coming back and causing the same problems?

In the end it would seem to me that without a vaccine people who will die of this disease will still end up with it and dying within the next 6-12 months. Maybe a vaccine is close to ready and they know something that we don’t? But why not just tell us and end the panic and fully justify these actions.

Their are conflicting reports about this virus and of it goes away in warmer weather or not.

If this was Ebola or something as deadly then I probably would have accepted the governments actions and never posted this thread. But I have still not seen actual statistics that suggest that we should have the reaction we are having.

All I have seen is limited data sets that are being used to spread fear. Without expanded testing I will continue to believe we are being fed a false narrative by the government and MSN.

If I am correct about this false narrative what can prevent the government and MSN from creating boogeymen that we all need to fear whenever they feel a narrative shift is in order.

Protesters all around the world have conveniently been silenced. If a false narrative can shut down anti globalists protests this easily what’s to stop them from doing this again?

edit on 17-3-2020 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

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