originally posted by: lakenheath24
Yeeeeah, I wonder about that. Was that a Jewish only thing, or did that apply to all the other heathens about?
a reply to: LABTECH767
Boy you are showing yourself to be a Catholic (or a Scot's reformist), Heathen's indeed.
I am Christian actually but yes I do have some Jewish ancestry or so I believe, guess what so do a hell of a lot of other people and most of them do
not even know or accept it.
You know if it's a choice between that weakling - and he was a weakling people that call other's weak usually are themselves by the way - Friedrich
Nietzsche or his half chimp human animal hybrid friend Darwin and God I would choose God every time, you know why - show me a primordial soup of
randomly created chemical's mysteriously forming in just the right proportions to randomly and mysteriously form the first RNA/DNA strand, show me
this living pool then put on a cellular membrane jacket and climb out of it's soup house and learn to work as a team before becoming somewhere down
the line a man, other than pure science fiction it can't be done, why well it goes against all the laws of conservation of energy and is indeed like
water flowing UP a waterfall.
No one is saying life does not adapt or change over time but who seeded it in the first place? (in this petri dish of a universe, is the spirit world
the real universe and this just an experiment? - are those calling for human population control more like bacteria phage than members of our own
species - seeing humanity as a culture on that petri dish universe that is, are these population control freak's really enemy's within?).
In an infinite universe all thing's that random permutations can achieve are possible even probably but cosmologists believe that while to us vast
our time space continuum (by all definitions the only universe we are likely to ever know barring inter-dimensional travel) is actually very small,
that mean's that life is even less likely to have occurred naturally.
But hey let's all go Hitler like, kill off all the poles and plant a stinking great forest there for the young Germans to live like barbaric savages
in to make them strong, why well because Hitler and his scummy pal's believed in Eugenic's, mass murder and population control.
Just because they put on a green vest does not make them right.
You really want to know what my take on it is, and I am going WAY off on a tangent here, it has happened before, we were culled by a predator species
from somewhere else or even right here or self annihilated, I even have suggestive evidence.
IS this a city or not, I believe it is but you take it as you see and believe yourself which is probably not going to be like my view point.
One thing is definite, the ruin's of what appears to have been a very earth like megalopolis with pin point cratering suggesting targeted bombing
with precision but as much saturation as carpet bombing indicate an direct attempt to eradicate all people in this city, a genuine mass murder rather
than a war, NASA would have you believe this was dust devil's yeah right, guess what we don't need an alien menace to kill us we have our own
quisling's right here right now.
edit on 16-3-2020 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)